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Romney 48%, Obama 43%

Posted: Apr 17, 2012

48 to 43 is pretty close. In a poll registered voters were asked if election was held today who would you vote for. 48 Romney and 43 for Obama. What this says is it's very close and it still gives me hope that the Romney haters don't outweigh the ones who have a clear mind and will vote based on what is best for the country. So all the haters can spin all they want. Reading so many posts below I had to take what was posted and go research for myself and found out that most of what is posted below is outright lies - go figure. So all the haters can post all the lies and spin they want. Twist speeches into things that were not said, etc. All I say is nobody should be feeling like anyone has won the election "hands down". We've still got 6 months and anything is possible. What if.;

romney is condescending and dismissive - sm

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If you are a working person, a woman, gay, or a person of color you have to be a complete fool to even consider voting for Romney. The Republicans are hashing over old social issues (women's pay, role outside the home, abortion, gay rights, immigration) that were fought and won at the beginning of the 1900s. They act like they want to go back to those old days when men made all the decisions, women stayed in the kitchen, workers had no rights and blacks went to the back of the bus. How can a working woman possibly consider, even in passing, supporting a party like this?????

Obame rude, arrogant, obnoxious, inexperienced, racist - Only complete fool would consider Obama

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So how many years experience does Romney have - as POTUS?

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It is idiotic to say an incumbent president with 7 years as a state senator and another 5 as a US senator has no experience. In fact, other than a one-term governor, Mitt's only political experience is as a perennial candidate who has lost every bid he ever made for office. Despite an abysmal democratic turnout, Ted Kennedy smashed him in the 1994 US Senate race with a 58% to 41% win. In 2008, he spent $110 million, including $45 million of has own personal fortune, but all he could muster was 4.7 million votes in the primary. When he dropped out of the race, he trailed McCain (who lost to Obama, as I recall) by more than a 2:1 margin in delegate votes. He emerged from the 2012 GOP primary by default, having outspent a gaggle of clownish condenders by staggering amounts and is still trying to figure out how to pivot from one fake persona to another. Experience as an investment banker and corporate raider who likes being able to fire people are not qualities I look for in a presidential candidate.

Calling 69,456,897 of your fellow citizens who handed Obama his 7.2% lead in the popular vote and an electoral margin of more than 2:1 "complete fools" is almost as out of touch with reality as the candidate you are trying to defend.
And how many did Obama have before he got in - or Clinton or any one - sm
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Before you tell anyone they are idiotic look at what you just wrote. Anyone who isn't running a second term of course has not held the position. That's one of those "duh" moments. But even with him in position with everything he is doing is not good for the country. He is failing at his job.

Romney has as much experience that Obama had when he ran the first time. Besides, being president is not a requirement. If it was Obama would not have won, or Bush, etc, To say that is in itself "idiotic". In fact when I was listening to him as candidate Obama he even said he had as much experiences as the person who held the position before him had when he was running.

Oh yeah, and if he was such a great and wonderful leader he'd be leading Romney by double digits. Not 1 or 2 points, being tied, and Romney would not be ahead of him in some of the polls.

The answer is quite simple. He has failed at the job. That is why we need a new leader. Someone with experience. Someone who is a leader. Someone who takes responsibility. When an employee has failed at their job they are fired. The company doesn't keep them employed while they continue to be a liability for the company.
7+5 does not equal 4 and - 14 is 10 more than 4
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Clinton was a law professor who served 2 years as state attorney general and 12 years as governor between 1976 and 1992. His major accomplishments during his tenure were transforming the state economy and educational system from rock bottom to top notch.

Obama taught Constitutional law for 12 years and practiced civil rights law as a litigator for 11 years in addition to his service in the state and US Senate as previously described. The experience these two had was directly relevant to the duties they performed as president. It is ludicrous to even try to place Romney in the same league with them. By comparison, he is barely wet behind the ears. I am not the least bit impressed with his background as an investment banker and corporate raider and, in fact, its self-serving nature is pretty scary stuff. I am strongly opposed to his recent proposal to eliminate HUD and slash education to bankroll permanent extension of the Bush tax cuts....the ONLY plan he has deigned to reveal so far, and that happened by an accidental intersection between a media easdropper and a closed-door session Mitt and Ann had with their campaign donor confidantes.

So is Obama, only worse - Don't get too comfortable

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And, if you are a working person, a woman, wanting to build a life for your family and children and save a little for retirement, have a good job (stable), don't want to be discriminated against because you are Caucasian, you enjoy going to church and don't want to be called a crazy and cling to your bibles. If you are a gun owner and believe in the right to bear arms. If you believe in the constitution and believe it is the foundation of our country. If you don't like being called an enemy if you are not in the democrat party then you'd have be a complete idiot to even consider voting for Obama. If you want civil rights to start marching forward again and get out of the 1960s that Obama has taken us back to, bating people into race accusations when none are warranted then again, you'd be a fool to vote for him. If you don't want the leader of the country to trash us to other countries, if you don't want our leader to bow to heads of other countries (which is an open sign of being subservient). If you care about life and are against abortions and being forced to perform abortions or pay taxes to let others have abortions. If you are sick of Wall Street, CEOs, Bankers continue to get ricch while the rest of us suffer. If you are tired of hearing excuses and not taking responsibility for his actions then you are a complete fool to vote for him.

