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Which Romney will you vote for? sm

Posted: Oct 26, 2012

“I believe that since Roe v. Wade has been the law for 20 years we should sustain and support it.” Source
“Roe v. Wade has gone too far.” Source

“I don’t line up with the NRA.” Source
“I’m a member of the [NRA].” Source

“I like mandates. The mandates work.” Source
“I think it’s unconstitutional on the 10th Amendment front.” Source

“I respect and will protect a woman’s right to choose.” Source
“I never really called myself pro-choice.” Source

“I saw my father march with Martin Luther King.” Source
“I did not see it with my own eyes.” Source

“I supported the assault weapon ban.” Source
“I don’t support any gun control legislation.” Source

“I think the minimum wage ought to keep pace with inflation.” Source
“There’s no question raising the minimum wage excessively causes a loss of jobs.” Source

“I will work and fight for stem cell research.” Source
“In the end, I became persuaded that the stem-cell debate was grounded in a false premise.” Source

“I would like to have campaign spending limits.” Source
“The American people should be free to advocate for their candidates and their positions without burdensome limitations.” Source

“I’m a strong believer in stating your position and not wavering.” Source
“I changed my position.” Source

“Detroit needs a turnaround, not a check.” Source
“I’ll take a lot of credit for the fact that this industry’s come back.” Source

“I’m not in favor of privatizing Social Security or making cuts.” Source
“Social Security’s the easiest and that’s because you can give people a personal account.” Source

“I’m not trying to return to Reagan-Bush.” Source
“Ronald Reagan is… my hero.” Source

“I’ve been a hunter pretty much all my life.” Source
“Any description of my being a hunter is an overstatement of capability.” Source

“If Massachusetts succeeds in implementing it, then that will be a model for the nation.” Source
“What works in one state may not be the answer for another.” Source

“It was not my desire to go off and serve in Vietnam.” Source
“I longed in many respects to actually be in Vietnam and be representing our country there.” Source

“It’s a tax cut for fat cats.” Source
“I believe the tax on capital gains should be zero.” Source

“It’s not worth moving heaven and earth spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person.” Source
“He’s going to pay, and he will die.” Source

“Relative to the leading candidates, some people see me as being more conservative.” Source
“I’m not the most conservative candidate.” “I’m not the most conservative candidate.” Source

“The TARP program… was nevertheless necessary to keep banks from collapsing in a cascade of failures.” Source
“When government is… bailing out banks… we have every good reason to be alarmed.” Source

“These carbon emission limits will provide real and immediate progress.” Source
“Republicans should never abandon pro-growth conservative principles in an effort to embrace the ideas of Al Gore.” Source

“This is a completely airtight kennel mounted on the top of our car.” Source
‘They’re not happy that my dog loves fresh air.” Source

“Those… paying taxes and not taking government benefits should begin a process toward application for citizenship.” Source
“Amnesty only led to more people coming into the country.” Source

“When I first heard of the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy, I thought it sounded awfully silly.” Source
“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell has worked well.” Source


It won't work JTBB...sm - Liberty

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because of the inept, narcissistic manchild serving as president of the United States now. ANYONE is better than Obama. Check out the latest story about Benghazi. The Seals were told to stand down three times and not go in and save those men at the consulate. The Seals went anyway...without reinforcement from this idiot administration.


I don't know what you think I'm trying to "work"...sm - JTBB

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It's not like anything is ever accomplished on this board...lol. I'm simply pointing out (which you reinforced) that nobody knows what Romney is about. It might be good to note that old addage of the grass isn't always greener on the other side.

It must be really frustrating to know that whole Benghazi conspiracy isn't getting any traction.

Yes, it is frustrating. - anon

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If it were a Republican president, the MSM would be all over it, but no one wants to upset darling Obama or interfere with his chances to win again. They have protected and shielded him like a spoiled child, and lately that is exactly what he has been acting like. I have followed this election more closely than any in my lifetime, and no one, repeat that--no one has flip-flopped, changed their stance, or outright lied more than our president. Romney may not be perfect but he deserves a first try at fixing things way more than Obama deserves a second try.
Anon basically said it. Some will vote for any thing that isn't Democratic. Knee jerk, - Only knowing the LABEL they hate.
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The labels only--the substance on both sides almost nonexistent.

Pounding the web day every day looking only for insults to fling, learning and understanding nothing at all about either candidate or the issues at stake. To gain understanding would require letting information through the bubble.

