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Why Romney does not get my vote

Posted: Oct 23, 2012

Some of you may be too young to remember the 1970s and the ERA.  You also may have never heard of Sonia Johnson, a Mormon women who was excommunicated from the Mormon church in the late 1970s for supporting the ERA and equal rights for women.  I had the occasion to speak with her after she wrote a book called "From Housewife to Heretic." 

Anyway, long story short, I have firsthand experience as a former member of the Mormon church (and a very loyal, dedicated, and hardworking one at that) and I can tell you that there is an attitude there, mostly among the men, but including some women, that conveys the desire to oppress women. 

I am NOT pro abortion, but I am pro choice, and I know that abortion is not acceptable to governor Romney, as part of his faith.  I am not a feminist, but I do believe in equal pay for equal jobs for women.  I'm afraid that governor Romney's faith/beliefs could not help but affect his actions, should he become president.  He has served in high positions in the Mormon church.  He was a Bishop (which Romney referred to as "Pastor" during one of his public comments, but they are called Bishops) and he also served as a Stake President.  A STake is something like a diocese would be in a catholic church.  My personal experience with those in high posiitions such as Bishops and Stake Presidents was that they were like wolves in sheep's clothing; incredibly handsome, with great smiles, warm personalities, great salesmen, seemingly so very kind, until I refused to do things their way.  Then, they got really nasty, but continued to smile and act rather "presidential." 

I'd rather have an honest president who is interested in equal rights for all Americans.  I don't want a two-faced chameleon, who may be handsome and have a nice smile, may be a good salesman, but will not honestly express his true feelings and plans about anything until he is "in" and then.... Well, heaven help us if it ever comes to that.


I have no problem with him being Mormon. - RC

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I'm not religious and find them all to be strange (most are REALLY strange), so whichever one a person chooses really makes no difference to me.

Mormons have a strange duality to them - Fanatical Hypocrite

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As a fellow outsider to religion (agnostic myself; it's the lazy man's atheism), I definitely understand how you feel, but I think Mormons are actually crazier. What's strange about my feelings for their religion is that I've known a lot of Mormons in my day. They are really good people. Here I am insulting their religion, and yet they were all so nice. If someone had a problem, they would be the first to come to your aid. Neighborly, kind, happy and with huge joyful families. I've liked every Mormon I've ever met.

As a whole, they are mad as hatters though. Their religion took most of Christianity along with big chunks of the other Abrahamic religions and then shoved a whole new book on it where it turns out the Native Americans are Israelites, God is a married alien, and the Garden of Eden is in Missouri. My main complaint is with the rest of the religious right who called them cultists, heretics and polygamists for more than a century and as soon as Romney was the only one left on the Republican field, they were welcomed in and his religion is off the table. It feels artificial.

I love having Mormon neighbors. I don't want one for president though. Similarly though, I don't want any religious extremist or extremist religion in the White House. I wouldn't want anyone who believes so fervently that they would infringe on the rights of others because of their beliefs. The LDS church has proven itself less than trustworthy in their political manipulations, such as Prop 8 in California, even if their individual practitioners typically give everyone space to believe as they like.

Obviously - tm

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Obviously, you like to have someone who hates America and Americans. Wake up America to what is going on. Obama has lied to Americans for 4 years. Another 4 more years and the government will own each of us, and then there will NO RIGHTS for anyone.
Clearly, that's what I meant. Thank you. LOL - Fanatical Hypocrite
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I needed help summarizing my thoughts. I also applaud you for using the word America four times. Very patriotic.

Let's see, both of our candidates are owned by special interests. Both want to subsidize a type of energy. Both instituted universal health care. Both (at least at one time) support abortion. Neither man served his country in war. Both men had fathers from foreign countries. Both men are wealthy capitalists. Both are graduates of the Ivy League. And both men believe in a religion that condemns wealth:

"And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God." -Matthew 19:24.

"Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys." -Luke 12:33

"If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth." -1 John 3:17-18

So, both our candidates are going to hell. I guess that makes us even.
TM, you were supposed to be enslaved already. MAYBE, - you were lied to? America's still America. nm
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Agree - Alice

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I agree with you. The Mormon people, as a whole, are very kind. However, it's those in control that I had a problem with. Again, they continued to smile and act kindly until I refused to follow their rules. They have a very helpful social program, but it's the control issue that presents a problem. I don't have a problem with anyone's religion until they try to inflict it upon me and control me with their beliefs.

It is very difficult to explain something like this to people who have not experienced it for themselves.

Romney will get my vote. Cannot take 4 more years - of Obama...and Obamacare a job killer.nm

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Do you actually have a job? I do and have more hours - than I did in 2008, nm

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Yup, that's why we're all here - ds

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You must be delusional or this is your first time on this web site. Hundreds have jobs that pay nothing anymore and can't even afford to feed their families. If you think Americans are better off, you are truly misinformed. America is the worse it has ever been in my 66 years of life. For all of you Obama fans, I pray that America can survive your liberal and ignorant views.

Just jobs? Didn't your leaders promise you he'd destroy the - nation long before now? You got off good! nm

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Your last paragraph describes Obama to a T - OHMT

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Obama has a hidden agenda. I don't trust anything he says. I've seen and read too many things regarding his upbringing, his values, and the people he has surrounded himself with all of his life to believe he wants a free republic for America. He believes in socialism, but that's not what this country is about.

Heaven help us if he gets another four years.

Huh? - Alice

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Actually, I think that describes Romney, though he hasn't said it like this. He actually isn't telling what he's really planning.

I would much prefer what we have now rather than a socialistic society run by a dictator with a god complex.

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