Mr. Romney respects women's rights and certainly does not want to go back to the 1900s. Despite what you have read in the tabloid news, you must know by now that is all just horse hooey. How can a working woman consider supporting someone in the republican party you ask. Very easy. The republican party has done more for the advancement of women. They have more compassion for working women. The respect a womans right to choose. They respect women period. I've found nothing of that in the democrat. He's still paying the women less than the men who hold the same job. They have done more to hold women back. How can a working woman, whose dream it is to buy a home and have a good job and be able to raise her child support a party like that????

If you want to talk about condescending and dismissive, yes many politicians are. Obama is at the top of the list and Billy is next.

What??? - sm

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You said: "If you are sick of Wall Street, CEOs, Bankers continue to get ricch while the rest of us suffer." Are you kidding? You think Romney is going to change this? LOL

You said: "The republican party has done more for the advancement of women. They have more compassion for working women. The respect a womans right to choose. They respect women period. I've found nothing of that in the democrat. He's still paying the women less than the men who hold the same job".

Again, the repubs respect a woman's right to choose? Have you been paying attention to all the bills trying to prevent abortion and trying to outlaw contraception? LOL.

The first thing that Obama signed after taking the oath was the Lilly Leadbetter Act..which is an act about equal pay for equal work. LOL

Where are you getting your so-called information?
Excellent points in your post and all true. Thank you. - nm
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Did you not see the post below complete... - sm

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with photos of former republican presidents, as well as, VP Cheney) bowing to leaders, even kissing and holding hands with, of other countries?

Maybe Mitt doesn't know any better. - GOP presidents bowing traditions

Posted: Apr 17th, 2012 - 9:22 am In Reply to: Romney would never bow to a foreign dictator. - pr

Why drag this tired old shoe out of the closet? How any times do we have to go through this?

Included are:

Eisenhower bowing to French President DeGaulle.

Ike bowing to a woman (!), wife of Italian PM Giovanni Gronchi

Nixon bowing to Chairman Mao !

Nixon bowing to Emperor Hirohito

Bush kissing, bowing before, and holding hands with KingAbdllah

President Bush bowing in China

Even Cheney bows

Phoney outrage doesn't fly.

Excellent points. - sm

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I, too, don't understand why any woman, employed outside the home or not, would vote for the one person who would like to wipe her off the planet (although she might be available to provide maid service for those very rich that is Romney's "base.")

Out of all the jobs that the rich "created," how many were created here in the United States of America versus another country for slave labor, while the rich sit by and get richer and richer.

We can't trust our banks any more. I've begun to save CASH and hide that cash inside my home. At least that way, I KNOW I'll have it. Taking that chance is more important than possibly losing the face amount plus the pennies of interest that would accompany the principal.

I share your same question: "How can a working woman possibly consider, even in passing, supporting a party like this?????"

Romney doesn't know what it's like to struggle to make ends meet, and his wife certainly has no experience struggling to pay the bills and put food on the table, etc.

It's too bad when we get to the point where someone can BUY the Presidency of the United States, but that's where we are, folks.

Reuters poll: O = 47%. R = 43% - CNN: O = 52%. R = 43%

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I believe your numbers come for Gallup's DAILY tracking poll if I am not mistaken. Hard to say since you feel no need to post your source. It's always helpful to compare to other recent results.

RealClearPolitics (conservative leaning) gives Obama 3.2% edge. CNN poll shows that 76% of Obama supporters are casting their vote FOR Obama himself with only 23% saying they are voting AGAINST Romney. These numbers are almost reversed for Romney: 63% of those who are voting for Romney say theirs is a vote AGAINST Obama, with only 35% of those Romney supporters claming to actually SUPPORT Romney. Translation: Nearly 2/3rds of those cannot think of a good reason to cast their votes FOR Rommney. Impressive.

In the CNN poll, when asked who is more in touch with problems facing women, responders favor Obama by a clear 2:1 margin over Romney. The president topped Romney by 47 to 39 on family values in the Reuters poll.

Respondents to both polls gave Obama higher marks than Romney on virtually ALL specific issues polled. The only exception to this was that Romney beat Obama jobs/economy by a slim 45% to 43% lead in the Reuters poll. Obama's likability rating left Romney in the dust.

I don't think it's surprising that the above low numbers for Romney actually represent a gain from earlier polls (thus slightly narrowing an even wider earlier gap), since Romney only just recently was declared the "apparent" nominee.

That said, a million things could happen between now and November, so it's a bit early to be taking any of these numbers to heart just yet, regardless of which poll numbers you accept and which one you reject, though you would be wise to heed your own avice and not get too comfortable, dontcha think?


Okay here you go. - Don't get too comfortable

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Sorry, didn't realize there was a requirement to post a link to everything we read. It was in the headline news where I read that. My point in fact, which you ignored is "don't get comfortable, the race is not over and we've got another six months of campaigning. Even the article you posted said the gap between Obama and Romney is narrow, which means Romney could pass by Obama. I'll repeat my message - "don't get too comfortable".

