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If we can only get a fair election.

Posted: Oct 3, 2012

From Us News, 09/27/2012.

Article by Peter Roff:

"Obama Supporters' Dirty Tricks to Win the Catholic Vote"

"On Wednesday Hudson also revealed that a group calling itself Catholics for Obama had been making push poll phone calls in support of the president's re-election bid. Among the questions being asked, he said, was "How can you support a 'Mormon' who does not believe in Jesus Christ?"

The phone banker making the call, which in this case went to a woman Hudson identifies as "the head of a pro-life committee at a parish I know" reportedly also asserted that "President Obama did not support abortion" and that Planned Parenthood "helps children get healthcare and prenatal care and does not promote abortion." In fact, the group is one of the nation's largest abortion providers.

[Editor's note: In response to this blog post, an Obama campaign spokesperson issued the following statement: "As a campaign, we have made it unequivocally clear that a candidate’s religion is out of bounds. The activity that is being attributed to the Obama Campaign and our Catholics For Obama program is categorically false. When we talk to voters about what’s at stake, we talk about Mitt Romney promising to repeal healthcare, slash education, and his support of an economic policy that pays for tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires with tax increases on the middle class."]

All this amounts to a whispering campaign that is both dishonest about the president's record on abortion and deviously attempts to divide the Catholic electorate on the issue of GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney's religion—something the Obama campaign has repeatedly promised it would not do. With the election getting closer, the comments and attacks are getting nastier. Some people, apparently, will do anything to hold on to power.

My thoughts: Hmmmm. If Obama is so far ahead in Ohio, why would any supporters feel the need to make calls such as these? Does the Obama campaign really have no hand in this or is this like the "Romney causes death of worker's wife" video that no one knew anything about and turns out, they certainly did, in particular Stephanie Cutter? No matter what campaign that girl is working for, I would not trust a word from her mouth.


Speaking of whispering campaigns, this is an insinuating blog - post by a player--for the right. NM

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Touchy are we? -

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I don't know 'bout all them fancy words, but I just found the article interesting. I wasn't even suggesting Obama himself or his closest buds know a thing about it (that's why I put in their response). I just wanted to make the point that the Cutter lady(?) has been caught in a pretty big lie before and if there's people in the campaigns not playin a fair game, it's not on just on one side. This here article is what I call thought-provoking, but now that video you're referring to, it don't require much thought to figure out what was going on there.

It figures. - nm

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Oh, please. Today's GOP yakking points arise from - a video that

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seeks to divide the electorate on the basis of race and religious affiliation. The Romney camp has promptly distanced itself from the stupidity underpinning the release of the stale, ineffective 2007 campaign smear tool and, as a dyed-in-the-wool dem/lib, I accept their dissociation with it and believe they had nothing to do with it. I think the statement out of the Obama camp says all that needs to be said about this phone bank call, which is just as insignificant as the ebonics vid.

Speaking of yakking - anon

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At least they have some talking points that are not the same ones over and over and over and over and over, well you get it. Please remember that what is insignificant to you may not be to most voters. as to that video, just because you repeat something enough times, it does not make it true. I think that may actually be brainwashing, and it does seem a lot of the dems like to do that. I have noticed in interviews, they never answer the questions asked, they just take off on something Romney has done or said or sit there like a dummy repeating the same few sentences about Obama's policies over and over again to anything asked. I am reminded of when I get a computerized phone answering message. It doesn't matter what you need or ask for, they are only programed to give you that same response.

Cheer up! ELEVEN GOP voter suppression laws since 2010 - have been rejected by the courts. :) SM

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"Since 2010, Republicans have been successfully passing laws that effectively suppress voter turnout. Less successful have been their attempts to defend these laws in federal court.

Ari Berman of the Nation counts 11 cases that have been rejected by the courts, including today’s ruling in Pennsylvania that narrowly (and temporarily) blocked a voter ID provision passed by the state."

Link to the rest of this very short article below.

OP, please join the rest of us in thanking the vigilant defenders of our democratic, one man/one vote systems for protecting it for you.

For pete's sake, PA's voter ID law HAS NOT BEEN REJECTED - backwards typist

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This is the 3rd time I've posted this. It is going to be implemented but not for this election because they couldn't get through all the ID's necessary...so the law IS ON HOLD and has been RECOGNIZED AS CONSTITUTIONAL.

In this case, TIMING was 100% of the voter suppression. - And you know it, Backwards. SM

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That is why the judge ________ it, insert whatever word pleases you.

You know, nobody on either side thinks a picture ID is a bad thing. Given the lack of compelling need to act in a hurry, I can see implementing a local and national voter ID over, say, a decade, so the old and poor folk won't be hit so hard, AND so it can't be used an attempt to steal any particular election.
Not really. Just didn't want the NBPP and others to start their crap again. (nm) - backwards typist
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Oh, misunderstood (actually still do, but okay). I didn't - see you as one fighting for voter suppression. NM
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Never mind. Won't waste my time with Salon. BTW - backwards typist

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didn't state the law was REJECTED as you stated. Here is the quote:

"As a result, Simpson decided that for the November 6 election only, voters without appropriate photo ID could vote, but would no longer have to produce identification within six days, as their votes would be counted.”

Salon didn't state the law was REJECTED as you stated. They stated part of it was blocked.

Here is the Judge's quote:

"As a result, Simpson decided that for the November 6 election only, voters without appropriate photo ID could vote, but would no longer have to produce identification within six days, as their votes would be counted.”

"Rejected" and "decided for the Nov. 6 election ONLY" has two different meanings.  In fact, in PA, if you read the PA DMV site I posted the other day, I think it stated that they could vote WITHOUT ID as a provisional vote until they received their true ID. 

Please get your facts straight. Thanks.

evidently, you missed the editor's note - nm

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Duh? -

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Not at all. Why else would I have included it in my post? I hoped to make the point that there are people on both sides who are corrupt and are not above cheating. I only seem to see accusations on this board toward the republicans. Read my post for what it is or pass over it. That is your freedom of choice. I am sorry there has not been more argumentative posts today for you to sink your teeth into. Better luck tomorrow.

included it not the same as understanding it - apparently

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Not the same - anon
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Including it not the same as believing it would be more like it.

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