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Job burn out or depressed

Posted: Apr 12, 2014

I have been a medical transcriptionist for 16 years.  For the past 8 years I have been doing children's psychiatry full time and working for MModal part time. I dread each job now and it's a struggle to stay focused each day...I hate hearing day in and day out the sexual/physical abuse most of the children are put though and then I come home after a full day of hearing that and then I'm stressed working for MM/MQ.  I'm thinking of going back to school (not sure for what yet) but I need the second income and that limits the nights I could go to school...I'm 55 and not thrilled with the idea of possibly having school loans till I'm 70....any suggestions?....thanks for letting me vent....


I would treat the depression FIRST, before taking - on anything new, school, etc.

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It can cloud your thinking. Even if you're not actually feeling the sad type of depression, it can mess with your judgment, which isn't a good thing when you're making major life decisions. It might also help to find some way of detaching your emotions from what you're typing. If that's not possible, then maybe simply a change of specialties will brighten your mood. Good luck! :)

Who says they are mutually exclusive? - Rayna

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I fell into a deep depression last year. My doctor immediately started throwing pills at me. Nothing worked. Everything made me feel worse. She sent me to a psychiatrist who was a complete waste of time. Why am I paying you to repeatedly ask me what I think the root of my problems are. Isn't that what you are for?

I was so depressed I stopped working. Within a week, I felt better. I kid you not. My spirits began to lift with each day. I started to regain confidence in myself. It took a little while, but I got a job outside the house and it's as if nothing ever happened.

I treated my depression by separating myself from the thing that was causing it.

at wits end - OP

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Thank you for the replies...I do feel it's all job related as both jobs are stressful - time for a career change I think.

If you suffered from true depression, it would - take a lot more than leaving - sm

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a bad job. It might help a little, but chances are a lot of the depressive symptoms would remain. It doesn't just go away on its own, and definitely can't be cured in only a week. More like six, and that's WITH medication. Also, just because one medication, or several, aren't beneficial, doesn't mean all meds will fail. Some people have to try many before they find the right one (or combination) that works. But regardless of medication, psychiatry, or nothing at all, true depression resulting from a chemical imbalance doesn't go away in a week.
Situational depression is real depression - There are different types
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escape - mt

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You're lucky you were able to get away from the cause. What would you do if you couldn't?

depressed - mtmt

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I can relate to the depressed part. I lost my MT job back in Jan. I haven't had any luck finding anything else. I have put on 10 pounds and most days all I can do is cry. Job searching is taking a toll on me. I'm not sure what I can do as far as working outside the home. I feel so stuck not working. Sorry you are going through depression for the opposite reason I am. As for my reason of getting out of bed each day, I'm trying to find my purpose again. Best wishes to you.

Not the OP, but . . - SM

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I have been going through a terrible depression. Medication in the past made me worse, and I refuse to take anything again that caused suicidal ideation. Like you, I am tring to find a purpose to get up each morning. Job hunting can really drain you. Just wanted to wish you the very best.

Maybe this will help - sm

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You mentioned that working for MM limits the "nights that you could go to school." You are definitely operating with out-of-date notions, becase a lot of classes are online now and most have no set times for attendance. In other words, there does not need to be in-person chair class time. You complete the material on your own.

"Adult night school" still exists, but much of what they teach is low-level.

Those "career colleges" you see everywhere are often even worse and have terrible employment rates.

Look at legitimate colleges nationwide to find one with a program that is affordable and worthwhile. You do NOT need to acquire huge loans.

If you work at a hospital now, strongly consider HIM and coding. There are many HIT programs online, but it is easier to get into the field, costs less and is faster, if you learn just coding first. Look at Andrews as an example of a good program taking 12-18 months. It is only 3800, which is very reasonable because it includes everything and has instructors, and teaches both inpatient and outpatient coding. Their students pass both the CPC and CCS certifications. Coding pays quite well, too, so you will earn back that 3800 quickly.

Coding was the best thing I ever did, believe me. It gives you a job right away, and then lets you move on if you like. There is little age discrimination in coding, too. The average of coders is older and maturity is valued.

Thinking about coding - OP

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I would not do HIM because I'm technically under HIM where I work and the workers generally just scan papers all day for $10/hr...not my cup of tea...but I will check out the Andrews program for coding. Thank you for your response :o)

That is not what I meant by HIM. - sm

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By HIM, I did not mean entry-level jobs in scanning, filing, or release of information. No, no one would want to do a college degree for that job or that pay.

I meant the rest of the jobs in HIM. There are well-paying, mid to high level jobs in several technical areas like privacy, security, informatics, record management, compliance, education and training (yes, even in facilities), coding, clinical documentation improvement, and others. Those are in addition to jobs that involve supervision. See www.hicareers.com for examples.

Those jobs are there, but they are not out in front with the worker bees. You do see more of them at larger facilities. At smaller ones, the HIM supervisor may just wear several hats. You might not have many except in the coding arena. That's why coding is such a good way to start.
I'll check it out - OP
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Thanks for the info.!

I was having terrible psychiatric problems - sm

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I finally figured out that working at home, all alone, every day and hearing about all the terrible things that happen to people, not to mention being treated like crap every day by the huge MTSO I worked for and barely making a living wage was to blame.

I quit my job and I didn't go to school--I just got a job at a local grocery store. I only make $12 an hour right now, but we get raises at least once a year, I'm about to be promoted to supervisor after just four months of working there, and soon I will have stock options and be eligible for full benefits.

I tell you, I am walking on air. I'm around people all day and we actually have FUN at work. I dread my days off because they remind me too much of the old transcription days.

That's great! I'm glad for you! - well done

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Money isn't everything. Yes, you need it to live, but downsizing is very freeing. I went mimimalist a few years ago and was so glad I did. I don't shop unnecessarily. I keep it all real simple. I only have 2 pots to cook in: Actually a cast-iron frypan and a pasta/soup pot. My point is that we can enjoy our lives on $12.00 an hour and with a lot less STUFF! We will have more time for ourselves and our home is really a haven instead of a prison of clutter. I am glad for you, and I am now thinking about applying to a grocery store, too. I am sick of the MT Biz.

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