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I agree with the Zimmerman verdict, but (sm)

Posted: Jul 15, 2013

all you people screaming "racist, racist", do you honestly believe that all 6 women picked for the jury were racists?   Really?  If so, it's no wonder this country is in the mess it's in.


Subtle racism exists. - You must know this.

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You do not have to be a member of the KKK to have racist feelings. Surely you know that.

So I guess that's a yes. Unbelievable. Now I know (sm) - OP

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that the ones screaming "racist" are the ones with the problem. I suspected this, but if what you are saying is true, there is no solution to this, and anyone with half a brain shouldn't even bother trying to find one. I know I don't give a rat's patoot anymore what anyone thinks. Thank you for solidifying my feelings on the subject.

You know, this is true. IOW, any court case in the future (sm) - me

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if it is a black/white case, regardless of which is the perpetrator of the crime, blacks will not be happy unless they get a verdict that agrees with the black side. Racism at its finest.
Poppycock idea. - blacks want fairness!
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Your argument is nonsense and illogical.

Black people want FAIRNESS just like I do and most normal human beings.

I live in a city where a black man killed a 13-year-old white girl who was out jogging. He was convicted of murder. There was not 1 (ONE) black person who spoke on his behalf in court when sentencing allowed people to speak on his behalf, not 1 (ONE) black person made an excuse for him and no group of black people protested his conviction.

As a white person, I did not feel his conviction was unfair and I did not think he should be treated differently because he grew up poor and underprivileged which may or may not have been a contributing factor in his actions.

The black man is now sitting on death row.

No one protested his arrest or conviction. Not one single person, black, white or any other ethnic group.
Yeah, right. They never have. (sm) - nm
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Never wanted equality, wanted more. Never want fairness. Want special treatment. I for one am sick of it.
You're generalizing. - nm
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Whatever. - nm
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Don't care anymore
mmm - sm
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I'm not sure what I'm allowed to say about your post. I do believe your post represents a racist point of view, but I am afraid we might not be allowed to use that word.

Apologies to all if I used a bad word. I don't know what other word to use to describe sweeping generalizations about another race.
Generalizing. - nm
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that's an entirely baseless conclusion - nm
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Damned if you do, damned if you don't. - Except for a person dead, this is just a joke.

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Damned if you murder, damned if you don't? - What is the joke?

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Is the joke on Trayvon's parents? Was Zimmerman pulling a prank?
The joke, dear, is that blacks will never be satisfied - with a guilty verdict - no matter the case. (sm)
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People will stop caring soon. I already have.
Anthony Kirkland - Guilty and black
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The joke is that you actually believe this, displaying your own brand of racism, lumping all people of a certain skin color or ethic group into a category, just like Zimmerman did before he stalked and murdered Trayvon Martin.

There are many cases where conviction of a black person is justified and you will not hear black people protesting.

You do realize lumping all people of a certain skin color or ethnicity with certain characteristics is racist do you not?
You're generalizing. - nm
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Whatever - nm
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I just don't agree with that point of view - nm
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racist feelings - lets be honest

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Let me tell you a little story since there really does seem to be a lot of hatred on this board regarding Zimmerman.

When my daughter was 16 (she is now 25) she was walking home from school and she got jumped by 3 black girls who beat her unrecognizable. They ruptured her sleen, broke 4 ribs, broke facial bones, bruised an eye socket, fractured her tibia. Want to know why? Because she was talking to a black boy in school and they felt she was flirting with him. Now is that racism or what?

To me that was attempted murder but they got off with probation and a fine. Were supposed to pay for all copays for hospital and doctor bills but I am still waiting. All I get is excuses in letters from the court and because they are not paying the fines their probation was extended.

The reason they couldn't go for attempted murder on these girls (and I use that word very, very loosely) is because my daughter could not identify them because she was too busy trying to protect her face and head from the repeated blows by their feet, rocks and fists.

Believe me, I do not believe in guns nor do I own one and they need to thank God or their lucky stars I didn't own one because since they lived in the neighborhood I would see them walking down the street and it took every ounce of restraint I had not to run them over or if I would have had a gun shoot them. To this day it makes my blood boil whenever I think of it.

So all you people out there that think white people are the only ones that get off, I am here to tell you that is farthest from the truth and to me that makes you a racist. If you call a white person a cracker (and I hear it on TV all the time) you are a racist. If you think white people have it made in this world and you don't because I am white and you are black then you are a racist. If you think I get special treatment because I am white you are a racist. We all have the same opportunity in this life and if you want to go around with the attitude I owe you something because your life is so difficult you need not hold your breath as my life is not so rosy either.

So to sit there and judge Zimmerman when not one of you was in his position is unbelievable. Until you are in his position do not judge. You were not there to see what happened or to hear what happened. Zimmerman has never been on TV giving his side of the story so again why judge. All these comments about Zimmerman not being right or fat or he smerked when the verdict came down or showed no emotion whatsoever needs to stop. No matter what he does he will be ridiculed for it.

Racism is here and it seems here to stay from both white and black, it just seems to be brought out more when its a white person showing radism. Wonder why that is?

So if you want to call me a racist then I guess I am. I am racist against anyone who thinks I owe them something and someone who uses the color of their skin as an excuse not to succeed in life.

