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Trying to decide between Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin

Posted: Mar 12, 2011

Is anyone else trying to decide between these two women for President? How are you deciding? Which one would be the best?


deciding - decider

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Well, one has a really low IQ, one is certifiably nuts. It depends whether you want someone is truly stupid or truly nuts. They both know nothing about history, or politics, or science or much of anything and they have really scary ideas about keeping the rich rich and taking from the middle-class. Hope this helps.

I think - sm

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they should go on celebrity apprentice and let Mister Trump decide. But wait, maybe he would just fire them both because he wants to be the president.

The Democrats are going to have to run - someone other than Obama

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if they want my independent vote. I KNOW what he is...and frankly, even though your statements about low IQ's (neither of these women have low IQ's) and neither of them are nuts...and BOTH of them believe in stopping spending when you are in the red and cutting programs that don't work and getting this country back on an even financial keel...that means THEY are listening to what the midterm shellacking meant. Obama IS NOT, he NEVER HAS. The Democrats obviously ARE NOT.

So...while I am hoping that the Republicans run someone else, if they don't, it will be a matter of voting out what I KNOW is not working and hoping for the best. It absolutely could not get any worse financially for this country unless we(idiotically) vote back in the same bunch driving us rapidly downhill (personally do not subscribe to the theory better the devil you know than the one you don't).

Neither. They don't have international experience - Backwards Typist

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You need to know how to deal with the world, not just with a state or the country in which you live.

Truthfully (and some will think I'm nuts), we need someone who is a combination of G.W. Bush and Bill Clinton. Is there anyone running or who is deciding to run that fits that bill? I don't see it yet.

international experience - a1typist

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Unfortunately, Obama had less experience at a real job than either Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachmann and look where that has gotten us! I think either one of these women would be a better choice than what we have now; nor do I agree that either one of them is stupid or nuts!

Curious - could you elaborate? - tks..

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president - iceT

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Neither. They would do better as advisors or cabinet members. JMO.

Why? What's wrong with them as President? - Wondering

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If they can advise, why can't they serve as President? Do you agree with the others that posted or do you think that these 2 are the best America has to offer for the Republican party next election?

Because Neut Gingrich would be a better leader of our country than they would - because of his record

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At least he knows a little more about government than they do. I don't like the fact that he has not been loyal to his wives and left one when she got cancer, but at least he gets his facts right when he discusses the history of our country. The other two mentioned don't have a good grasp of any of it. Given a choice of those 3, I would have to choose Neut and hope that his loyalty toward the country is better than toward his own family. I saw the interview when he said that his infidelity was basically because he was so patriotic that he had worn himself out working. Maybe he'll get a little more rest. With an answer like that, I think he's still not recovered from all that hard work. Based on his answers, I think he needs more rest. Other than that though, he is smart enough to be president. I'm just not sure I respect him enough to have him leading the country. I would rather have someone with values who loves his family.
why would his philandering record be so good? - inquiring mind
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You probably didn't like Clinton doing it, folks wanted to impeach him. But yet the very righteous right wants to elect Gingrich.

Gingrich blames his adultery on his patriotism. Could be very very interesting if he were elected and got really patriotic. Wow!!!
infidelity - a1typist
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I think the thing with Clinton that people forget is that he had his infidelity on the floor in the oval office! I don't think it is necessarily the infidelity part that is the biggest problem, it is the fact that he lied about it.....under oath!
at least we know about his background, unlike Barry/nm - iceT
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Oh no! Don't tell me you're a Birther. That makes everything you say lose credibility - in my opinion
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Please tell us you aren't a Birther. I enjoy reading your messages, but I can't take anyone seriously if they go off the deep end that way. I'm really serious.
birther? - IceT
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Oh no, I'm not a birther. I think if he wasn't born here that the Clinton Machine would have picked that up a LONG time ago. LOL

