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Of those who plan to vote for Romney, how many work for MModal?

Posted: Aug 28, 2012



Not me - me

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I'm sticking with Obama.

Not I. - nm

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No way-no more outsourcing - Ex-mmodal

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and just how has Obama stopped/lessened offshoring? - whatever

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Neither of them can stop it...

If we got rid of the "do nothings" in congress (Boehner and T-Party) - sm

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something could be done. Dems have proposed incentives for jobs coming back to US. Republicans only want to pass legislation against women, children and old people.

Did that for about 6 yrs when it was Medquist..sm - JTBB

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Outsourcing at its worst. Unfortunately, they aren't the only folks doing that. I don't see how ANY MT could vote for Romney given what has happened to this industry.

Which is exactly what I was getting at. I won't be voting for him either. - OP (nm)

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Ah. The purpose of your post comes to light. - kr

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Thought I detected a bit of liberal spin in the wording. :)
Okay - ? It's not a trick question. - (nm)
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Of course not. A trick question is when you ask SP what she reads. - nm
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Curiosity as to why someone would vote against their own interests - is not liberal spin.
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Would asking someone who is strongly pro-life why they are voting for a pro-choice candidate any kind of spin? Not everything is some kind of liberal conspiracy.

Asking if an MT (in this case employed by Nuance) would vote for Romney is a legitimate question. Maybe they like having no work/no pay, having cruddy overpriced insurance, having junk left-over work after the gravy goes to India, or especially love it - when they do have work - being paid 4 cpl to clean up after junk speech wreck. I don't work for Nuance, but what I just described is EVERYWHERE, so I only imagine that it's even worse there.

Trust me, these working conditions are not exaggerated, and what has happened to this industry is not liberal spin or a fairy tale. Why in the world would someone vote for a person whose business was to make profit regardless of the consequences to the economy and the people of this country - including sending jobs away - if it meant more money for him? Is there another issue that is more important that you're willing to accept 4 cpl and vote for a candidate who will most likely put policies in place to keep your pay that low or even reduce it more? Or is Fox News, etc., really that good at demonizing anything not GOP or conservative enough and brainwashing folks to be cheerleaders?

Sorry... I meant M-Modal, not Nuance - oopsie
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They're all basically the same anyhow.
Don't want to argue BUT don't forget, it was NOT Romney who - backwards typist
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signed onto NAFTA and it was not Romney who expanded NAFTA. If I remember correctly Bush#1 started but Clinton expanded it immensely.

NAFTA was the beginning of the bleeding of our jobs. Obama/Clinton is finishing it this year by expanding it even more. Remember the treaties they signed earlier this year?

AHDI didn't help either but jumping on the bandwagon. Instead of sticking up for the MTs, they trained MTs in other countries and made a fortune off them.

Our jobs are not going to Mexico or Canada (NAFTA countries). - nm
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Not - me

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Romney will give them bigger tax cuts so they can create more jobs for India.

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