If anyone with something to vote FOR is considering not bothering, I'd like to suggest that offsetting the vote of one of these rock throwers would be a good deed. Even a reasoned vote for the same candidate would at least raise the quality of the electoral process that much.
You said it. Some will vote for anything that isn't a republican. - Gma always said
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I'll vote for a dog before I vote for a republican.
It took Bush 8 years to create a disaster. - sm
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I'm willing to give Obama 8 years to FIX it all.

Have you ever changed your mind on anything? - backwards typist

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Not just politics, but life events in general? Have you gone and bought an item and after getting it home and/or using it for a few days or weeks, wondered why you bought it; in effect, changing your mind that you really wanted that item?

What is wrong with re-evaluating your thoughts and opinions and changing them??? Over time, I have changed my opinions from when I was in my 20s, 30s, 40s, etc.

Evidently Romney doesn’t have that right according to a lot of people, not just on this board, but in this country in general. What a shame.

A few items that I did get to look up and find answers for you are:

Some of the statements in your post were only half-sentences. I have expanded them for your convenience. :-)

“I'd like to see Roe v. Wade overturned and allow the states and the elected representatives of the people, and the people themselves, have the ability to put in place pro-life legislation.”
5 June 2007,

“I believe we need to focus on enforcing our current laws rather than creating new laws that burden lawful gun owners. I believe in safe and responsible gun ownership and anyone who exercises the right to keep and bear arms must do so lawfully and properly.I do not believe in a one-size-fits-all federal approach to gun ownership because people keep and use firearms for different reasons. Law-abiding citizens have a right to protect their homes and their families and as President, I will vigorously defend that right. January 7, 2008

Here's my view (Romney): If somebody -- if somebody can afford insurance and decides not to buy it, and then they get sick, they ought to pay their own way, as opposed to expect the government to pay their way.

And that's an American principle. That's a principle of personal responsibility.
So, I said this: If you can afford to buy insurance, then buy it. You don't have to, if you don't want to buy it, but then you got to put enough money aside that you can pay your own way, because what we're not going to do is say, as we saw more and more people...
I would not mandate at the federal level that every state do what we do. But what I would say at the federal level is, "We'll keep giving you these special payments we make if you adopt plans that get everybody insured." I want to get everybody insured.

In speeches in New Hampshire last night and this morning, he defended his plan (as he has before) by noting that the 10th Amendment reserves powers to the states that are not explicitly granted to the federal government. But he stopped short of stating that Obama’s plan violated the 10th amendment by taking powers that were reserved to the states.

In a scheduled interview this morning, I asked Romney if Obama’s individual mandate unconstitutional in ordering individuals to purchase a commodity.

“I’m not enough of a judge,” he said. “I think it’s unconstitutional on the 10th Amendment front.”

He said he could not characterize every provision of the bill as unconstitutional because Washington might well have the authority to do many things that are included in the 2,700-page bill.

While George Romney never marched with Martin Luther King, he was supportive of King’s goals and of the Civil Rights movement,

But it’s also clear that George Romney, who served as governor from 1963 to 1969 and died in 1995, supported King’s goals at a time when few politicians did. When King visited Detroit and led a rally of 125,000 people in 1963, Romney issued a proclamation and sent personal representatives. (The Times report noted that Romney was Mormon and did not make public appearances on Sundays.) Two years later, Romney led a march of 10,000 people in Detroit to protest events in Selma, Ala. (King wasn’t there.) When King died in 1968, George Romney attended the funeral.

He told the Associated Press on Wednesday (Feb. 2012) that he backs indexing the federal minimum wage to inflation, just as he did when running for governor of Massachusetts a decade ago. At the margins, minimum-wage increases probably destroy jobs in small restaurants, landscaping and janitorial firms — as the city of San Francisco, which has just imposed a highest-in-the-nation $10.24 minimum, may soon find out. Romney has said that he favors “getting the political debate out and [likes] the idea of not having the huge jumps as we do now.” He is right on both counts.