The disposition in this case has - nothing to do with

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racism and everything to do with the difference between juvenile and adult criminal statutes and sentencing structures. They "got away with it" because they are juveniles, not because they are black. The conclusion you draw about all those "racist" people is false. They simply know and understand the meaning and implications of WIDE disparities between white vs black rates of arrests, nature of charges, bonds, hearing outcomes, trials, convictions, sentences, incarceration times served, probation and parole terms and presence on death row that are grossly disproportionate to population-at-large AND to the crime rate realities between the two population race cohorts.

I will not bother addressing your racism rant. You are entitled to your opinion but IMO, it is based on a politically stunted awareness of our nation's history of institutionalized inequality that has sanctioned not only the legal disparities described above, but also educational, economic and social inequalities that sadly still plague us in so many ways 50 years after the Civil Rights Act was signed.
Then please explain to me.... Sm - Old Woman
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how people like Bill Cosby, Colin Powell, and other famous black men and women have managed to rise above the "educational, economic, and social inequalities" that you describe and become famous, well-known, and well-educated individuals.

Oh, you want a more liberal slant? How about Barack Obama and Eric Holder? They managed to rise to the top as well.

My point is that whether a person "makes it" in this society is not based solely on the color of their skin but on their desire to do so. When black people, or any other race of people, quit lying around, drawing welfare, and whining about how they can't make it because of the color of their skin, the humbleness of their beginnings, or the fact that they dropped out of high school just because they did not want to put forth the effort needed to complete that education, then they have chosen their own path in life.

Rant to your address of the racism rant that you said you weren't going to give but did anyway...Over.
quit lying around, drawing welfare, and whining - : o
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they dropped out of high school just because they did not want to put forth the effort needed.

Wow. You sure know a lot.

I believe there was not enough evidence - for the charges brought.

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However, if this had been a wrongful death suit, I believe the verdict would have gone a different way.

I have to respect the verdict of the jurors, but I believe GZ is responsible for what happened that night.

Why do you have to respect the verdict of the jurors? - They are subject to error.

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I'm tired of people treating jurors as if they are infallible. They are human beings. They bring their life experience, IQ, and personal prejudices to the courtroom.

Because that is our system. They have the final word. - Whether you like it or not.(sm)

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No one said they were infallible. Same as the SCOTUS. Final word. Period.
The system is imperfect. - Final word doesn't have to be respected.
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I do not respect the jury's final word nor do I respect the judicial system. Many others do not and are speaking out.

These are not all discontent black people speaking out against the system either.

Final word does not mean I have to respect it nor the people who give the final word.

I agree with you, but - sm

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although I certainly believe GZ is guilty, there simply was not enough evidence to prove it. His guilt needs to be proved beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Going into this case trying to prove that GZ specifically wanted to murder TM was a mistake. He is responsible for TM's death, but I don't believe he went in with the intention to shoot him. I think he went in with the intention to intimidate and ended up getting caught up in things, resulting in his murdering TM. Had these been different charges, he might have been found guilty and would be sitting in jail right now. I don't blame the jurors for that, I blame the lawyers.
"Reasonable" doubt is not - without a shadow of doubt
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The prosecution stated they did not believe Zimmerman intended to kill Trayvon Martin. That is why they only charged him with 2nd degree murder. This was explained during the trial by the prosecutors.

So your premise is wrong. If the prosecution thought that Zimmerman had intended to murder Trayvon they would have charged him with first degree murder. This was made clear during the trial and after the trial.
Thank you for correcting me. - sm
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I was under the impression that the prosecution had to prove Z had intent. Obviously, I'm not well versed on law.

I want to add also that I wish it had been a more diverse jury--why 6 women? And why were 5 of them white?

As far as I can tell, we don't know if that 1 non-white juror was black or Hispanic. It seems to me it would have been more rounded if there had been at least 1 black juror and 1 Hispanic juror.
No intent. - Reasonable doubt
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The prosecution's premise was it was a situation that Zimmerman put himself in and that the murderer went into that situation with ill-will as evident on his 911 call where he said these "azzholes always get away" and referred to Trayvon as an "effing punk."

I agree the jury should have had more diversity. I would have liked to see a male, preferably black or Hispanic, someone who could relate to being profiled and has experienced racial prejudice and prejudgement by other groups because of how they looked.

I think you are missing the point. - sm

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The jurists are not the issue. It's the racism that has rotted this case from the inside out since the moment the killer decided to stalk his victim. The very idea that the judge FORBID the phrase "racial profiling," setting the tone of having to tip-toe around the subject, is problematic. This precluded the prosecution from building the case, as least in part, around GZ's history of racial profiling as is clearly demonstrated by his 911 calls (all 46 of them. There was not ONE SINGLE REPORT of "suspicious" activity by anyone else except blacks. One of his reports was a 7-year-old black boy who was 4 feet tall and whose "suspicious activity" consisted of running in the complex courtyard where he lives!

These attempts at distractions will not succeed in changing the fundamental character of this case. They will not stop the DOJ's civil rights violation investigation or the Martin Family's wrongful death civil suit. BTW, unfortunately, for all of GZ's supporters, the DOJ does not have a jury pool they are able to taint with all their ranting and raving. It is what it is and it is going to play out in the legal, political, legislative and election arenas, like it or not.

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