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So depressed

Posted: Oct 25, 2014

I am in the depths of a major depressive episode (part of my bipolar disorder).  This job doesn't help with that except to make it worse.  I am partially retired, but due to financial constraints, can't fully retire for another 4 years.  I just don't think I can make it that long.  I'm under a psychiatrist's care, and I'm thinking maybe an increase in my meds or changing them altogether might be in order.  Does anybody have any suggestions?   Cry


I am so sorry to hear that you are depressed. - I've been there.....

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I had to sweat it out w/o meds (no insurance in the past). Not sure if I have any real suggestions other than I hope you can get the support you are looking for here. It helps to talk and see things from maybe a different perspective. Do you have anyone you can talk to about this, such as family/close friend? If not boards like this and others might help. Maybe seeing your doctor and discussing your meds would be a good idea. You are at a time in your life (close to retirement, so I assume 60s) that you should be happy!

Hugs to you - I feel your pain

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Sometimes things get overwhelming. I find going out anywhere at least 3 or 4 times a week helps. Nowhere special, just get out. I also have a recumbent bike and do other exercising to take my frustration out on. Really, this does help. I will keep you in my prayers. Keep the faith baby!!!

Have you looked into collecting disability? - sm

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Not sure how it works in your case but you may qualify...

Disability - Feeling better but still sad

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To be honest, I never thought about it. I'll bring it up with my doctor the next time I see him.

Depression - anonie

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Boy, I don't have bipolar but my grandfather did and most in our family just have the depression.

Mine typically is worse from around last of October to after the first of January of the next year. This is when I suffered the most of my losses.

I know that at my age now I have to watch how much medication I take as it does have really bad side effects. I took Remeron and on 10 mg doctor decided I needed an increase. Worst thing I ever did. It made me have rage and awful anxiety attacks. Took months to get over too.

Anyway, maybe disability is the way to go if it affects your ability to work and that is one of the particular things you can use. I have a cousin who has physical as well as emotional issues following abuse and she is having a horrible time getting on it. She is only 53. She cannot work because of all that is wrong. They are still running tests on her. She a lot of physical things they have gotten under control now at least, one of which was Barrett's esophagus. Boy that was scary for her too.

I wish you well and I can really identify with your depression.

I think they will find out that some of these really weird things outside of real terrorism is due to depression suffered from citizens who are just about at their wits' end about the way in which our country is going. Anyway, I know that does not help as well as fears of not being able to work or no work. I just hope all of this changes for everyone or they can at least get a job where finally they do have work. It gets pretty old to get no more jobs available all the time.

I had a major recurrence of depression once - and got 6 weeks disability. sm

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So yes, that's possible.

Regarding treatment of symptoms, meds made the most difference for me. My doctor told me that if the SSRI I was on should ever start to become ineffective, to let her know and she could either adjust the dose upward slightly, or else change to a different med for a while.

Everyone has different reactions to depression, and different things that make them feel better. Mine was definitely atypical! Most people feel better with exercise. In my case, it had to be low-intensity - just a walk around the block or a quick, easy bike ride. If I went running, or biked up hills for instance, I felt worse, not better.

The worst was when the depression would try to steal what little pleasure I was getting out of things, especially exercise. I specifically remember one day riding my bike on a bike path in the spring, and it was absolutely gorgeous outside - green grass, flowers, etc. After I was well into my long ride, right about the time I was starting to relax and enjoy the ride, suddenly this little feeling crept back in, as if to say, "Oh, no you don't! You can't enjoy this!" LOL! - I was so upset about that feeling, that I turned around and went back home. So, I switched to more-frequent, shorter rides and walks. Two short ones per day, or even per week, were better for me than one long one!

I made it a point to avoid anything or anyone that I KNEW would make me feel worse. (Being off work for six weeks went a long way in that regard!) Instead of trying to do big things (like parties, reunions, or anything that involved noise or crowds of people), I tried to find little, quieter things to get some enjoyment out of.

I'm usually not at all creative during a depressive episode, but one time I felt a strong desire to try some embroidery, and amazingly, I did some of my best work during that time. During another down period, I bought a little unfinished pine end table that I enjoyed sanding, staining and varnishing.

I didn't get much enjoyment during that time from being around my friends, so I just told them I'd see them later. One particularly good friend (who has an uncanny skill for knowing the right time to do the right thing), finally called me up a few weeks later and we spent an afternoon together at a local park.

Anyway, all you can do is take it one day at a time, and don't allow the depression to make you feel guilty for anything. If you're having a bad day, for example, don't beat yourself up for having a bad day. Try thinking, "I'm in a bad mood, and it's my right to feel bad!" Then give yourself some kind of a bad indulgence. For some it's unplugging the phone and taking a long bubble bath. For me, it's a big bowl of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream!

Depression and anxiety, panic - MT2

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I'm right here with you. I'm not bipolar but have been having a bout of severe depression, not wanting to get out of bed, take a shower, nothing, just hopelessness and waking up with panic attacks, when I could actually sleep. I would definitely get with my doc. There's no point in suffering if you can get help. I hope you feel better very soon. Also, looking into disability may not be a bad idea at all. My hubby's sister went on disability because of depression, and she wasn't bipolar, either.

All the best to you.

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