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Romney's tax results are in.

Posted: Sep 21, 2012

Wonder if Harry is watching.


Direct from Mitt's website - It states

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"Mitt and Ann Romney have released their complete 2010 tax return and an estimate of their 2011 return. (A full copy of their final 2011 return will be made public as soon as it is filed in the upcoming weeks)."

Um, okay. We have 2010 (only), and a rough draft for 2011. (Which, incidentally, most of us had to file in complete form last April). If he can't get his taxes done on time -- well, never mind.

Not so - you can file an extension.

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Of course we can - file extensions

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... but most of us manage to get ours done on time. And the net result of today's big announcement is we have one whopping year of returns to look at. Hardly enough for Harry to eat his words at this point. And I hope certainly not enough to make anyone on either side feel that he's revealed much of anything.
Mitt was doing - E-filing...
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as in E-vasion.
obama's LACK of leadership, terrorists killing Americas...sm - missy
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and the lies of obama, and YOU are worried about Mitt's tax return? You are soooooo misguided. You better start worrying for your life instead of Mitt's tax return, because when the terrorists come to America, they won't stop and ask you are a liberal or a conservative.
Hmmm, from what I recall, - the last time terrorists
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came to America, a pub was prez.
Underwear bomber ring a bell? (nm) - backwards typist
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And underpants bomber killed - how many thousands
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Not what you stated. - backwards typist
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You said "The last time a terrorist came to America, a pub was prez."

The underwear bomber came to America during a dem prez. Period.

Yes, I'm nitpicking because you are. :-)
ft. hood - sm
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Oh, that's right, Nadil Hasan shooting and killing 13 of our servicemen while shouting, "Allahu Akbar" was called "workplace violence" by the administration.
How does a thread about MR's tax returns - evolve right back to the same old same old
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This one-trick conversation gets a little tiresome. And just for the record, the terrorists are already here. And they're not all from foreign lands. Some are born and bred and hold public office. And I'm not talking about Obama. Maybe it's easier to bury your head and buy the corporate marketing of Anybody But Obama, but it's really not in anyone's best interest to be blinded by the bright lights and big money.
Not the person you replied to - but....
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From my standpoint what I see is people are trying to dissuade from the important issues. Keep discussion the same bogus tax-y thing and maybe it will take focus off the real issues going on. Everyone who is against Mitt is so brainwashed to keep repeating over and over tax form tax form tax form (in my best Imotep impression), that they ignore the real issues. Nobody is focusing on Obama taxes. The plain and simple truth is Obama release his taxes. Romney released his taxes. End of story.

However, lack of leadership, not being safe, etc are all issues every American should be interested in. Not some bogus tax-y thing.
I think the concern is - RC
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That if a potential president is dodging taxes in some shady way, people want to know before they elect him into office. Taxes are a major platform, after all.
TO: RC - You have never had to deal with the IRS, right? - Informed Citizen
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How do you know a potential president is dodging taxes in some shady way? You are assuming way too much. That is a false accusation.

You obviously have never had to deal with the IRS. Recently, I had to supply information to the IRS as to why our tax preparer did not file a form on time. I gave them an explanation, and after they received it they told me I gave them TOO much info. The IRS then filed a delay because they said they needed time to research what I told them. Oh, and the fine for not filing the form on time was $2,000 the first part of August. Do you know why the fine is $2,000? According to our new tax preparer it is to PAY FOR OBAMACARE.

And don't even bring up "people want to know before they elect him into office..." You don't have a leg to stand on considering what we have as president now.
I said people would want to know "IF" - RC
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I never said I "know" anything. I said people want to know "IF."


And as an IC, of course I deal with the IRS, every year.

So kindly do not put words in my mouth. I'm always respectful to people on this board, and I deserve the same from others.
Then I would think - You of all people
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Would want to thoroughly vet anyone you vote to take over the office of the presidency. I mean, one would think. If that's sincerely where you're coming from.

