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School stabbing in PA
Posted: Apr 9, 2014

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They Have A Person Of Interest, 20 Yo, Goes To ESL SchoolApr 16, 2013that they are questioning and 20 other friends of his. It is said that he has associations with people in Hamas. He is not arrested...they are questioning him. They are working on other leads, too.
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Out Of School Ideas For Summer?May 22, 2013Hi all,
My son's last day of school is today. Looking for some fun, inexpensive ideas to keep him busy at home and for both of us when we can be on the go! I don't want video games and/or TV watching to be the main ingredient of his summer days. We don't have any kids in the area his age to play with, and he is the only one at home anymore so no siblings to play with. He is 10 and it is hard to keep him from getting bored and wanting to "veg" all day.
Any ideas appreciated ...
School Privacy Practices?Feb 09, 2014Does anyone know the answer to this question with a link that I could read about it? My child's school is ran by a few women that I'm sorry but they honestly LOVE drama. They are the type that backstab, talk about people, try to get people in trouble, etc. My child was out of school (with a doctor's excuse) and FIVE different people from the school questioned her on why she was out and wanted to know exactly what she went to the doctor for. Then, the next t ...