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Two questions about Romney

Posted: Feb 29, 2012

Is his wife allowed to speak in public?  I have never heard her say a word.  the second question is will Willard forbid the Mormons from posthumously baptizing Jewish people into Mormon faith when he is president? Seems like that might irk some people in NY, FL and Oklahoma.



Big Love - sm

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I viewed the series and thought they were fine people but did not remember anything about magical underware or baptizing dead people.

My sister is a mormon and I belonged to the church many many years ago - sm

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First, Big Love is a TV show. A lot of what they show on the series is not true and a lot of what is true they don't show on the series. My sister watches the show, but her church doesn't want them to. She said it portrays them in a bad way. My sister does wear mormon underwear, though she won't show me what it looks like. She said it protects her. She told me a member of her church was in an accident and the underwent kept him safe and he didn't have any marks on him. I asked her "but what if you are be-headed" LOL She laughed at that.

Mormon baptisms of the dead. My sister goes to the Temple every week to do this work. It can be found on the internet. She has gone and baptized all of our family members who have died, after they have been dead for a certain period of time. I'm not real happy about that, but I figure if it makes her happy and our deceased love ones have moved on and don't know so guess there is no harm. I don't agree with it, but it's done. I told her if I go before her and she does it to me I will come back and haunt her til she's gone. :-)

thank you for sharing - opie

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I really enjoy it when posters share their personal experiences. That was fascinating.

not sure - goldie

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Are you kidding? Why wouldn't she be allowed to speak in public? I'm not sure what you mean. I saw her last night at the Romney HQ in Novi, MI introducing her husband. She speaks often and she's a lovely woman. Mormons really are allowed to talk.

As for your second question, I'm again baffled as to why a question like that would even be raised. What's the point? You don't need to be afraid of a Mormon in the WH any more than a Catholic, Jew, Buddist, etc. I wouldn't really care what his/her religion would be, as long as they are the right fit for the country at the time. When can we move on and talk about some REAL issues and problems we're facing as a nation?

P.S. And just to let the liberals know, attacking Mormons is not going to help your guy get reelected. It will backfire.

I'm liberal and have no reason to attack Mormons - fyi - honest

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Post makes no sense - as usual

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As if only non-libs have a reason to attack Mormons? Libs are the most unrelenting, intolerant, critical people on this board when you don't agree with them. Try reading the threads.
The post makes perfect sense. - sm
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I'll ignore the rest of the vitriole contained in your very nasty post.

response - Nickel

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As I stated, I have never heard her speak. Asking if anyone had.

As far as Mormons, you jumped to the conclusion that anyone discussing mormon practices is "attacking" them. If you believe that baptizing Holocaust victims into a different faith posthumously to "get them into heaven" is/would NOT controversial, you are naive.

Believe me, it will not be the democrats that..sm - HELLO?

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attack the Mormons or any other religion. We are the ones that want to keep religion out of politics!

Dems out of religion - not so - Conservative

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Clearly a totally false statement.

#1. On 01/26/2012, Valerie Jarret, Sr White House adviser to Obama, went to Baptist church in Atlanta, Georgia and demonized anyone not in line with Obama from the pulpit. Proceeded from the pulpit to lay out Obama's "agenda".
#2. Obama has begun (this week) sending recordings to be played in church, instructing congregations to vote for him, hold rallies for him, recruit Dems for him.

How can anyone claim Dems are for separation of church and state when this is a bold faced lie? Since media and lib networks like CNN, MSNBC, HSNBC and MM are Obama's a_ _ covering for all of this, very little in the news.
I believe that...sm - choir girl
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Democrats as a whole believe in the separation of church and state, accept people of any and all religions, or people with no religion, that advocate love and kindness toward their fellow human beings. I personally think that is what Jesus intended, love thy neighbor, judge not; red, yellow, black and white, God is love.

As far as:
#1.. If that be the case, she stated her own opinion, not mine or yours or the president's. That is called free speech. Not that I agree with her tactics.

#2 Do you have veriication of this? I find it quite hard to believe.

Choir girl - Conservative
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#1. Jarrett was not stating her own opinion. She was there for the sole purpose of drumming up support for Obama. BTW, when was the last time you were in church and a politic stumper was in the pulpit? Not any church I ever went to.
#2. There is plenty of verification on the internet.

