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This year's election is like trying to decide which

Posted: Feb 29, 2016

In a long lifetime, I've never seen such a sorry slate of candidates on both sides.  It's embarrassing to think the world is watching this farce.


I agree, but - sm

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For me, it will NOT be HC or BS. Look at what the last 7-1/2 years under a so-called democrat have brought us. My vote will go to the Republican nominee for the first time in my long voting life.

America is traveling down the same road as - Argentina. In the early 20th

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century, Argentina was #3 in the world in respect to GDP, exports, the whole enchilada. With the introduction of welfare state programs the decline began until the nation was in worse shape than the USA during the depression.

With 19 trillion in debt that is apparent, America is on its way to total destruction. We can thank the political elitists who make a career in Congress and bureaucracy.

Every time I think I cannot ever vote for Trump, Hillary does her best to convince me I could...

With Trump as president we will surely...sm - oldtimer

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follow the path of Germany into white supremacy inspired fascism and all that entails. Scary stuff!
Agreed. - XQC
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Our primary is tomorrow. As a registered independent I can choose either a Republican or a Democratic ballot. I'm considering it my civic duty and a privilege to vote against Trump no matter who he's running against. I'm not wild about any of the Democrats either. At this point it seems more about voting against who you dislike the most.
Boogeyman mentality. Fear mongering. - Go TRUMP!
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Hillary Clinton is bought and paid for. Sanders has no chance. Trump does not owe any donor anything or lobbyists. Remember that "Hope and Change" y'all voted for 8 years ago? How's Obama care working for all of you ICs-now that the employers make MTs pay for healthcare by misclassifying us. It's too expensive for them to even pay half? Go Trump! Bring jobs BACK. Stop offshoring!
The best of the worst - old and burned out
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Whenever I think of a potential presidential candidate I think of the Cuban missile crisis. The only thing that kept us from WW3 was the intelligence and circumspection of JFK. Do you think DT has those qualities? He is a man with strong prejudices, no foreign policy or diplomacy experience, accustomed to giving orders, inciting hatred and inclined answer crises by "bombing the s--t out of enemies." I don't like Hillary Clinton but I do think she has the ability to reason and handle difficult situations. President Trump would scare me to death!
She creates too many emotional wedge issues to make - Democrats look attractive.
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When will there be something other than political show in this country?

I don't like either one.
Tulsi Gabbard says that..sm - VTMT
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she backs Sanders in good measure because he’d be a wiser commander-in-chief “so that we don’t continue to find ourselves in these failures that have resulted in chaos in the Middle East and so much loss of life.”
Clinton: "...ability to handle difficult situations" - Really? Must be a different Hillary.
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That's just exactly one of the biggest questions that many people have about Hillary. I wouldn't have been very happy if the Cuban missile crisis had been "handled" like Benghazi, her email server, her indistinguished period as a Senator, her "handling" of the women who came forward about Bill, the Rose Law Firm thing, etc., etc.

Of course - it does depend on what you mean by "handle". Looking back at her life, I think you'd have to use the term very, very loosely.

The Clintons are just well-dressed grifters - nothing more, nothing less.
JFK "solved" the Cuban Missile Crisis? I've read declassified - documents and that's a myth.
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Just like Camelot was a myth. I don't read all the revisional nonsense about it. Once he displayed his cowardice at the Bay of Pigs, it emboldened the Russians to place missiles in Cuba.

Kennedy's appeasement meant decades of communism at our back door. Most of Kennedy's team had no military or diplomatic direction at all.

The real threat came from Castro and Che. "The victory of socialism is well worth millions of atomic victims.” Che Guevara

Moscow would have known better.
Imagine if JFK had unsecured servers with top secret - plans for the "missile crisis"
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hacked by Khrushchev.

Israel must feel like we did back in 1962, except nukes are worse than atomic bombs.
I was taught it was a "brillant victory" back in 1982. Then - I read comments by Air Force Chief
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Curtis Lemay, Gen. Maxwell Taylor and Navy chief George Anderson, etc.

"It's a public relations fable that Khrushchev quailed before Kennedy. The legend of the eyeball to eyeball confrontation invented by Kennedy's men paid a handsome political dividend. But the Kennedy-Khrushchev deal was a deplorable error resulting in political havoc and human suffering through the America's." Alexander Haig

Then Hollywood went on to promote the myth.
"We ended up getting exactly what we wanted all along" said - Krushchev in his diaries.
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"Security for Fidel Castro's regime and American missiles removed from Turkey and Italy."

Don't believe I said "solved" anywhere - old and burned out
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Kennedy's military advisors all wanted to bomb the missiles in Cuba. Kennedy's decision not to listen to them resulted in the withdrawal of the missiles rather than an action that could easily have led to an all-out nuclear conflict. DT, on the other hand, if one can believe anything he says, would probably have said bombs away.
That's what we were taught too, but in reading - declassified and redacted
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documents, it' not that simple.
Actually, the polls show that Sanders beats... - sm
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Trump and all other republican candidates by a wider margin than Clinton.
Which polls please? - old and burned out
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I just can't see that many Americans voting for a socialist. Not saying I want HC but the word "socialist" for most Americans is on the same list as pedophile and mass murderer. While I agree that Bernie's judgments on the Middle East have been better than HC's, we are where we are now and I think she's smart enough to have learned.
she may be talking about this article - link inside
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Good that the majority knows this is garbage. - sm
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The liberal media is about to crash and burn out of pure fear.
Rubbish. - nm
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Oh get real ! - Trump is better than Hillary !
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She is a proven liar and should be in jail !... yet she wants you to think she cares about you... rubbish! biggest phony in history... Hillary Clinton !

Democrats are lucky to have either Bernie or Hillary - Excellent experience

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Hillary knows foreign policy and will be a watchdog for families and children. Bernie would be great watching over the economics and middle class. My ideal situation is President Hillary and VP Bernie!

Barf !! - Hillary is a criminal !

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who let people die then covered herself with lies ! Wake up ! They both only want to steal from the rich to give to the poor, many who are happy being moochers living off the rich. Is this how YOU live ???????????? Hillary could not care less about you. She is all about her own power and legacy. See the reality for what it is !

While politicians are trying to usher in Ameritopia by promising - free stuff, the rest of the world

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has their own problems, too. Look at Europe. While we are experiencing our own perilous demise, they are too.

Some nation and power will come in and fill the void left when America is finished. Russia/China, European Union perhaps.

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