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Soo depressed

Posted: Jun 2, 2013

I'm so depressed, it's literally almost unbearable at times. I have to find a way out of this. I've tried most antidepressants over the years, and the side effects make it just not worth it to me to take them. A couple of the OTC medications are pretty good, but with the same side effects of ankle swelling, hair loss, weight gain, and insomnia. I've been off everything for about two years, except I'm still hooked on Ambien, which I've weaned down to about 3 mg at night. I do believe that is playing a major role in my depression so I want to get completely off of it. I've also been making myself exercise a little - a 6 block walk now and again, and arm exercises. I'm no spring chick and it's hard to do most things. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone out there has tried or knows of anyone who's tried transcranial direct current stimulation, or tDCS. The tDCS is supposed to apply a mild electric brain stimulation to the temples. I know most will say to see my PCP or a psychiatrist, but all they do is reach for the prescription pad. I know my main problem, besides the Ambien, is isolation. You hear the expression, "Get a life," but how does one go about doing that? Especially when they're at the age where not many, especially those of the opposite sex, want to bother with you. Anyway, thanks for paying attention, and if you have any suggestions, I'm open to them.;

What do you like to do? - SM

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When I went home from the office to work almost 15 years ago, I knew that if I didn't find something to do that would take me out of the house, I would be a hermit very quickly and it would be very bad for my mental health. I went back to riding horses and found a facility that works great for me, with a great staff and wonderful fellow horsemen and women and that keeps me sane. If you have something you really love that will take you out of the house and into a group of like-minded people, by all means, do it. MT in particular is a job of isolation even in a crowd, and making opportunities to interact is very important, and only you can do that. Good luck, and I hope I helped.

Soo depressed - OldWoman 1958

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One way out of depression is to give of yourself to help others. Find a homeless shelter. When you see how bad off others are, it cannot help but lift you out of the pit. Also, try listening to only Christian music stations for 30 days. If you don't have one in your area, listen to www.myflr.org online. I do volunteer work with them on a regular basis.

You're right about the isolation - sm

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There is a website where you can find social groups in your area who share your interests. Even if it's just walking, they have groups for that, too. Not sure if it's cool to post the website, so I'll just tell you that it's called meetup dot com.

Also, I saw someone else suggest volunteering. There is also a website where you can find volunteer opportunities that you might enjoy. It's called volunteermatch dot org.

I know we're not as young as we used to be and can't physically do what we used to be able to, but it's great that you're trying to exercise. You're wise to take it slowly, but definitely keep at it. Daily hikes have really helped diminish my depression.

It's so great we have this forum to encourage each other. Please post back often for more support and to let us know how you're doing. God bless you.

Just adding onto your post. - Isolation

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The meetup site is where I found a handcrafters group. It is great that there is no commitment, just RSVP to the meetups you can or want to attend.

Another option for exercise and meeting people is trail or mall walking.

Also, if you have a dog, or can borrow one, an off-leash dog park can be a good place to socialize--people and dogs alike.

After years of being home-bound, friends and family started telling me they were becoming worried that I was becoming depressed. Getting out definitely helped remedy that.

A small inexpensive book that saved my life... - emptyMT

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after I had tried everything, and getting no relief, especially after taking an SSRI for 1 year prescribed by a medical doctor, I got off it (and almost died) and then found this book.

"Hope and Help for Your Nerves", by Dr. Claire Weekes.

I hung onto it for dear life, read it as much as I could each day - over and over - and my anxiety/depression is finally under control so I can function, and am even my 'old' self most days.

It is nothing fancy, there is nothing more to buy; in fact, it is so simple it does not seem possible that it can help.

...and exercise. I was such as mess, I could not even go more than 30 SECONDS on a glider (for fear of somehow dying) I bought used when I first started, and now I am 20 minutes on a little stepper I bought for 5 bucks, 3 to 4 times a week. You have to exercise somehow...if you can aerobically exercise, it releases endorphins which are the body's natural tranquilizer...

...and pray to whoever your God is, and have faith.

We care about you here!

About the hair loss - me

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I'm experiencing hair loss with my antidepressant as well. Did you hair grow back the same once you went off the antidepressants?

hair loss - Lil' ol' me

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Yes, it does grow back after stopping antidepressants. My hair is very thin to begin with, but it's definitely fuller now.

About the hair loss - steven_dunn

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I agree with you point. Antidepressants are medications primarily used for treating depression.It really not good for your body. check disadvantage here : http://depression.emedtv.com/antidepressants/antidepressants.html

So sorry - see msg

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I'm so sorry. I used to be there. You are right that medical doctors just want to write a prescription.

Psychologists are more intuned to really helping, rather than writing a Rx. You could try that if you have the funds for some serious sessions. Many of them work on a sliding scale these days to make it affordable for your particular situation. That's what I did and it was a tremendous help.

I am sooo glad to hear you force yourself to get out and walk. Do that as much as you can.

I don't know if you drink alcohol, but that can definitely make things worse---maybe it's okay for the moment, but ultimately, it's a depressant and can make a depressed person more depressed.

Helping others is a good way to help yourself. Not so much for the idea of "they're worse off than I am," but helping people helps you come out of yourself. At my worst time of my life, I volunteered at a nursing home. I did their nails. Read them books. Cheered them on during the games they played. Wrote letters for them while they recited what they wanted to say.....

Best of luck to you. It can be a horrible cycle---you're depressed so you have trouble getting out, so you "sit" in it or sleep too much. We are rooting for you!

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