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standing up to husband

Posted: Mar 13, 2012

Background is my husband tends to drink too much and then tends to gamble too much.  He will literally go through hundreds of dollars sitting at the local bar on the slot machines if he has the debit card... thus he no longer has a debit card, but he will take mine and do the same thing.  The other day he took my vehicle; had to run to the bar for something and would "be right back."  After several hours passed, I called and asked where the ***#*# he was and some other not-so-nice words.  He hung up on me.  I hopped in his truck with my daughter and drove to the bar where we picked up my vehicle.  My daughter has her license and the bar is well within walking distance of our house, but I did not tell him I was taking my vehicle so when he came outside, well, oh well, he had no vehicle to get home.  He tried calling several times, but I would not answer.  I was not about to let him know that my car was at home safe and sound.  He eventually came home, commented that the police would be here soon cuz he reported the vehicle stolen.  My comment..."that's nice."  As suspected, he was BS'ing.  Now today, he withdraws $100 from checking account.  Going to bar again to "have lunch" with friends, blah, blah, blah.  Was gone for about 4 hours then came home.  I could tell from his actions that he was only home to get more $.  I was right.  He gave me some BS story that someone stole $75 from him and he just got kicked out of the bar.  He wanted more money or the debit card or a check so he could go to a different bar.  I flat out told him absolutely not was he getting the debit card or the checkbook.  I grabbed the checkbook and my purse.  If he had any inkling of getting either of those, he was going to have to use physical force.  I gave him the money that I had which was at least $40 (no need to tell me I shouldn't have done that) and told him he had plenty to go back to a bar and have a beer.  I said, well, have a beer in the garage... nope, not good enough, he needed to go the bar.  He claimed he was just so pi***d that he needed to go back out and talk. Repeated again to him that he was not getting the debit card or the checkbook.  His response... I know where the checks are, I'll just go get one.  My response... then go get one.  He grabbed our savings book, looked at it, and walked out.  Not sure if he thinks he's going to the bank or what, but banks are closed by now.  He thinks because he makes more $ than me, that everything we have is because he bought it.  I took out $100 from my check today - just gave him about $40, gave the kids $ to get clothes, now I have NOTHING left.  My money didn't go to the bar gambling, it went for kids and him.  Told him I didn't believe a word he was saying and what a piece of **** he was and he wasn't getting access to the checking account.  Feels so good to stand up but hope kids are in bed by the time he comes home.  $40 doesn't last too long in the bar, especially when gambling.  Checkbook and debit card are hidden.  Okay, done venting...that feels good also. 


good for you - husbandssuck

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Maybe you should open an account for your money in just your name without a debit card. Then, go to the bank and physically remove the cash he makes from the joint account and put it in yours. Take the checks and anything else to a safe deposit box in just your name so he can't get them. Take the money he would've drank with, get a hotel room for a few days, and tell him he won't see you or any money until he gets some help. That's the only thing I can think. My husband doesn't drink or gamble, but he can spend money like a drunken sailor if I don't keep a tight grip on the finances. I spend it all on payday to go to all bills that need to be paid and he gets $50 blow money to do whatever with. we had to have more than one fight before he figure out I wasn't going to live broke anymore while he acted like an irresponsible jerk.

standing up - feels good

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The sad thing is, he justifies it because we are not hurting for money and what he's doing is not financially strapping us. In my logical eyes, that does not make it okay to do and I think he is just a big "L". In his eyes, he makes good money so he should be able to do whatever/whenever he wants. It's just sickening, but apparently $40 has gotten him at least another 1+ hours in the bar...still not home. Thank goodness!

Well, that's a good thing he makes good money... - MTB

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because he'll need it for all the child support and, God willing, alimony he is about to pay.

Happily Single. (Try it! You'll love it!)

why on earth did you give him $40?? - huh

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That's ridiculous.

How on earth does he perform at work - doing all that drinking and

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Staying out like that all the time? One would think that eventually that type of behavior would affect his job.

I dont allow my husband at any bars without me nor me without him. If we go out we go together and as for having a drink, we typically have that together too, but right at home where it is safe and cheap.

I don't think you should involve your daughter in this - drama

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Why would you involve your daughter in this drama? Sorry, but you need to buck up. You don't get to complain that you have "NOTHING" left after you gave your kids money for clothes and gave him money to go to the bar. If you can't give away that money, then don't. Sorry, I have little sympathy here.