And what your new tax preparer said is a biased CROCK. Of course you believe it, it feeds right into your mindset. But it is, nevertheless, a crock. Tax preparers can be wingnuts with agendas, too.
And I would think - Darth Vader
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People who are not tax prepares should KEEP THEIR MOUTHS SHUT! Are you her tax preparer? No you are not. Were you in on the phone conversation? No you were not.

Why do you even care if someone gets vetted. You didn't care that Obama didn't.

Tax preparers are not "wingnuts with agendas". Tax prepares are tax preparers. There is no underlying "agenda". Except in a wingnuts imagination that is.

Unless you are a tax preparer (and that would be a no) and ulness you sat in on the conversation (which you didn't) snotty little comments are better to be kept to themselves.

"Better to be thought a fool then to open mouth and remove all doubt" - Ben Franklin (very very very wise words)
How did you get away with just "telling" the IRS - backwards typist
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We went through He.. 2 years ago with them over our tax return because they said we never filed.(We always do e-file.)

We had to get copies of our returns from our accountant and REFILE. Two months later, same thing, then they wanted penalties and interest, which we argued was not applicable since we filed on time.

After 5 months of corresponding and refiling 3 times by mail and efiles, we finally got someone at the IRS who had some brains and told us to file a hard copy at a different address. That finally worked.

I shoulda sued them for putting us through all this stress.
To: Backwards Typist - Informed Citizen
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I wasn't sure if you were adressing me or not concerning the IRS, but here goes... The first person we spoke with at the IRS told me I had to write them a letter of abatement to stop the penalty process, and in that letter I was suppose to describe why our form was filed late. After about a month, we called to see if they received the letter. The person we spoke to said that since we called and asked about the situation, it would cause another delay, huh? That person asked me why I wrote a letter of abatement and I said because the first person we spoke to told me that is what I had to do. The second person said the first person should have told me I needed to file an Abatement Form - not write a letter. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE??? And so two weeks later, we go to a new tax preparer, and he said that these things can usually be resolved by a tax preparer/representative of the person filing the tax form calling the IRS and asking the matter be resolved over the phone. That is when the IRS told our representative that I gave them too much information in the abatement letter and that the matter couldn't be resolved over the phone.

You sure went through he.. with them also. It is extremely frustrating dealing with government agencies - especially the IRS. I am glad your problem was eventually resolved, and yah, I think I would have sued too!
Bingo - You got it
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Not only that - 30% donated to charity!

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Compared to how much Obama donated to charity in the same year . . .

But, you can darn well bet - sm

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Most if not all of it went to the Mormon church!!
I would assume at least 10% tithing - RC
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But of course I have no idea what the actual percentage is.

It's more than Obama and Biden combined! - lmn

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Goes to character of the candidates.
Biden is a cheapskate and BHO is a narcissist, no - money from them.
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Does it say which charities? - RC

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I'm just curious which charities he donated to. Does it say on the tax return? Or is it just a general line item thing?
So, now it comes to that? - A charity is a charity
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So since you can't find something wrong and he donated to a charity, now some are going to pick apart which charity????? As Gertie from ET said "Give me a break".

Last thing I know charities were a good thing to give to. Obama donated to a charity good for him. Romney donated to a charity good for him.

But I guess it doesn't matter to some people, whatever charity Romney donated to will never be good enough. I guess the hungry that Romney donated too are less significant than the hungry Obama donated to.

I'd never pick apart donating to charity. - RC
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You sure jumped to all kinds of conclusions rapid-fire.

I wanted to know out of curiosity, and also because it might give insight to a person's priorities.

Before you jump all over a person (i.e. ME) about a question, maybe you should stop to wonder if you're assigning some darker purpose to what they asked that is totally unjustified.

Thanks a lot, have a fantastic day...
So now I'm "assigning some darker purpose"??? - What, you think I'm Darth Vader LOL sm
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You're the one wanting to know which charities he donated to, not me. I don't pick apart charities and decide one is more important than the other. I stated all charities are important.

I didn't jump to any conclusions (rapid fire???) you were the one asking which charities. The purpose of giving to a charity is to help those in need. That would be the top priority. I think if someone is hungry, needs shelter or clothing they are all the same priority. One is no better than another.