We really don't know that much about his background. He's very secretive about it. He refused to release his college transcripts and medical records. We haven't read anything he wrote while in college. His past just seems to be a big secret. He sat in Rev. Wright's church for all those years and then threw him under the bus as soon as questions arose. It's just weird, that's all. I don't think ANY candidate should get a free pass like that. I would not have voted for Clinton, but (gulp) she was more qualified for the job.
He was the Editor of the Harvard Review - and lots was available about him from that
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I am relieved that you aren't a Birther, by the way, but I don't agree that we don't know anything about him. He isn't exactly a "chatty" person as some presidents have been, GW Bush, Clinton, etc., and doesn't sit around talking about himself much, but I've read a great deal about him, even to the names of his elementary school buddies, etc. I haven't really been that interested in reading the deep thoughts of a college student, LOL, but they are probably out there somewhere for anyone who is into that kind of thing. Not that I don't love college students, but their brains aren't developed yet. LOL

conservative women - icet

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I think they are too polarizing and probably couldn\'t motivate the independent voters.

I think they are very bright and actually do have very high IQs (as most conservative women do). They scare the progressives to death, and that\'s why they try to destroy them at every turn, even with reporting false websites as real news. They are obsessed with them, in a sick kind of way. I see more Palin and Bachmann stories on MSNBC than any other news station. They are powerful, strong, beautiful conservative women and that\'s something that the left just can\'t grasp.

If my son said some of the things about ANY woman that I\'ve heard about these 2 women on MSNBC, I would break down and cry - right after I slapped in the mouth. He\'s 21 now, and would never, ever speak of a woman like that. I raised him to have respect for women. I wonder if these people who say those disgusting things have young girls in their homes? Don\'t they understand that these girls are listening? There\'s no place for it in MY home with MY daughter.

Oops, I went off on a tangent there! LOL

The Republicans try to distance - themselves

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from these two every chance they get.

BTW, I don't think we can decide based on the two parties. It is really corporations that are running the show now, and Bush, Clinton, Obama, it is really difficult to see any difference when you get past how they're portrayed in the media.
I think you may be right. - sm
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I've been disappointed by both parties.
To put it in very simple terms - please see message---LOL
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The Democrats are sinful and don't seem to be ashamed enough about their sinfulness.

The Republicans are sinful and like to pretend that they are without sin.

Not a good choice, is it?!
Good summation! - Lesser of evils
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Getting back to OP, if I could find one thing that is not reactionary that either Bachmann or Palin says, and find just one small glimpse of what they stand for,then perhaps I could make an educated decision if it came down to it. But they don't, even in Palin's book. I do firmly believe, judging from her appearance on that Discovery program, that Palin is lying about her outdoorsmanship, which is kind of weird. She can't handle a gun!
Sin has nothing to do with it. Human beings are - sinful by nature.
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The facts are: we are in a financial crisis. There is one party who recognizes that and are trying to do something about it. There is one party who recognizes it, ignores it completely, and keeps spending, spending, spending and would rather raise taxes than act rationally economically.

It is a no-brainer for me since I only have the two choices at this point.
My take - mbmt
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First of all, President Obama will probably be reelected because the incumbent president usually wins if he runs for a second term. There have been 11 presidents since I was born and of the ones that ran for reelection,I believe only two were not reelected (George Bush, Sr. and Jimmy Carter).

Bachman, Palin, Rush, and Beck are viewed by a lot of people as a little nuts and leaning too far to the right. Republicans need a candidate that might pull in Independents and some Democrats to win in 2012.
I would have to agree with you. - That just leaves Newt Gingrich I think
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I think he\'s at the top of all the polls right now, isn't he?
Newt - mbmt
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Although Gingrich has been talked about a lot lately, I searched and it seems to depend on what polls you look at. Some say Romney and others Huckabee. I personally think the Republican party is going to have to come up with a candidate that pulls in people like me that tend to vote Democrat or Independent to win in 2012, and I would not vote for any of the people mentioned in these posts. Actually, it would take an amazing candidate to take my vote away from President Obama.

