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What scares me about this election is

Posted: Nov 6, 2016

the ages of the voters. Since they no longer teach correct history and no civics and economics, the thing that makes me the most afraid is how these millenials will vote. They are too young to have the vote yet. People are voting for the popular person. Of course since Hillary has employed stars and things that appeal to young kids, millenials, you can understand how afraid this makes me. The generation Xers voted in Obama twice as well as the blacks and look what we got. Just hope people pray that the young ones don't ruin it for the ones of us who have been around a while and know what would happen if we have a Hillary Clinton presidency. ;

Really? In what universe is Hillary Clinton - considered popular?

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What on earth would Trump have to offer millenials? They have crippling student loans, the job market is terrible, and they are facing a bleak future in any event. He offers nothing for them.

They are NOT too young to vote if they are not too young to serve in the military.

I know millenials. They loved Bernie. I did too, but if he had gotten the nomination or even won the presidency, he would still have the obstruction in congress against him as a "socialist." I know Hillary will too, but she has at least a chance of having better working situations with them, since she has been at it as an actual Democrat for so long. She knows how to get things done.

What the Trump camp should be more afraid of is the massive amounts of Hispanics who registered and voted already and will vote on election day specifically because of his terrible policies and his hate speech against them. Now that will be the story of the election. Trump has actually managed to get out a massive Hispanic vote --- AGAINST him!

They need to work on that next time. In reality, sadly for Trumpies, his appeal is to just a very slim demographic, angry white voters mainly plus young male chauvinists apparently (by looking at his rallies).

And no, I'm not saying there are NO women or blacks or Hispanics for Trump, I'm just saying holding a sign up that says "Women/Blacks/Hispanics for Trump" does not make it true in any significant numbers.

We are being led by children. The Bible even warns about this. - While Americans focus on what we

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will be after the election, they are ignoring what America is now. President Barack Obama has changed this nation. America has been under attack for eight years. Whoever inherits the White House will preside over a radically transformed United States thanks to Obama.

Obama has been implementing leftist radical policies to undermine America. He has been able to act lawlessly because of the lawlessness of our people. It's like the old USSR, party first, constitution last.

A fellow Christian told we are caught between Pharoah and - the Red Sea. If people in this

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nation would turn back to God and repent, He would not let the evil come upon us. If people do not, He will allow us to be overcome by the evil people. God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.

Seeking much insight from the Old Testament lately, I must confess I am not as Biblically literate in this area as I should be and I know lack of faith and literacy in its realities and truths have greatly weakened the modern church. And indeed what applies to nations, applies to us as individuals.

Constant prayer these next 48 hours and beyond. I know I'll be mocked for this but I don't care.

I wish people would actually pay attention to what's going on - and research instead of believing politicians

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claims whenever they come up for re-election. It's all about power for their party, not about law and prosperity for the people.

If you read "comments" by people under 30 on social media they don't understand history and think communism is good. They don't understand why we had an American Revolution. Let's see, rule by King versus communism. Less freedom in both cases.

"Royalty" comes from royal bloodlines, but there has been foul play associated with even that. Look at the Kennedys. Look at the Bushes.

The monarchies of Europe were comprised of a globalist set of relatives who identified as much with their elite.

The global socialist elite today reminds me very much of that. Communists, well they just kill you or send you off somewhere, or in our case overregulate you to the point where you give up.

America loses either way.

There are several people who are darlings of the left. Hugo - Chavez, Mugabe, Hillary Clinton,

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Che Guevara, Lenin, Marx...They claim to all care“the little people.” At the same time they become fabulously wealthy. Life expectancy in Zimbabwe went from around 60 all they way up to around 30 according to the UN. The liberals should be proud of their accomplishments.

Look at Zimbabwe's health care system now.

When Obama and Hillary finish with us, we won’t even be able to afford witch doctors.

Obama is encouraging illegals to vote. Not only that, - he promises there will be no repercusions.

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We are no longer a nation of law. We are a nation of whims of men for party power.

Obama and the left has managed to divide us; young versus old, black/white/Latino/Asian, women/men...even what your gender is!!!

What to be scared of - old and burned out

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What we should all be scared of is a Trump presidency. He is a disgusting individual with no experience in anything - no foreign policy, no national security, no diplomacy - zip, nada, and we still haven't seen his tax returns. And since he is inciting violence if he doesn't win, he should be jailed for sedition.

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