So here is the link to my article that I read. However there are literally dozens of polls out there. I'd say half has Obama ahead and the other half Romney. So you can choose whichever poll you prefer, not one is more accurate than another. Again, my message was "don't get too comfortable".

Here's the link, which was a link off of a news site I read.


Rasmussen: O - 44, R - 47
Fox: O - 44. R - 46

Reuters: Romney gaining on Obama
Fox: Romney edges Obama as approval drops

Polls change daily. That article I posted was in the headline news. Again, my message was -

"Don't get too comfortable".

And the race is on. It's too close to make any predictions. It will be an interesting race.

Don't get too comfortable.

No need to repeat yourself since I said the same thing - and agreed with you.

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Way too early. I simply posted contrasting poll results. I am, however, fascinated by the extensive number of background issues the CNN poll questioned respondents on where Obama clobbered Romney by double digits, some of which were in the high 20s.

Obama sinking fast - How Obama picks up speed to the bottom

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along with the rest of the bottom feeders where Obama belongs. Complete total failure. People belly-aching on here about Romney being a 1-termer, yet Obama had NO EXPERIENCE, NADA in running anything - a fact these posters constantly ignore because it doesn't fit the DNC "talking points" they so adore. Obama can't run to the corner store, let along run the USA except into the ground. Obama is a major loser, no class, rude.

BTW - when Obama called the Supreme Court "unintellected" (Obama meant unelected for those scratching their domes) notice all the libs let that slide...another verbal gaffe amongs many for BO. P.S.. I'm not posting any link for anybody; if you are too lazy to Google that's your problem, not mine. Now FLAME, FLAME, FLAME!

popularity poll - new

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In terms of likability, Obama tops Mitt 3-to-1. People like Obama. They don't like Romney. I think all Obama has to do is make people understand all he has done in his first term to correct all the sewage the right has thrown at him. People take likabiity into account when voting.

Obama has done a lot of "sewage" throwing - Hope it all blows back on Obama

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Those of us not into "idol" worship do not like him. Can't stand Obama and sick of all of his lies, blame-gaming, crying and whining. If Obama can't put on his big-boy pants, let him take his marbles and go home. You talk like oh poor little ole' Obama, congress is mean to him. HE HAD COMPLETE TOTAL CONTROL FOR 2 YEARS - A fact constantly overlooked by the sheeple because it does not "fit" their victim agenda.

BTW - Before you throw out the racist card as posters on here always do, I'm mixed races. Which race are you going to scream racist to just so everbody's clear. News flash - BLACKS do not follow Obama the Incompetent like blind sheep. WE see the damage Obama has done to all races and genders. Like I said to a poster once before; now hit me with your best racist shot. Bring it.

nice - rr

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thing to wish for. (1) I did not mention congress. (2) your race does not factor in this discussion.

All the president has to do is to remind voters what he has actually accomplished.75% of the nation wants him to succeed and think he is trustworthy, good family man and intelligent. Versus Romney who people think is hollow, shifty and self entitled. Not much of a matchup.

nice - not so much - Way off
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No one cares what was/you mentioned. Posters can contribute whatever they want, and not be dictated to by other posters as to the content of what they can post. Want your posts content controlled? Such a control freak you don't want others posting their opinion, but you can post yours?

Obviously you do not read this board much, otherwise, you would see how libs CONSTANTLY throw out the race card. All repubs have to do is remind the nation what an complete, total failure this prez has been. BTW - approximately 32% think country going in the right direction; not the overwhelming masses you imply. You are totally incapable and ill-informed to speak for the American public, especially those that DO NOT think Obama is TRUSTWORTHY (pretty funny), honest, competent, capable, intelligent, hard-working, knowledgeable, in touch with Americans...and the list goes on.

BTW - If race has nothing to do with anything, why do Dems/Libs holler "racist" every chance they get? They cry wolf with this ALL the time. Turn on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC; check out HuffPo, MM and finally, READ THE ENTRIES ON THIS BOARD.
puff - and huff
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(1) "No one care what was mentioned?" You speak for all, but I cant, huh... (2) Posters can certainly post what they want. but when 1 responds to a post and inserts assumptions that were not written, they are in need of correction. (3) Your 32% concerns a different question, so not responsive to subject of my post regarding likeability. No apples, few oranges. (4) I never said race had nothing to do with anything. I said ... your .. race had nothing to do with the contents of my post. (5) Read this board? Now you are telling me what to do. Not gonna happen.

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Moderator, the above post is nothing but a personal - sm
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attack on a poster. It has no probative or evidentiary value whatsoever.
ALSO REPORTED - Moderator, the above post is nothing but a persona
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The post you are referring to is not a perosnal attack - Moderator
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There is more information in the message itself.

Disagreeing with a poster does not equal personal attacks.

In your last paragraph, you claim that - sm

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you're "mixed races." Just like Obama, eh?

Would you be kind enough to provide specific examples of the "damage Obama has done to all races and genders" you claim has been done by Obama? I'd ask for some corroboration, but I already know better; that's something the right wing will never do. They just throw words out there and support whatever sticks to the wall.

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