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I will be so glad when the 2012 election is over

Posted: Feb 29, 2012

I'm to the point where we will either have a republican in the White House who doesn't have a clue or the cajones to do right by the American people....or we will have another 4 years of President Obama who has done very little but spend spend spend...which I grant that Bush started but Obama has taken it to a whole new level.  I'm so discouraged by our choices and I just want it over with.  I personally feel like nothing great will happen to our country either way the election goes.  All I know is that grocery and gas prices are going up, jobs still aren't back to where they need to be, people are still losing homes and no matter which politician claims to care about us....they just don't seem to do what will ultimately help us in the long run.  The democrats are controlled by the unions and republicans are controlled by big business.  Either way....we are screwed people!  Rich politicians don't have a clue how us regular folk live.   All I hear talk about is the evil %1....well....don't we realize that the politicians are in the evil 1% and they take our tax money and spend it wastefully.  They all do it....both parties.  They only complain about it when the other party is in charge.  Here we are fighting amongst ourselves and putting our hopes on a particular political party only to be stomped on by said political party.  I'm so digusted by this current administration and I'm disgusted by the poor alternative choices I have in the republican party.  Sad....just sad.  Rant and rave over.


We need to elect a Congress that will support President Obama - sm

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You must be forgetting that Boehner controls the purse strings. There has been a lot of improvement in Obama's administration on cracking down on things like Medicare fraud. He got bin Laden. If the Congress was not constantly blocking his appointments and money to implement the rules, we would be much further ahead now.

True that. - SM

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The impasse must end. let's get this country moving. Both countries and sharks must keep moving or they die.

True that. - SM - Another clueless sheeple

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Tired of these personal attacks and namecalling - SetAnExample
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Tired of these personal attacks and namecalling - SetAnExample - You're free to get off the board any time
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how message boards work... - sm
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all you have to do is click "post a reply" and your post will go right under the post you are responding to. You don't have to copy the title of the post and the moniker every time you want to say something/insult someone.
how message boards work... - sm - No one needs your instructions
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No one needs you to echo every post. - Get it? nm
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No one needs you to echo every post. - Get it? nm - Will do it just to irritate you - GET IT?
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Some of you are just so easy breezey lemon squeezy...Hehehohohaha.
Very adult of you. - nm
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Very adult of you. - nm - and yet you keep biting
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I have to say all of these messages made me laugh - reminded me of sis and I as kids
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I'll have to remember easy breezy lemony squeezy too. LOL
agree - so tiresome
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face it - sm
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this board is 99% insults. Noncontroversal subjects just languish on the board, not commented on. It is just the way it is here. If only there were some witty conservatives, it might even be fun. Instead we have those afflicted with echolalia,those that post under multiple names so they can praise themselves, those who think a witty reply is "no YOU are," and of course those that reply on same phrases over and over. It's not much, but its home.

So I should change my moniker to - Witty Conservative
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and then you can have "fun" bashing my posts instead of just skipping over anyone that might have an idea different than yours? No thanks! Hard to engage in conversation with those who have tunnel vision.
So I should change my moniker to - Witty Conservative - Conservative
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Unless you know EXACTLY to whom you are writing these messages, strongly suggest you curb your erroneous accusations. I have no idea what you are referring to; I am the only one using Conservative moniker on this board. When you blindly insult someone that never wrote what you accused them of, what do you think that makes you look like? Never mind, we all know the answer to that. Speaking of bashing posts and tunnel vision??!! You deserve an award.
I was responding to sm above - Conservative Who Casts Stones
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who said the board would be more fun if there were some "witty conservatives." I take that to mean they don't actually want to discuss or debate anything, just have fun throwing insults at those who don't think the way they do, so I didn't blindly insult anyone and there were no erroneous accusations - read the post.

I'm usually right there with you on your posts (since I changed my moniker as a funny, I know you don't know who this is), but you're way off on this one.
Conservative Who Casts Stones - Conservative
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Got it. :) Just wanted that cleared up as someone on this board in the past was writing is if they were me. They had written some pretty bizarre comments and I did not want a repeat. Unfortunately, there are many on here that refuse to sign what they post; probably because it is so nasty and unintelligible. And then there are always the ones that will tell you how to post, they way to post, as if they have all the answers. Say 1 word to them, and they get so pissed; it's beginning to be worth it just for that reason alone since there is no content in their posts. I guess they still have not figured out the moderator can see far more than we can...LOL, and then they whine about being banned!
Cat fight - M-E-O-W
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Wow. touchy, touchy. besides I think she was agreeing with you. Read more carefully.
Why so sarcastic grasshopper? - nm
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LOL! What's with the grasshopper? - Zville MT
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Don't get me wrong - I like it! I'm just curious.
I've seen it all over this board - Conservative
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Appears someone used that instead of a moniker because they thought it was funny, and seemd to use it to try and insult. Scroll down further; it's all over the place. Usually pass them by because it doesn't seem as if they are ever connected to any real subject matter.
who talks that way? - born in the 50s?
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switch back, your're better in your other persona.
You are a very angry person. - nm
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You are a very angry person. - nm - pot/kettle...LOL
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Would be like saying you are - a very stupid person
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Who are you to judge a complete stranger on this board? You know nothing about the posters here, but make a statement like that, as if you know what you are talking about. Showing your name-calling colors. Just sayin'... stupid comment.
Moniker suggestion: - Conservative Who Casts Stones
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If the name fits. . .
I like it! Thanks :) - Conservative Who Casts Stones
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Now you can just pass by my posts, because I'll just be insulting you anyway.
Witty Conservative - Conservative
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Maybe we should team up; strength in numbers. Bet that would turn lib brains to mush in record time!
Conservative - Zville MT
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We already have teamed up - it's just me. The whole "witty conservative" comment got me fired up - like those of us on this board are stupid and can't carry on a decent conversation? I think I got a little carried away, but it's been a long day (have a little one home sick with the flu) and maybe the lack of sleep got to me. I apologize to anyone I ticked off with my comments - usually I'm a pretty reasonable person :)