Cannot help what someone choses to believe or not. The information is there for general consumption, although not through liberal blogs, liberal news sources, etc. Had to verify it through independent bipartisan sources. White House has not denied either 1 or 2; they were contacted and given a chance to say what they wanted. Completely ignored questions, but would not deny any of it. The liberal media would not address it at all when given the dates, facts, tapes, pictures, etc.
To all "conservative" knock offs -THANK YOU - From the original Conservative
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Emulating me is the sincerest form of flattery. However, no matter how you try, you will not ever be authentic or the original. Just second rate, second best. Another old saying for you "hope springs eternal". It is such a shame you just will never quite make it no matter how hard you try. Now, dress up, study up and put on your "lipstick"; you have fierce competition. I will be around later to pick up the broken and tattered pieces. Counseling will be available for the severely broken hearted. ;) Do not forget, the moderator is watching!
plenty of verification on the internet - (?)
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I am not lazy, and I am a good googler. Yet, I cannot verify this. Please share, let's not play a game. Thanks.
Dems NO separation of church and state - example one
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Here's one: Don'tknow why other are having some much trouble finding this. Absolutely no trouble finding this on internet - Just put in Valerie Jarrett's name. Occurred at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta...took me about 5 seconds.

"One day before Martin Luther King Day, Senior White House adviser Valerie Jarrett spoke at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia. Photo Credit:AP
One day before Martin Luther King Day, Senior White House adviser Valerie Jarrett spoke at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia.

Her appearance was notable for a number of reasons. To begin with, King was a preacher at the church, so the timing of the address, during which she praised the civil rights leader for paving the way for Obama’s historic presidency, was appropriate.

But of additional interest was Jarrett’s politically-charged speech, which, according to the Weekly Standard, she delivered to the church’s congregants just before the house of worship hosted a voter registration drive. Rather than dancing around the political nature of her position to deliver a sermon or a message rooted purely in Biblical nature, she took the opportunity to lambaste Republicans."

you did not read my post - I was asking about point #2
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Don't care what you posted - that was 4 anyone that wanted it
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Trying contacting the DNC for your copy of the tape. Alan Colmes disccused it. I'm not searching for everybody that won't do it themselves. I had no problem finding the info OP stated, and heard it elsewhere, as well.
oh - silly me
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Then don't respond to my post. Again - if you have documentation with respect to tape recordings being sent to congregations, let me know, and I will be interested in reading it.
agree... - lib here
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I am opposed to ANY political message from the pulpit. I don't care which party is doing it. I agree with you here.

As for #2, I cannot find any information to substantiate the claim that Obama is sending recorded messages to churches. However, if it were true, I would be most opposed and would be happy to say so.

If you could point me in the direction of verification, I would appreciate it.
I guess throwing around specious info is more enlightening? - crickets
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I guess throwing around specious info is more enlightening? - crickets - You'd know *sigh* nm, NM, Nm
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congregation captain program - sm
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There is nothing about "recordings" to be played in church, nor is there language to suggest there will be instruction from the pulpit. You appear to use hyperbolic language and unsubstantiated claims to suggest something nefarious.

As you decline to provide documentation, I offer the following from barackobama.com for those interested in the issue:

Congregation Captain Program:
"Congregation captains will take the lead on educating others about the importance of participating in this campaign and how to get involved. Working in your individual capacity, you’ll reach out to key community members and mobilize your personal networks with house parties and other outreach activities, as well as provide assistance in conducting voter registration drives."

There is nothing wrong with either party mobilizing their community.
Another one that doesn't bother - to research
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Keep your head in the sand...An A$$ is a bigger target. Be careful with that dictionary...wouldn't want you to hurt yourself. With love....CryBabyLibs
You are just one of many things wrong with the - Republican Party, nm
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You are just one of many things wrong with the - human race - nm, NM, nM, Nm
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c'mon, this is good research - where's the beef?
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If you want to say something, say something. Childish rejoinders aren't doing it.
do you refudiate this information - if so, let's have it
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I am sure I am not the only one sick of your pointless diatribes and meaningless drive-bys. I dare you, I really do, to say something of substance - or to at least not curse in your fruitless posts.

You go goldie - Love your posts

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Really seems to chap the behind of so many on here. Keep 'em coming!

The only attacks on Mormons lately have been - coming out of the GOP camp.

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Last October, Evangelical Pastor Robert Jeffress (Rick Perry's buddy) called Mormons a "cult," and urged pubs to vote for "a competent Christian" instead.

