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Hail Obama? What is he, king?

Posted: Nov 1, 2012

(Notice - hundreds, not thousands, at the rally) By Todd Starnes Hundreds of people at a Florida campaign rally in featuring First Lady Michelle Obama began chanting “Hail Obama”, according to a television reporter who was covering the event. “Crowd for #FLOTUS event in Daytona now chanting “Hail Obama,” tweeted WOFL Fox 35 reporter Mike Synan. “Wow, just wow.” The rally was held at Daytona Beach’s Ocean Center. More than 5,000 people showed up — the crowd described as restless and boisterous. Synan said the chanting came during a warm up session before the First Lady appeared on stage. He repeated the claim in a follow-up message on Twitter, “True. Would not lie. Chanting “Hail Obama.” Synan later said someone in the crowd would yell “Hail Obama” and then “hundreds that could hear that person would repeat.” ;

Oh, brother. - grits

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Is that all you got?

Isn't that enough? - sm

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Not the OP but we have children singing Obama's praises, the media refusing to report or investigate important things such as the killing of 4 Americans in Libya and now a group of Obama fanatics are chanting "Hail, Obama!" Future dictator, mayhap?

Did you look at my link? - grits

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Or do you really not acknowledge the official anthem?

Of course, on a re-read of the lyrics, I can see why a hardline Republican would not wish to acknowledge it.

"Hail to the Chief we have chosen for the nation,
Hail to the Chief! We salute him, one and all.
Hail to the Chief, as we pledge cooperation
In proud fulfillment of a great, noble call.
Yours is the aim to make this grand country grander,
This you will do, that's our strong, firm belief.
Hail to the one we selected as commander,
Hail to the President! Hail to the Chief!"

As reported by.... - mbmt

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Fox Nation, breitbart.com, grimcreeper, and my favorite - lonely conservative.com...LOL. The things the right wing thinks are newsworthy amazes me.

Now there is a profound, - but true statement:

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"The things the right wing thinks are newsworthy amazes me."

If it weren't for Fox News, the Benghazi debacle would still be swept under the rug. MSM is begrudgingly mentioning it only because of Fox's persistence. Kudos, Fox!
Yeah, about that... - grits
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...when the likes of Geraldo Rivera thinks it's gone too far, that ought to give one pause for thought.

Nobody's forgotten Benghazi. The news cycle moves on; that doesn't mean there's a scandalous coverup afoot.
There is a scandalous coverup going on here - sm
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and I find it really sad that people don't see that or refuse to believe it. Not only were we lied to and said it was a video and a spontaneous riot because of a video when in fact it was a planned attack. Not to mention the proof given through wires and emails that the whole thing should have never happened. No coverup? Please!

Hail Obama...you people will believe any crap he says he to you.
I'm with grits on this - Fanatical Hypocrite
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It's certainly not forgotten. How could it be when no one will shut up about it? So far there is proof of nothing. There is little circumstantial evidence of anything except that the military, state department and CIA might be slow and unresponsive and none of the agencies work well together. Was anyone shocked to learn that? Oh, it also proved that Libya is a terrible place to live in, work at or be especially near to.

The shear hypocrisy of the ultra right telling the left that we refuse to look at evidence. The Bush administration admitted to starting the Iraq War until false pretenses. By your own logic that means Bush murdered 4,500 American troops so far. 24,000 total for the coalition. Another 30,000 for the other side. Just so we could kill one of the planet's hundred active dictators, while he continued to pal around with other dictators and mass murderers (see Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Turkey, China, etc.)

If we hold presidents to the standard that lies and mistakes that lead to the deaths of Americans is criminal, then Obama, both Bushes and Clinton are headed to prison while Reagan, LBJ, Ford, Nixon, and Kennedy will be posthumously tried in the Hague.

Now, if you're willing to do that, then that's one thing. You would be standing on principle. If there's a difference between the crimes of a Democrat and the crimes of a Republican, then you're argument is nothing more than partisan whining.
Please repost this message every time - Excellent - sm
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Every time the Libya meme is inserted into a thread, I hope you will repost this excellent answer.
Agree, excellent. BTW, the only scandal is subversive - lies spread to undermine the government. SM
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A government chosen by a majority of the electorate, constantly under attack by some really, really poor losers who are despicable citizens.
Oh, okay, I see what's going on here. - grits
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The original post on this thread was shown to be a whole bunch of histrionic nothing, so this is you shouting "PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN."


Between that and Fanatical Hypocrite's excellent rebuttal, I expect to find this thread at the bottom of the page tomorrow morning, buried underneath a metric buttload of Fox News hands-wringing.

You can get any crowd to chant anything - Fanatical Hypocrite

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If one person in an excited crowd yells something, the other people automatically do it unless it is insanely offensive. And as grits pointed out it's part of the official presidential anthem. The only random utterances that crowds won't take up are usually racial slurs (not applicable in the South) and blasphemy against one's own religion (not applicable in the North). Don't worry about it too much.

