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how can anyone believe anything Romney says

Posted: Oct 10, 2012

when everytime he says something his people have to walk it back?  To misspeak is one thing but to tell so many lies he can't remember what his position is from one day to the next is beyond belief.


I voted for Obama only to discover he is lying right now - Makes me sick I made such a mistake ! nm

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Seems to me it doesnt matter which one, - Romney or Obama

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bad news for the middle class. I don't think Dems or Repubs care about the middle class. They both pretend to care about different issues, but both just want to get rich off of us and get perpetual health care. Wish there was a viable third option. They both make me sick.

Disagree completely! I dont know how much Romney cares, - but Obama is ruining the nation in every way.nm

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Vote Romney - and you will find out
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how much he cares for the middle class, that's for sure. Voting for Romney just because he's not Obama and thinking he is going to help anyone but the wealthy is delusional.

You, of course, have every right... - (see message)

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...to vote as you see fit. I understand your ability to change your mind completely about Obama. I'm guessing there are some conservative pro-lifers who are feeling the same way about Romney right now.

If you don't mind my asking, I'm just curious about how you are leaning in this election. I can't imagine someone who agreed with Obama in 2008 on things like social issues, now choosing to vote for Romney and agreeing with his stands(?) on social issues. I'm not sure I can figure them out, myself; but do you suspect he's more moderate than he (sometimes) claims to be, or have you just gone much further to the Republican side with your ideas and desires? I promise--I'm not being snarky; I'm genuinely curious how a former Obama supporter will choose this time.

I'm glad you asked. I truly wonder the same thing. - nm

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nm, No president tells the truth all the time in office. They can't. - For your own health, maybe pass on this election?

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Lying about a murder to protect yourself is criminal - Thats what Obama did... Romney gets my vote ! nm

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Umhm, and McCain/Palin last time I'm guessing. - NM
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What burns me up is.... - (see message)

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...that he made false statements during the debate when sooooo many Americans were paying attention for the first time; and then, his representatives can come out and say, "This is what he reeeeally meant." It's like the sneaky trick lawyers sometimes pull where they get the witness to say something, even though they know the judge will overrule it and tell the jury to disregard. You can't un-ring a bell.

I have to admit, it was a pretty ingenious ploy for the first debate. After all, how could Pres. Obama be prepared with arguments against an opponent when they surprise you with statements that are sooo far off from what they've been stating on the campaign trail?

So, yeah--is he a moderate, or is he "severely conservative" the way he once claimed he is?

How could Obama be prepared - you ask?

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Maybe by studying/practicing like his advisers wanted him to, instead of taking side trips like visiting the Hoover Dam the day before. He could have arrived in Denver a couple days before if he was really interested in knowing his stuff. He could have spotted those "lies" you claim Romney told (which you conveniently did not list) if only he had taken the debate seriously and not relied on being eye candy for the ladies (The View people know all about that).

More baloney. Lose a debate and all you can say is the - other was untruthful... just sour grapes.nm

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