Truly though, I assure you I'm not Darth Vader looking for a darker purpose. ROFL (though I do like his voice).

Thanks, I will have a fantastic day. Hope you do too.

Asking which charities is not a bad thing. - RC
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You didn't like it, I think it's a reasonable question.

Oh, well.
Sorry you didn't like to be questioned about it - Darth Vader
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I myself think all charities are important. I would never question Obama or Romney or anyone's charity donations.
I think the point is - to Mormons tithing is not optional
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If he has to give a certain percentage of his income to the church, and his income rivals that of some small nations', his charitable contributions are going to be off the chart. A little different from say, someone making $50,000 a year and giving $1,000 to the Red Cross.
Yes, it does. - backwards typist
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The Tyler Foundation
Thank you, backwards typist! - RC
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From one who couldn't figure out where to look herself. :)

Not so. His ESTIMATED tax return for 2011 has been on line for - backwards typist

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quite a while. I downloaded it a month or two ago.

They announced that his return is completed; i.e., finished and filed today.

Okay, so assuming - that's the case...

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We now have a whopping TWO years of tax returns. Has there been mention of any others?

I have my past ten years' worth of tax returns sitting about a foot away from me in my file cabinet. That's how many my accountant recommends I keep, in case I ever need them. I can produce them in about 10 seconds if necessary. Am I just special? Or maybe it's because I have nothing to hide.
Why should he release more? Seriously. Law states 2 years is - backwards typist
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all that's necessary.

If you're saying Obama released more, well, guess what....he's been President for the past 4 years and had to release them for those years.

He was a Senator before that and he had to release his returns those years, too.

So, this crap about Romney should release more is just that--crap. He's following the law and any years prior to his running for President is PERSONAL.

So why did Lyan Ryan - have to release 10 years?
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Possibly not trustworthy?
Again, he's in Congress since 1999. (nm) - backwards typist
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You're right - Silly me
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I forgot he's new to all this national politics stuff. I guess I was thrown into thinking he'd been around longer, due to the fact that he's been running for president FOREVER. Nice for him that the Republicans finally ran out of better candidates and he's getting his turn after so much rejection, but seriously, he must have fantasized that this day might actually come, even if only in his wildest dreams, and make sure, if all was on the up and up, that nobody could question it. Would have been the smart thing to do. OH MY! Smart? Silly me again. lol
Answered your own question - cory
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What? Because Romney only released two years' worth he didn't keep the others "in case he needs them?" Romney could produce them "in about 10 seconds IF NECESSARY." It's not.

USA Today - Anon

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Look at USA Today, for 09/21/2012, gives information about his return.

Where to find Romney's tax returns. - Anon

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Go to the Washington Post site among others or google Romney releases 2011 returns. Just released this afternoon. Lists his percent of taxes paid, amount to charity, and Fox News was giving an average rate for the last few years. Sorry I don't remember the exact amounts.

Not only that... - SK1

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His accountants released a sumary of his taxes for the last 20 years....

Perhaps more significantly, Romney on Friday also released a summary of his tax returns over a 20-year period, covering the years from 1990 to 2009. That summary, which was done by PricewaterhouseCoopers, says that in each of the last 20 years he owed both federal and state income taxes.

Over that period, the summary says, the average annual effective federal tax rate was 20.2 percent. The lowest annual effective federal tax rate he paid was 13.7 percent. The Romneys also donated an average of 13.45 percent to charity over that 20-year period.

Own it, Harry.  Own it and eat it.  We will be expecting your apology any time.

You seriously believe Harry will apologize? LOL - backwards typist

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Keep dreamin' (would be nice, though but that would be beneath him, ya know).

Thanks for posting the amounts. - anon

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I have read that Mitt Romney also has trusts set up for this children and grandchildren and that he has some sort of charity (not sure correct time, not a tax lawyer myself) that doles out money to finding cures for diseases (this is supposed to be the money in the Caymans). He may not be perfect, but I do think he is a good guy.

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