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Hail Romney

Posted: Nov 2, 2012

Hail Romney. That too greatly bothers me.  So it doesn't matter whose name you put after Hail.  

This is in regards to the Hail Obama post. Yeah, I have a problem with Hail Obama. It sounds too much like Hail Hitler regardless of your attempt to correlate it to Hail to the Chief.

As the posts under that topic continued, it got into the Benghazi topic. How you can vote for Obama on that topic alone is unpatriotic. Then to blame FOX for to covering the story.  Ah, you mean doing their job?  This story not being covered is a disgrace to journalism. This has nothing to do with right and left and that is what you Obama supporters are trying to make it out to be. Men died over there. Men who fight for our freedom. And what did the president do? Nothing. I find it very very hard to believe if this were a republican president that the news would not be all over this and you liberals wouldn’t be crucifying him for his lack of action. Be honest with yourselves.

Obama is not right for America. Wherever he is right for is where all of you ought to go. Go follow him. Obama is trying to change this country into something is has never been and doesn't want to become. What you Obama supporters want can be found in plenty of other countries.

Lastly, it truly truly sickens me how you do not hold the President responsible for the lies and cover up of Benghazi. You cannot honestly call yourself an American. Would it matter to you if it was your son, brother, or husband who was out there calling for help and their pleas ignored? Would it? Would you care that it was thoroughly investigated then? Or does Obama come even before your own family?



Well, I was shocked to hear a crowd yelling I-O at Romney. "Innie-outie?" - WHAT's going on with that campaign? sm

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Then I thought maybe it could stand for inexperienced operator? Which would be at least more understandable and less...weird.

But THEN I realized he started had it himself by yelling O-H at them! "Hospitallers Brothers of St. John of God"? Ohmygosh, IO means International Organization. It's a Brothers of St. John plot to take over the United States! Spread the word! To arms!

Pathetic - yh

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Are you guys that desperate? Seriously what is the point of your post? To find something that a Romney crowd is shouting out to use against Romney? I already said I had a problem with Hail being used with anybody's name, so that was wasted effort on your part.

It could be so much worse... - just imagine if they were

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Heil Bachmann! Heil Gingrich! Heil Caine! Heil Trump! *shivers*

Oh, sorry, yh. I thought the game was phony distress - over some trumped up nonsense. My bad. nm

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You do realize that's the Ohio State cheer, right? - ZvilleMT

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You can make fun all you want, but it's kind of a tradition around here when you come to Buckeye Country. Just so you know if you ever come to this great state :)

Trying to link response to a full-blown national diaster - to the Fox propaganda campaign

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then seeing how nobody outside that bubble is taking the bait is probably what's really got you down. The good news is that there's a cure for that malady and the power to heal it is at your fingertips. Just change the channel and use the down time wisely by getting up to speed on the status of those 3 active investigations. You also might want to ponder how disingenuous it looks when you use an unrelated post title to suck readers into another dead horse discussion that seems to have zero traction in swaying those ever elusive undecideds. Hint: The most recent study on why they are having such a hard time making up their minds indicates they're being scared off by the wingers' extreme social engineering agendas. Benghazi really didn't seem to be on their radar screens.

Mean - yh

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That is what you all become when you read a post you don't like. You can't even argue a point without meanness. You're all delusional.

Yep, those cold hard facts can be awfully brutal - for those determined to resist.

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In the future we'll use this post as a guideline on how to respond to posts we don't like without resorting to personal digs and just overlook those mean and delusional parts. K?

People's reactions should not be unexpected - Fanatical Hypocrite

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You imply from this post that you wanted us to have a reasoned argument with you. I'm not saying this was your intention, but your original post came across as inflammatory and accusatory, partly because of the seriousness of these accusations.

Now, let's say we live in an alternate reality where McCain won, so a republican is in office, and Fox News was breaking the Benghazi scandal against him instead of anyone else. I can't speak for all dems of course, in the same way you can't speak for all reps, but I still wouldn't trust them. It's not about which party the president is, but about which news organization is doing the slandering. If MSNBC was doing it, I wouldn't trust them much either.

For me to condemn a man, regardless of party, I need more than "Some guy you don't know told me bad stuff about the president." Should the media and government stop investigating? No. Even if no one is truly to blame, which is often the case in life, despite our desire to deliver justice to some guilty party, we need to know why this happened in the hopes we can prevent it from happening in the future.

Try not to get so upset when you say something that is inflammatory. Whether it's a real scandal or a made up one, you must be able to understand people's reaction to being accused of voting for a Muslim terrorist/socialist dictator/American killer. Moreover, keep in mind that as fallible human beings, either one of us could be wrong on this, including you.

yh, it's not mean to suggest you seek info to become wise, - instead of lies to use as rocks.

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I actually think anyone suggesting you do that is, briefly, being the most helpful friend you've probably had for a while.

yh, you're on the wrong team. You want to be like ordinary - people and belong to their groups. That

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does not require supporting Obama. You just become a truth seeking conservative, and accept what you find out. Stop hating everyone who disagrees with you; that's most everyone, and it can't be pleasant. Go visit places you've never been before and get acquainted with people you've never talked to before. In the process you will leave the nasty hateful people no one likes behind on the right and join mainstream America in the middle.

I suggest you start by defining what it means to you to be a conservative. What you are FOR (nothing negative, hurting no one), how you would build America into a great country and why you would choose those means. I think you'll find that spending your days searching for lies that mean everyone else is wrong about everything was rather awful.

Ah, the patriotism police - RC

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Welcome back! It's been a while since anyone has called me "unamerican" and "unpatriotic."

Sorry, already voted.

And Godwin's Law has been invoked. You lose. - grits

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This is a stretch even for you, yh

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