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Ask any Mormon why they will vote for Romney and ...

Posted: Oct 31, 2012

they will give you one of the following idiotic reasons they chose him: 1) Because he is a Mormon. 2) Because my parents told me .... 3) Because my husband told me .... 4) Because he shares my beliefs. No specifics because they don't know any specifics. Mormons stick together no matter what. ;

I'm not Mormon but I'm voting for Romney because he's not Obama. nm - wannie

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You are as specific as Romney is. - Marge

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I gave a very specific reason. I don't like Obama. No other - wannie

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specificity needed. We can all vote for whomever for whatever reason we choose.
What a coincidence! That is the same reason - I am voting for Obama. He is not Romney!
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How about that??
That's the beauty of democracy. nm - wannie
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I think she meant the reason you don't like - Obama. Not saying you SM
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at all but many dont like Obama because of his skin color and it is very obvious that the campaign/PACS have used this fact to try to get votes, using code words and much more throughout the campaign.

Well, that took a lot of research of their views! - Angie

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Talked to my sister who is mormon. What you wrote is a lie. - The Sarge - sm

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My sister said to me "you know, not every mormon is voting for Romney".

She said some people in the church are voting for Obama. The ones who are voting for Romney are voting for him because:

1. The economy is failing.
2. Under Obama there are more jobs lost.
3. They believe Romney will create more jobs.
4. Foreign policies.

Etc, etc, etc. Everything she told me as to why the people she knows are voting for Romney is issue-based.

Despite what you read in the tabloids mormons do not vote for someone because their parents or husband told them good. Good grief.

She said the people she talked to about Obama the reason they are voting for him is because he's black.

If you are going to post lies, at least have something to back it up. Otherwise the fear mongering aint gonna work sweetie.

Maybe your sister the Mormon - cant tell you ?

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Very secretive religion. I bet she's not allowed to tell you what really goes on.

She doesn't need to - I used to belong to the church - Better than Muslim. - sm

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Thought I asked that the fear mongering stop.

In case you didn't get the memo, lay off the fear mongering.

People are voting for Romney because he is the better candidate.
I don't like fearmongering either, but you and I don't get to tell people what to post. - grits
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You can post anything you want to. Never said you couldn't - Better than Muslim - sm
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Go ahead keep it up. Keep up the fear mongering. I "asked" you to stop, but I guess that's too difficult of a concept to grasp.
Your own words: - grits
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"In case you didn't get the memo, lay off the fear mongering."

Sounds like an order to me.
Ah! Only you get to fear-monger, hmmm? - Obama is not Muslim
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You don't decide the rules here. Your memo went in the trash.
There was no fear mongering in my message - Better than a Muslim
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Never said I make the rules. Again I "asked" the fear mongering to stop. Again, guess that's too difficult for simple minded to grasp.

Since you don't think Obama is a Muslim then maybe you need to give that memo to him, and Madonna and Farrakhan and Gaddafi and gee I could give so many more names. I think Obama himself would be the first one to tell that he doesn't know what religion he is. Don't think he got that memo.
And I would ask for the hate to stop - Does that make a difference to you?
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You said in another post that you didn't care what religion he is, now you are making ridiculous statements like "I think Obama himself would be the first one to tell that he doesn't know what religion he is" and saying that anyone who doesn't agree with you is simple minded. Hate/fear mongering all over your posts.
That's fine as there was no hate or fear in my message - sm
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Not caring what religion someone is is not fear or hate. Stating someone is a Muslim, when he himself said it and when the people around him say it, it is fear or hate, it's just stating the facts. The reality is I don't hate Muslims, mormons or anyone for their religion, but posters hate Mitt for his religion spreading fear and hate that.

I would like politics to be discussed like adults, but looks like that is too difficult for some.

What a handy sister to have. So Mormons are voting for Obama because he's black. - Who would have guessed?! Thanks.nm

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Your'e welcome - The Sarge - nm

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Sarge & Sister - Here are the facts... - Marge

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JOBS: From the time Obama took office he has created hundreds of thousands more jobs than existed when he became president.

ECONOMY: Obama is building the economy from the middle class out by increasing taxes on billionaires and decreasing on the middle class.

FOREIGN POLICY: What part of ending the war in Iraq do you not agree with? Obama ended the war. He is in the process of training Afghanistan to take responsibility for their own defense which will bring the Afghanistan troops home by 2014.

My ideas about Mormonism do not come from trash magazines as I do not read them. They come directly from Mormon friends that I talk to. I have not talked to one Mormon who can cite Romney's stance on issues that cause them to vote for him. I only get the following responses "my mom & dad think he will do a good job" or "My husband says....." typical of Mormon women living under the status of the men.

Your sister saying that people are voting for Obama because he is black sounds pretty ridiculous in this day & age, yet there are a few who may do that. On the other hand, I visualizing the Mormon support of Romney by the Mormon states shows they are not considering issues, they are voting for their religion.

I'm a mormon and I am not voting for Obama - jewelz

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I am not voting for Obama for so many reasons it would be impossible to list them all here. If Obama was a CEO of a company and he ran it the same way. He would be fired. There would be no talking his way out of it. He said in his last election that Bush's 1 Trillion + debt was unamerican and that he was going to cut our debt in half by the end of his first term. 16 TRILLION and growing.

-He has negatively impacted small business.
-He won't work with congress.
-The mishandling and outright misleading of the Benghazi attack.
-Obama treats Americans as if we are all to stupid to take care of ourselves. He is involving Government in everything. More and more regulations on business, schools, school lunches, housing, medicaid, medicare, etc.....

I'm sure you will require endless examples but I have done my homework and I am not voting for Romney because he is Mormon and I am very much aware that he is not perfect. But he is absolutely the best candidate. America cannot afford to have Obama in office another 4 years.

We can't afford to go back to the Bush administration - Marge

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Typical democratic strategy this election - --

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When backed in a corner and all else fails, bring up Bush. Obama's time in office has sometimes made me look back on the Bush administration with fondness.

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