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Hi all: Has anyone had trouble with right shoulder hurting, burning type pain, tired, feeling like your arm is going to fall off and making right triceps weak after sitting at the computer so long. I have been to doc twice, on pain pills, muscle relaxers, NSAID, hot tub for muscle soreness. I have not been to the neurosurgeon yet. I think it is a pinched nerve causing this as I searched symptoms on line and this is pretty close to what I am having. Driving me crazy. They told me it was cervical neck strain. Who can take 3 to 4 muscle relaxers a day and sit here and type, using heating pad and ice pack while trying to type. Now that is the pits and then above all having to type the mandatory line count to keep insurance. If I could I would retire, but not old enough yet after 31 years typing. If I could quit I think with time and the medicines they prescribed that would greatly help, but I do not have any sick days or PTO to cover that anymore. Cannot just quit with no income so I definitely am screwed. Thats the pits. Have to keep this job for bills and food. It is so depressing. Jobs are just so hard to find and I now find myself basically typing 2 shifts just to stay afloat. I did not have this trouble when I worked 8 hours at old hospital job, but got outsourced and the long hours definitely have taken their toll. I have also had spinal fusion years ago. I am just falling apart. To get SS Disability probably is out of reach. I may try. After all, medical records definitely do help as it has interfered with job performance. Any ideas would be great. Thanks.