I could so easily say something about your "turn lib brains to mush" comment, but I will refrain ;)
Thought so - Conservative
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No problem. People can get their shorts in a bunch of ridiculous comments on here; so, I am waiting for a response to that one..LOL. I was not ticked off, but like I said, one of the loose guns on here was writing as if they were me a while back with some pretty strange and bizarre comments. Unfortunately, there are a few, and I mean a few, that really do think everyone else is stupid except for them. When you state an opposing thought to theirs, God help you, because they load for bear...LOL. Hope the little one is better soon.
Oh goody! The oxymoron game - Conservative fun
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LOL! There is another one!
Oxymoron game *SIGH* - AKA Dem's blood sport
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You just led by your example - you are that 99% you mentioned - insult much? - sm
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You just insulted the group you don't associate with with your "witty conservatives" and "afflicted with echolala, etc comments.

That puts you in the 99% category you spoke of.

Oh yeah, BTW - those 99% are 50/50 liberal versus conservative. I see it on both sides.
Does anybody really talk that way? - face
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This is my opinion. Can you dispute any of the stereotypes I presented? I think my assessment is accurate. I have accepted the conditions of the board and commented on it. merely. i nominate "you led by example" for the catchphrase of the day.
I would like to accept this award - blah, blah, blah :)
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to blah blah - SM
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i'm sure that was supposed to be a dig, but it just doesnt make any sense. (insert today's catchphrase)

Pres Oblablah - Give the worship a rest

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Clearly you have no idea how congress works.




Hope every appointment Oblablah comes up with is voted down. You must be forgetting that Princess Pelosi and King Reid had absolutely control over everything for 2 years. Spin that.

Republican Filibuster Dictators - 'splaining to do

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Filibusters - Yeah as if Dems never did that!
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What?!!!! Obama got his big stimulus, and all - it did was cause debt to oblivion!!

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Please stop acting like poor little Obama cannot get anything done or passed. He got the stimulus AND healthcare, both of which are a disaster for this country! He is a disaster and with no clue. ...and Obama did NOT get Bin Laden..how laughable.

Stock market over 13,000, GM #1 in the world, - 24 consecutive months of job growth

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Iraq war is history, troop draw-down in Afghanistan, and Commander-in-Chief who brought down 9/11 mastermind....that guy W "didn't spend much time worrying about." You are in for a rude awakening this fall.

No, we need a Congress that will work for the people of the country - sm

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And not support bad bills/legislation, etc no matter what president is in office. The stimulus, patriot act (to name just 2 - there are dozens more) of "things" (lack of better word) that has not been good. I have not seen any improvements, it just gets worse. You have a tax cheat running the treasury. Congress needs to be held responsible for their actions. And if you don't have a congress that works for the good of country, but instead enriches themselves and supports the president when they know it's not good, then that's when we need a new congress.

Yeah, I'll bet if they weren't blocking his actions we'd be much further ahead, but that is a scary thing. We don't want to be further ahead in that direction. If you like that sort of thing there are plenty of other countries that support that. Not here.

Congress/people of the country - Conservative

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Excellent post and pretty much sums up the last 3 years. Total disaster.

Obama had full control - :)

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when he took office. The democrats had total power over the house, senate and WH and they accomplished very little. So this whole...the republicans won't let Obama do anything BS...doesn't hold water for me. The republicans have sent many bills that Harry Reid won't even put on the table to vote on. Neither political party is perfect and yet is amazes me that so many people blindly follow one party without seeing the bigger picture. Republicans are just as much to blame for the mess that we are in...but anyone with half a brain can see that things aren't getting much better and I'm tired of seeing my tax money wasted on companies that go belly up like Solyndra, etc.....not to mention wasting money and American lives trying to rebuild and restructure the Middle East. Bring them home and let the Middle East handle their own problems. I know Obama is planning on bringing our troops home and I applaud that but we are still poking our nose where it doesn't belong in other countries. Drives me insane!

Obama said to give him 3 years to turn things around. Well...I'll give him 4 years and if things aren't much better, I'm most definitely voting his happy butt out of the WH.

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