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Why I wouldn't be entirely depressed if Mr. Romney did win.

Posted: Aug 27, 2012

(And we're mostly women here, after all). This was Sunday on Fox News.

Mr. Romney: “With regards to women’s health care, look, I’m the guy that was able to get health care for all the women and men in my state,” Mitt Romney said in an interview on “Fox News Sunday,” before making sure to attack Obama’s law. “There’s talking about it at the federal level, we actually did something. And we did it without cutting Medicare and without raising taxes.”

“So you’re saying, look at Romneycare?” host Chris Wallace responded.

“Absolutely. I’m very proud of what we did. And the fact that we helped women and men and children in our state,” Romney said.

You know, he was actually quite a moderate and reasonable governor in Massachusetts, and there's virtually no difference between his plan and the federal plan that came after.

Oh, oh--One of the talking heads on just JUST NOW called him the "birth father" of Obamacare--as in not caring to acknowledge his child. :) Not yet anyway. I'm hoping we'll be able to see more of the real guy in the coming months. 


The main problem with that....sm - JTBB

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is that Romney wouldn't be in charge. He is nothing more than a token because he has "enough working digits"...remember? And why would he trash Obamacare if he's so proud of Romneycare? Again, Romney just says what he thinks he needs to say at the time. That's how you get a birther at tea party rallies and a moderate talking to Chris Wallace. He stands for nothing on his own.

He's always been secretive about what he stands for, - but I have always felt sure he very much SM

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has an agenda. And I don't mean that in a bad way. One thing we do know emphatically and unquestionably about him is that he knows how to set a goal and go after it.

Another thing we do know about Governor Romney is that his religion is very large in his life, and my own best guess is that the most important reason he is running for President is to bring Mormonism from the desert into the mainstream, to gain acceptance for it--as well as to serve his country. This is a very strongly proselytizing religion and growing fast, but not as fast as it could. Mormons believe you have to be one of them to reach the inner echelons of heaven (don't hold me on the actual details, I've forgotten), and thus he would see an action that would cause a lot more people to consider conversion to both be doing God's work and rendering his country the best service he could.

This is speculation, of course, but the question is where he has it on his list of priorities. It's without a doubt on there somewhere. (This is all really big with Mormons. They're thrilled.) It is also, of course, something he just cannot be open about at this point.

And there will be other items on the list. He may well believe he truly is the person to stop the skid we're on, developing a more business-friendly tax code might be on it, etc., etc. Just no way of knowing.

Whatever is in that head, though, the he-must-stand-for-nothing theory is almost certainly no more than something that blew up to fill the information vacuum he's nurturing so carefully.

The idea that he's doing this for his religion...sm - JTBB

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in my opinion makes him even worse. I really don't like the idea that one's religion (or lack thereof) bears any weight whatsoever on being a leader in this country. Religion is the very reason it is even questioned whether gays can be married, women can have abortions, prayer in school...etc. If I wanted to live in a theocracy I'd move to the middle east. The idea that he would "use" the office of president to further the cause of his religion is outright unconstitutional and goes against the idea of separation of church and state. What's funny is that someone running as an athiest wouldn't even be considered. Equality my behind.
I understand that; but after all, many voted for President Bush - because he wanted to do God's work. This
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is a very big thing for a lot of people. I certainly didn't mean I thought he'd use the office of the presidency to actively promote his religion. Just that this will be a tremendous symbolic advance for his people, same as President Kennedy's was for Catholics. Legitimizing them in the minds of many who saw them as not really like them.

BTW, I'm basically with you. A kinder, gentler religion is okay :), but I will not vote to turn our nuclear arsenal over to a president who believes the world is going to end in a global war, probably soon, and that that is ultimately a good thing. Just seems like a basic common sense thing to do.
Okay...that's a new one for me...sm - JTBB
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Could you elaborate on who wants to turn over our nuclear arsenal and where this idea came from?...and to whom to they want to give it to?
No, no, I meant I will not vote to turn it over to - a PRESIDENT who etc., etc. BTW,
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I went back and changed the wording from "to anyone" to the more specific "to a president."

I forgot all those theories floating around about world Jewish conspiracies and turning our government over to the U.N., etc., and had no idea I was being ambiguous or that it could be taken another way. Whoops! :)
OMG...sm - JTBB
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Okay, forgive my ignorance there. I really don't known that much about that religion in particular, so I looked it up and....OMG. I do think that might be a little drastic though, even for Romney. I don't think he could do that on his own, even as president, and I doubt he would get too many folks from either side to work towards that goal. However, I do think Romney needs to answer a lot of questions about such things if his religion is to play such a large role. Thanks for the info :).
We're turning into a joke here. You're tangoing, and I'm - trying to remember how to do the Frug. SM
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I don't know what you found on a search, but I'm pretty sure it's not what I meant. Mr. Romney's playing Kennedy's role for Mormonism IS a big deal all by itself, and I think he's actually accomplished a lot of it already. Nothing else intended. As I said, his fellow religionists are thrilled, and rightly so.
ROFL...some days are special like that..nm - JTBB
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Just because someone made a suggestion doesn't mean it's true - backwards typist
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The OP SUGGESTED he may be doing it for his religion...OP doesn't know that. It's OP's OPINION, but you were quick to jump on that suggestion and spread what is probably untrue.

This same stuff went on when JFK was running for president. I remember all the crap put out there over his religion.

Now, as for those who believe Obama is a Muslim, I don't believe that, either. He did eat a pork sandwich at one of his campaign stops, so that shows he can't be a Muslim.

Right...and what I wrote was MY opinion..sm - JTBB
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And my opinion is that NO religion has any business in govt. I don't care if it's Kennedy's, Obama's, Bush's or Romney's, and I don't care what flavor it is. There's a reason we supposedly have separation of church and state.
Yes - keep religion out of government - aggie
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I want to thank all of you who posted about - this topic for SM
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keeping this informative with none of the nastiness that plaques this forum. It was refreshing not to have to read ignorant drive by posts. Thanks guys.
It was strangely amicable - and thoughtful
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I join in the thanks for civil convo here!
Agree (nm) - Separation of church and state
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