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Opinions about dental practice

Posted: Mar 12, 2013

Hello...A while ago I thought someone had started a thread about going to the dentist.  I was going to add on to it but couldn't find it, so I will start a new topic. My (former) dentist sends reminder letters to come in for your routine exam and cleaning, as many dentists do.  I really like him and I think he does a really good job, but the wording of the letters always puts me off, it's something like, "you worked hard for your benefits, come in and use your insurance before the end of the year."  This past time, I have been really late for my exam because I got hurt and needed to have surgery on my ankle, then I got laid off and didn't know if I was going to have dental insurance.  I need some work done, and we all know it's expensive even with insurance, I was just trying to deal with a lot of "stuff."  Anyway, when the time came to schedule my appointment and I didn't go in, the dentist's office manager started calling me and leaving messages.  I called back and left a voice mail, saying that I was going to be laid off and needed to wait until my employment status changed.  A couple of days later, the hygienist called, and I again explained my situation.  In addition to that, they have sent at least 3 letters, each one a little more persuasive.  I''m really put off any time someone tries to pressure me into doing something, and finally sent them a letter, explaining all I had been through in the last year or so.  I am working FT and do have insurance, but I have chosen another dentist and won't go back to them.

I wondered what any of you thought about this...do you think I over reacted?  I've never had a health care provider do anything like that.  I certainly understand one reminder, but to keep hounding me after I called and explained what was happening?  I think that was a bit excessive.  Thanks in advance.



Dental practice - aretheykidding?

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Sounds like someone's practice has dropped off and they are trying a little too hard to drum up some business. You were far more patient and kind about the situation than I would have been! You didn't OWE them any explanations, but you were nice enough to give them one. Once should have been plenty. Run, don't walk, from that practice and spread the word. Something is wrong when a health care provider has to work that hard to bully patients into coming in for care.

Yes, over reacted...SM - Anon

[ In Reply To ..]
They are only trying to stay in business during trying times like everybody else. You could just overlook the solicitations and go on with your life. There are so many other really important issues in life to get riled up about. One rule I live by is "don't sweat the small stuff". Peace.

Seems excessive to me. - Would leave, too.

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I have used or worked for several medical/dental-related practices in my life. Not once have I heard of anything like this. Probably the most was a call and then a reminder card. While I do agree with the other poster about not sweating the small stuff, IMO this is more like a leaky faucet that simply grates on one's nerves after a time. You did them a favor by letting them know why you left.

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