I know. I'm sitting here thinking about how I - will survive when SM

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the company who just bought my company cuts rates again, not having enough money to pay bills as is. I almost wish my problem was what the OPs problem is, at least I would have some control over the outcome.

Ignore drama - know how you feel

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You did not bring your daughter into this drama. She is living it every day. If she is old enough to have a drivers license she has already figured out exactly what is going on. Don't get on that guilt trip train. Many years ago there was a commerical on TV about alcoholism and it showed the family living in a house with a big pink elephant walking all around the house and everyone acted like they didn't see it. Your kids are being affected just as much as you are.

Unfortunately had has a two-fold problem, alcoholism and gambling and he isn't going to quit until he hits rock bottom; are you sure you want to go along for that ride? He has to want to quit, you can't convince him to.

If you cut him off he will just cash his check before you ever see it, or worse yet he will start borrowing money, which could end up putting you and your kids in danger.

I would also check out the bar, chances are there is someone there that is an added reason he has to go to the bar all the time instead of drinking a beer at home.

I went through everything you are going through, minus the gambling part. But he spent tons of money, more than I realized. How did it affect my kids, my oldest son has zero tolerance for anyone that is drunk. My youngest son turned into the best liar you would every want to meet. He watched and he "knew" from being places with him that he was lying to me about not drinking and in his childs mind I guess he figured "Hey he gets away with it so I might as well try it too".

Our marriage eventually ended but I was the one left to deal with the kid who lied about grades, who lied about going to school, etc. Yes, he taught him well. He ended up being a real problem child and didn't really straighten himself out until he was 23. So please don't think for a minute that "you are dragging your daughter into the drama".

Good luck, you have some tough decisions ahead of you.

disagree - drama

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Sorry, but the OP enlisted her daughter's help to exact a consequence from the husband. The daughter may live the drama every day by being a part of the family, but that is WAY different than being pressed into service to DRIVE to the BAR with her MOM to stick it to DAD. It's totally codependent. Adults need to handle their own problems, and should not use their children this way.

Having lived through my parents' divorce and - having seen my mom take all

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of the money, including the money that my dad made, leaving him with nothing to pay the car payment or the house payment that she had not paid in 2 months because she was socking money away, I urge you not to take some of this advice. I understand that my dad drank and was probably not a good husband, but my mom cheated and stole all of the money. I lost a lot of respect for her. I still love her, but I don't like what she did and I don't respect her. The money is not all yours and even though some of these man-hating women think that it is okay to drain all of the accounts because you don't like your husband's actions, it is not. How would you feel if he drew all of the money out of all of the accounts and left you with nothing? I am sure that everyone will find a way to rationalize doing the wrong thing, but I really urge you not to do it. Your daughter sees how both of you act and if you did any kind of a job at all raising her, she will see that relationship problems cannot be attributed all to one of the people involved. Even if that is how you see it, it is probably not how she sees it.

Step 2: Separate bank accounts! Step 3: File - for a DIVORCE from this slob!

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Why are you still married to this do-nothing moocher?

Agree. Cancel your debit card and find a counselor. - sm

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Seriously, get some counseling to help you with seeing what is going on and to develop some healthy plans.

Your description of him as drinking too much and gambling too much is off the mark. The correct terms are ALCOHOLIC and GAMBLER. He is an ADDICT. Both are seriously destructive to your family.

You are excusing his behavior. When you give him money, go get your car, and engage in all that drama and turmoil, you aren't helping him or you and you are providing your daughter with poor role modeling. You are also ENABLING him to pretend he isn't an alcoholic or a gambler. You create the circumstances in which he can engage in his childish behavior. He never has to be responsible because you cover for him.

I cannot fathom why you stay with him, either. He sounds like an unpleasant person.

What good is his better income if he blows it?

did you make a post here - one time about

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husband trying to take off in your car or something to that effect? Anyway, good for you on hiding the debit card and check book.

Sounds like you should be the one managing the money and maybe just give him an allowance and if he spends it all up before time for more then too bad.

Except that she's not his mother... - If she wants to treat him like a child...

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then maybe she shouldn't be surprised when he acts like one.

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