Neither! - see message - Proud conservative

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The exclamation point is because I get tired (for a lack of better words or words I cannot say) of hearing people suggesting either of them. Neither would make a good president and I think anyone who suggest either of them should be president (I'm talking about the people on Fox like Hannity, O'Reilly, etc) should have their head examined. Don't they get it. These two woman would not make a good president. Just because you are a woman does not make you qualified. Believe it or not I supported McCain & Palin and defended her til the end time and time again on this board. Now I am sick to death of her. Just because she used to be a governor does not make her qualified (and it has nothing to do with quitting the job earlier - that is such a minute detail for me). It's her experience. We all see what happens when you elect someone with no experience, we don't need another (and that includes Bachman). First, Palin is the most hated woman in America. Just how in the world do these people think she would be elected. I'll tell you why...because they don't (think that is). There are way too many other qualified people for the position. I am keeping my ear out, but every time I heard someone on Fox bring her name up for President I sit and scream at the TV.

I hope the true republicans in charge of deciding all of this will learn from their past mistakes. Unless they want a guaranteed loss in next election I'd figure out someone else for the job. Who I would like to see run is someone who has experience. Knows how to balance a budget and the basic concept of economics. I want someone who knows how to deal with foreign leaders and knows the politics of those countries. Someone who will earn the respect of foreign leaders, and someone who doesn't bow to other leaders, which shows they are inferior. I want someone who is proud of American's and proud to live in the country and not be doggin us every time we turn around putting Americans down. I want someone who will stand up to their leaders (the ones who make the decisions of the country). I want someone who knows how to balance the budget, get our deficit down, create jobs, figure out the social security issues and other issues that all Americans are facing. And I want someone who doesn't think the best part about being a president are all the great vacations they get to go on. Oh yes, and I want someone who WILL work with all parties and not just say they well and then don't and close them out of meetings they should be in.

I don't care whether the person is woman, man, black, white, chinese or whatever they may be. I want someone qualified. That does not include Palin, Bachman. No Bush's and no Clinton's.

presidential candidate - a1typist

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Sounds to me like you are talking about Condoleeza Rice....if only she would run!

did you describe a Rubio/Ryan ticket?/nm - icedT

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Actually I had nobody in mind - see message

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I was just describing what I want in a president. I do like Paul Ryan a lot. I don't know anything about Rubio, but will research him. I'm also watching Mitch Daniels and I also like Tim Pawlenty. There is also a radio show guy out of Texas that I've listened to. Forget his name right now, but I remember listening to him and was interested in what he said and I think he is thinking about running, but it's been a few months now and I forget his name. Someone above said who I described sounds like Condoleeza Rice, but I don't know really know anything about her. I do realize she was in the position for 8 years, but I never paid much attention to politics awhile back. I do know she's very intelligent. But I highly doubt she would be elected because she is connected with the Bush regime.
Condoleeza Rice is obviously very smart, at least in spots, but can't attract crowds - No crowds; no votes
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It seems to me that Condoleeza Rice was brilliant in some areas, but not so much in others, and she lost me when she stood by when she knew something was wrong. I can't even remember now exactly what it was, but I was hugely disappointed in her and whatever that was would come back and bite her. Also, she can't get the crowds out to support her, and everybody knows, that's what gets people elected. You have to have slogans and crowds. She has neither and isn't really a "slogan" type person. I respect that personally, because I would much rather have solid content than slogans any day, but that's not the way it works. No crowds; no votes. She wouldn't make it.

The best thing Palin and Bachman have going for them is they bring in crowds - People love them!

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All they have to do is announce a meeting and people swarm to see them. They know how to bring in crowds. They say things that people like to hear. They make it easy to understand, with slogans that they repeat over and over until people 'get' whatever they are saying. Palin has made it work for her financially as well. She is now wealthy. The best thing she ever did was to quit the job as Governor to write and promote her book and TV shows. These are the things people want. This is why Palin and/or Bachman (maybe the two of them) are the best possible choice for the Republican party. They are winners.