In January, Rev Huey Mills, another prominent South carolina evangelical who endorses Rick Santorum, played the cult card when he stated unequivocally he would never vote for a Mormon. He and Rev Ray Moore put out a joint press release 24 YEARS AGO, taking bitter umbrage at Willard's support for "homosexualization" of the military and his tolerance of civil unions as governor.

Then there's Foster Freiss, Santorum's wealthy campaign benefactor, who sunk to a new low when talking about his perceptions of welfare queens during an interview with Reuters, suggesting that that "little Mormon gals" were getting pregnant with rich men and taking welfare to pay for their babies!

In January, Gingrich supporter GOP Georgia state rep Judy Manning admitted being "afraid" of Romney's faith, but with the caveat that "it’s better than a Muslim." She went on to explain that "every time you look at the TV these days you find an ad on there telling us how normal they are. So why do they have to put ads on the TV just to convince us that they’re normal if they are normal?" After the ensuing uproar over her bald-faced bigotry, she apologized if she had "offended" any Mormons, but offending American Moslems never seemed to appear on her radar screen, so no apology was forthcoming on that score.

In a July 2011 appearance on Fox, conservative political commentator Ben Ferguson: “Can you name the candidate that’s running for president that believes that if he’s a good person in his religion he will receive his own planet? Would you vote for someone for president who believes in their religion, if he’s a good person, he’ll get his own planet? Do you want to get your own planet?”

Fox News correspondent Ainsley Earhardt, July 2011: “The Christian coalition, I think Rick Perry could get a lot of money from that, because Romney, obviously, not being a Christian…”

Evangelist Ed Decker wrote in his book, My Kingdom Come: The Mormon Quest for Godhood: "Mormonism was and is a hot bed of homosexuality."

Dave Hunt, a Christian minister, co-authored "The God Makers" with Decker, a scathing commenary on Mormonism they made into a movie of the same name.

Fred Karger, a gay GOP candidate quietly running for president, has launched a new website he alls the Top 10 Craziest Mormon Beliefs.


So as you can see, the GOP seems to be doing a bang-up job of attacking Romney's faith all by themselves. I agree with the OP. It's the GOP, not the dems, who insist on mixing their politics with religion.

Thank you. - Conservative INO

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Thanks for another excellent post. It is too bad that the other posters do not site actual examples of their claims rather than just the usual rants.
Excellent post - Pretty low standards
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I wish there was no such as war - opie

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I believe that children are our future. I wish more people understood that "discuss" religion and "attack" religion are not synonymous.

Interesting items you posted. I hadnt heard any of them. I guess this board is not a complete WOT

true courage - sm

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Where is all this outrage about religion when posters attack Muslims on this board? Its easy to defend your candidate's religion, truly courageous to defend others.

indeed! - nm

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I'm just curious what you're talking about... - Zville MT

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What do you mean about baptizing Jewish people posthumously?

here you go - nickel

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Thanks, I think... - Zville MT

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I may need some time to process that one.

His wife has given - several speeches

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as well as many of his intros. Will never seem them on CNN, MSNC, etc. They only play the "tingle up your leg - Oh Anointed One".

They weren't serious queries. - YouMayKnow

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You probably already know that the OP wasn't seriously looking for answers. The Obama fans on this board mercilessly, relentlessly attack all of the GOP contenders. Obviously they're quite worried and nervous or they wouldn't be going to all that trouble.... :)

Not serious - They are so easy to read

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Hard to take anything they post seriously. :) You can smell the lib blood in the water.

Obama Fan - mbmt

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As an Obama fan, I am not one tiny bit worried about any of the GOP contenders. Why would I be?

Actually - mbmt

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I heard her give intros both on MSNBC and CNN.

So did I. - nm

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I saw his wife on - :)

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Fox News doing an interview on Fox and Friends. So she obviously speaks in public. Not sure what that has to do with anything any way. As to Romney's faith....he is free to belong to any religion of his choosing...just like the rest of us. Liberals often talk about accepting people and their differences and yet sometimes I find them to be some of the most unaccepting people when someone differs from their opinion.

For those that love to bash Romney - Conservative

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I have seen a lot of people on here criticize Romney mercilessly because of his wealth. I seen many make really snide remarks about his daddy's gazillion. Before criticizing him so vehemently, you ought to know that Romney gave away every single penny his father/mother left him. This entire fortune was primarily donated to provide college educations. Speaking of putting your money where your mouth is. Obama never passes up an opportunity to verbally abuse Romney and his wealth. Have yet to see Obama put his moeney where his mouth is.

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