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So, if there was secession, wouldn't all the

Posted: Nov 14, 2012

the rich that are destroying the economy and can revive the economy by paying more taxes, imagine how much of a better economy these states would have.



Nah, the rich don't hang with the riff-raff - sm

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They want their personal workers educated and they like clean air, water, and good food. BTW, where is "there?"

Your are so wrong. Now the lower class will - even be lower. NM

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Middle class will go to lower class.

Yeah, I don't quite see the wealthy flooding into - Alabama. Switzerland, yes,

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but then lots of the people our national wealth goes to are already very international in lifestye and attitudes or actually citizens of other countries.

I have too much riding on secession - Fanatical Hypocrite

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One of my friends, who lives in Texas, and I have been arguing for years about which one of us isn't a real American (there can be only one!). If Texas secedes, I automatically win.

Also, then he'll be forced to either gay marry me just to get in to the U.S. to get health care and a better standard of living or he'll have to sneak cross the border fence into New Mexico. I prefer the latter since we're both straight.

Then all I have to do is prove global warming and evolve a monkey into a human being and I'll have won all our arguments.

the rich aren't destroying the economy - OHMT

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It's all the government regulations that are destroying the economy because new businesses can't get started. It's Obamacare that's destroying the economy because businesses are worried about the impact on their bottom line. It's the crazy tax codes that are destroying the economy. Businesses are afraid to invest in new equipment, new employees, and more locations because they don't know how the new taxes will impact them.

The rich are actually the ones who help the economy. They are the ones who take risks, hire people, open more stores, factories, etc., and pay most of the taxes in this country. They also give a lot of their money to charities, so they are helping a lot of people who need help in other areas. Like my friend who received free chemotherapy because of the donations of rich people.

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