I am in favor of stem cell research. I am not in favor of creating new human embryos through cloning."
May 1, 2005, National Review Online,

“Stem cell research does not require the cloning of human embryos. Some stem cells today are obtained from surplus embryos from in-vitro fertilization. I support that research, provided that those embryos are obtained after a rigorous parental consent process that includes adoption as an alternative. Further, the greatest successes in stem cell research to date have come from the use of adult and umbilical cord stem cells. Stanford professor William Hurlbut, a physician and member of the President's Council on Bioethics, has proposed a promising approach. Known as altered nuclear transfer, this method could allow researchers to obtain embryonic stem cells without the moral shortcut of cloning and destroying a human embryo.”
March 6, 2005, The Boston Globe The problem with the stem cell bill

“I believe stem cell research is important to our state, for our nation, and I also believe there should be ethical lines drawn on the appropriate type of research. Stem cell research is important, and I’ll support it, and I’m gonna continue to encourage ethical lines to people be drawn in a way that respects human life…”
March 8, 2005, Tempe, Arizona

Here’s what he said:
“ My own view, by the way, was that the auto companies needed to go through bankruptcy before government help. And frankly, that’s finally what the president did. He finally took them through bankruptcy. That was the right course I argued for from the very beginning. It was the UAW and the president that delayed the idea of bankruptcy. I pushed the idea of a managed bankruptcy and finally when that was done, and help was given, the companies got back on their feet.
Those are the three major levers you have, changing the retirement age, giving people more of their income going in or their Social Security withdrawal going into private accounts, and having a lower rate of inflation on the calculation of initial benefits for higher income individuals. Those are the arithmetic ways to make this work. Other than having a tax increase. And the problem with a tax increase is you slow down the economy, which is the last thing you need in this nation.

I'll try to get to the rest of them tomorrow. I still have a few things to do to get ready for Frankenstorm.
Thank you backwards typist for doing that - yh
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The man is a rock. - No denying

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I love that we could possibly have someone in the White House who knows how to please everyone, by golly!

Yes, and he wants to take us back to the stone ages! - nm

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I believe the truth is in line with his religion. - RC

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His public stance is adequately described by "a man is whatever room he walks into."

But, he seems very devout to Mormonism, so I would think that at the end of day, his true stance would lie between the pages of the Book of Mormon.

So, do the pages of the book of mormon...sm - JTBB

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condone lying then? And if he's just going to conform to whoever he's around at the time, exactly how is that supposed to work when it comes to foreign policy? Considering he's surrounded himself with neocons, by your description we should then be prepared for another war, most likely with Iran this time. That's called a puppet. This country deserves better than that.

I'm on the same page you are - RC

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and I really don't have any answers for your questions, though I wish I did. Or at least, I wish SOMEONE did.
Maybe the Mormon prophet, Joseph Smith, does...sm - wc
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...whom they revere over Jesus Christ.

That's just one of the LDS ideals that doesn't sit right with true Christians.

IMHO, one of the religions on its way to loony bin ville (just a few steps behind Scientology). Not to offend any LDS on this board, sorry.
Have to agree with you - me
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Not trying to be offensive either, but have to look at the facts. Joseph Smith was a pervert and a pedophile. Some of his wives were only 13 years old. I honestly do not see how anyone would want to be a follower of him.

Yes, the LDS do teach and practice Lying for God - to serve their church against outsiders. nm

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Well, Romney has made it an art form. - nm
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LOL!!! - mbmt
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I agree, and Romney's devotion to the Mormon church is very - well documented--with his own statements.

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Before he entered the national stage, of course, and started downplaying it big time.

Romney committed himself to serving the church when he was a boy, a commitment he has lived and renewed again and again over the years, devoting himself and everything he has to the church--by his own statements, which can be googled.

Romney, who was called Bishop Romney by the people he presided over, spent 14 years as a Mormon bishop, spiritually counseling and instructing parishioners, eventually moving up to Stake President and thus presiding over an entire region. Those years are far from secret and only ended when he moved on to serve his church on a much larger stage.

Mormons believe this. Read the statement from Joseph Smith's great-great-granddaughter that the Church has been grooming him to become President of the United States for many years now.

Wow, seeing them all lined up like that - Fanatical Hypocrite

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is so hilarious. Thank you for taking the time to do that. Certainly gave me a good laugh. I have a hard time seeing what other people see in Romney.

:) ! You forgot he's been a "lifelong member" of the NRA. - (Title cost him $1000 after all.)

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Remember his explanation that he was a "small rodent" hunter? My husband almost fell out of his chair laughing.

OMG...LOL!!! - mbmt

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A small rodent hunter...impressive.

The one who ISN'T Obama! - That's easy!

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Anyone is better than who we have now!

No, Easy. Just ANYONE is not better! - nm

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Are you talking economically only or are you - including womens' SM

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rights? If you are, then ANYONE is not better.

You Rock! - Sticky Fingers

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ANY Romney.... they are all better than - Obama ! nm

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Whichever one is running against the Communist. - ABO

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