Newt can proably win, but bring in crowds? No, but Glenn Beck or Rush can - so they might do better than anyone else

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Everybody knows that the favorites are really Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh. They can bring in more crowds than anyone else. They can bring in the regular conservatives plus the tea party groups and the Birthers. One or both of them may be the best choice.
When you think of all the politicians, which voice do you remember best and loudest? - Palin of course which is why she will win
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Her voice carries and she takes very complicated ideas and turns them into catch phrases. That wins elections.

What I'm hearing from your message is.... - see message

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That because these two can bring in crowds they will win? They don't have experience or are not the best candidate for the job, but they will bring in the crowds and people will vote for them because they are popular? If that is true then I fear for the future of our country. That's what happened the last time and look where we are.

I will vote for someone who is qualified and not well known over someone who can bring in a crowd. My opinion about these crowds are they are group think. They are told what to think and they just follow the leader. the kool-aid is not just on one side. They have the nice fancy sayings, but when it comes down to the actual knowledge about the affairs of the country and the world they don't know anything.

I will stick with my choices and hope they can win it and push P&B behind to not hear from them.
Can you prove with facts that they don't have experience/best for the job? - sm
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How do you know what kind of actual knowledge they have about the affairs of the country and the world? Can you back that up with facts?
Can you back up with facts they do? - see message
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They have no foreign affair experience. That is just a fact. She had not dealt with a lot of issues that presidents need to deal with the other candidates I mentioned do.

Maybe she'd (Palin) would be a good cabinet member, just not pres or vp. Funny cos I voted for her and McCain the last election. I just learned about her after the election was over.

Bachman??? Why in the world does she even think she is qualified to be president. She has less experience than Palin does.

Heck if Palin or Bachman are going to run I think the janitor of my kids school should run, or the bus driver.

We need a strong leader. Someone who knows what is going on. Sorry, but Palin and Bachman do not.
Palin ran a state government and kept it in the - black...more than Obama
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ever did (or HAS). Obama did not have any foreign policy experience as a senator in Illinois. His VP doesn't have bupkiss either. And the woman he appointed as secretary of state didn't either. Yes, she shook some dignataries' hands as first lady but I would not call that foreign policy experience. So...all in all...Palin has more experience at running a government and just as much foreign policy experience as Obama.

That being said, I hope Palin does not run for President. However...if she does...I would vote for her in a heartbeat over Obama, simply because I think it is on the best interest of the country for him to be out of the White House. I KNOW what will happen if he stays in and we CANNOT afford him.
Oh, I definitely think you should work to get Palin nominated - I am all for it!
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be careful what you ask for.... - I have to admit...
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that Barry having to move out as she moved in would be the coup de grace to end all coup de grace!! Just watching the liberals/progressives/whatever reaction would be priceless.

I am not working at this point to get anybody nominated. Not a member of the Republican party so primaries are out for me. What I am working on is getting Obama OUT.

You need to watch Fox and you will realize that Palin can do all that - and Bachman too

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You're watching the wrong interviews if you don't think Palin can balance the budget, get our deficit down,c reate jobs, figure out social security, and defend the country. She was Governor, for crying out loud, and raised 5 children. That isn't easy.

I think someone is pulling our collective leg. LOL - nm

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I do watch Fox - and that's how I know by listening - see message

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that she's not qualified. I don't let Fox tell me how to think. I listen to the interviews and hear what she and Bachman is saying. Why in good Gods name does Bachman think she is qualified I have no idea. She is making a joke out of the office by thinking she's all that. She doesn't know squat about running the country and dealing with foreign leaders. Neither does Palin.

Those two running have made a joke out of the seriousness of the position of POTUS. Someone needs to tell them this is not a joke. Stop saying you are going to run as though it's a local beauty talent contest and let the people who have the experience get out there and run so that we have a real choice.

I swear I'll spit my teeth out if I keep hearing these two think they are qualified.

Step down Palin and please shut it Bachman...you are way out of your league.

If I had known now what I knew back then I would not have voted for McCain/Palin. I would not have voted at all.

Times are bad when you would rather not vote than vote for the choices given us.

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