There is something seriously wrong with those 2 - and all their worshippers

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Downright sick, creepy, and evil!

Sick, creepy, evil? - mbmt

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I voted for President Obama last Monday.

Yup, EXACTLY just what I said - and all their worshippers

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Then my vote overrides yours because I voted for Romney this past wee. Got my ballet in the mail and it took me all of 6 seconds to open the envelope and vote Romney/Ryan. Then I put it down, had a glass of wine to celebrate, then read through the rest of the ballet very carefully to read about all the other people I voted for. Voted straight republican as the democrats are making things worse.

Yes, you read my post right. Sick, creepy, evil. I have more descriptive words for them, but I'll just leave it at that.
So much anger. - grits
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And anger is such a destructive emotion.
Who can blame them? Obama had diminished - an entire nation -and divided it..sad.nm
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Sick, creepy, evil are not the exact words I would apply to this - hateful negativism, but close enough.
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Truly, you do not understand how others see this kind of outspilling, and I do not understand what it would be like to be so unhappily and aggressively opposed to so much of what America is and, especially sadly, unable to be passionately and happily FOR anything.

I AM quite sure it has to be bad for you to wallow in this unhealthy fixation that causes so much anxiety. The world's not coming to an end, even if Obama's reelected. Maybe on November 7 go volunteer at a local hospital or other local group performing needed services and find something to feel good about?
That's an excellent idea. I find volunteering - grits
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gives me a healthy dose of perspective, too, a thing which appears to be sadly lacking in a lot of people's lives.
So you got "having a glass of wine celebrating voting for Romney and taking my time to read the - ballet as anger???
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Wow... I mean really wow. How you got celebrating and reading about the issues as anger is just....well, just wow.

I guess that's the new thing now. Don't vote for Obama and we'll call you all these things you are not.

Yes, anger is a destructive emotion. I see it in all your posts. Sometimes you just need to relax. Have a glass of wine. Oh wait...that's anger according to you. LOL

The Sarge - go Romney/Ryan!
No. The first sentence is more what I was responding to. - grits
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It was unnecessarily aggressive and confrontational, which is what I get from a lot of your posts. If you're not as angry as you come across, I'm genuinely glad.

I try to keep a sense of humor and a tongue-in-cheek attitude in all things, particularly posting here. But I see that response as more of that "I'm rubber, you're glue" thing that your party has been using this election cycle in your response.

Thanks for the offer, but I don't drink. Migraines. :)
So now its my first sentence? Which was.... - ballet as anger
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"Then my vote overrides yours because I voted for Romney this past week".

LOL You consider that an angry statement? I don't know which is funnier. This or what I thought before.

My mom said that to me when I voted for Clinton and she voted for Bush Sr. We laughed about it. She wasn't angry nor was I.

Again, if you think that is aggressive and confrontational I've got to say again...wow. It was neither. Your posts are pretty angry and aggressive, so I usually try and stay out of the pathway of destruction of anyone who disagrees with you. I guess this is no different.

Have a nice evening.

I also forgot to mention - ballet as anger???
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Since this is my first post and my moniker is not anything used on this board before how can you get anything from a "lot of my posts". Just what posts do you think are mine.

Remember....no assuming allowed.
Figure of speech. - grits
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I'll give you the benefit of the doubt if you'll search my posts for the words "sickening, creepy, evil."

Strong words for someone who claims to be all mellow - just sayin'
Never said you in particular were sickening, creepy and evil - I'll go one even further
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I never said anyone on this board is sick, evil, and creepy. When I speak I talk about politicians, news media, and all the followers/worshippers you see on the TV chanting O-ba-ma, O-ba-ma (in the same fashion as I-mot-ep, I-mo-tep) :-)

I stand by my words, some of the his followers/worsippers are sickening, creepy, and evil. - "some". Some vote for him because they believe he is the better candidate, others because they get free things, some call you a racist if you don't agree with the issues, some call you a Romney-lover if you don't praise Obama about everything (even if you are not voting for Romney). Some think Obama is a Messiah. He even thinks he can part the waters. Some want him as a dictator in the seat forever and ever. Some won't even listen to an article that is plain facts if it was posted on Fox, but the same article posted on Huff they'll be okay with.

Some of his followers/worshippers are sickening, creepy, and evil. If you don't feel that you fall into that category then you shouldn't care what I have to say.

I agree, although I cannot celebrate yet. I live in - OH, and the dems are stealing votes. nm
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Just a question - mbmt
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Did you really get a ballet in the mail, or did you get a ballot?

It's called the Presidential Anthem... - RC

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And most people are aware of that. It goes like this: "Hail to the chief."

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nm ...