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Author Brad Thor is going to buy Zimmerman a new gun.
Posted: Jul 19, 2013
LOL what a nice gesture to rearm the guy - who murdered a black teen
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How charitable. 
Now the black people in Florida can get restraining orders on Zimmerman and/or arm themselves as well to protect them from a suspicious looking guy they saw on TV who got away with murdering a black teen.
Good times in Florida.

That's just crazy. Is this for publicity? - Zimmerman needs a gun?
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Where's he going that he needs a gun?
Work? The local McDonald's? Disney?
Just because someone is offering doesn't mean - - sm
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Mr. Zimmerman is going to accept. It's our second ammendment right, remember? And he was acquitted so he is allowed to carry a gun if he so chooses. He is not a felon nor was he convicted of murder. This whole thing needs to just go away quietly. It's over and done.
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