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Michelle calls herself a "busy single mother."
Posted: Apr 4, 2013

"You know, when you've got the husband who's president, it can feel a little single, - meh
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She misspoke. Let's burn her at the stake.
Thanks. That's what I guessed her words meant. - No further explanation actually needed. :) nm
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Specially when they take separate vacays. - LOL (sm)
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I bet as soon as she is through reaping the rewards of being the first lady of the country she hates, she'll drop his skinny little arse like a hot potato.
It sounds as though you're rooting for their marriage to fail. - Vamonos H. Pest
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It's awesome when one's overwhelming need to be childish and mean spirited is more important than those family values RWers claim to hold so dear.
Good job.
Naaah. Couldn't care less about their marriage. - Just want them gone.
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They never will be. You'll see them honored in media - for the rest of your life. nm
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But will have to see their mugs on TV a lot less. - I'll wait for it.
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When you do, it'll be without all the criticism. - Respect most feel due our ex- presidents, respect
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that will only increase over the decades as it typically does. You'll never be safe from turning on the TV to see crowds come to cheer him, AND, of course, there'll be the occasional burning in the gut for you as he uses his weight to continue working more quietly for what he believes in.
It's going to be hard for you always. For you, the bitter years will never end. Enjoy, I guess. Or whatever it is you're getting from this.
I don't have any now, doubt I would have any then.(sm) - me
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Dread to see what will be left of our country by the time he's out.
Umhm. Well, in this imperfect world, you'll find - lots of problems to blame on him.
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Just fewer and fewer people who care to listen to it over time. But ITM, no need to dread finding out all the special "angst" this president's election caused you was for nothing.
Well... it's already better then when he took office - so...
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The previous Republican Administration all but destroyed this country on every plane. Not just economically, but destroying families whose lives will be forever changed in a devastating way by "their war."
Regarding the other poster's message about past presidents' quiet contributions, the only thing I see out of GWB is a bunch of crappy paintings. And from his former VP? Still spewing garbage. Almost makes one rethink being an organ donor.
Keep tellin yourself that darlin - Jack Sparrow
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The country is in worse shape than when he took office. The current democrat administration IS destroying the country on every plane. Many families lives ARE being forever changed. Not only by the continuation of the wars, but by new ones. Not only do you have the forever wars he is responsible for, you have the economic disaster the democrats are responsible for. Many families are losing their jobs and homes. EVERYTHING because you've got incompetent people with a community organizer who don't know what they are doing.
Regarding contributions from past presidents...hey we may have some paintings by a president, but it's better than a stained dress.
You are very mistaken, darlin, and history will prove it - just wait
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I'll take a stained dress any day to losing a loved one in a war contrived for personal gain. I can't believe anyone could even see a comparison between a sex scandal and outright murder, loss of lives, and lives changed due everything else associated with Bush's war.
How does someone recover from losing someone, only to have the added gallon of salt poured on the wound knowing the war was found on false pretenses?
I lost a home a very long time in foreclosure. I've recovered, but will never recover from losing a very close friend on Bush's watch.
What "new ones" are you talking about anyhow?
What's this stained dress thing? Should I - be worried? nm
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it is regarding - sm
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Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. Apparently the stained dressed with the proverbial smoking gun.
GWB's has many smoking guns, only difference is Bush's translated into death and financial and personal devastation for America.
Thanx. But--smoking gun? LOL. GOP conducted phony investigations - through the entire presidency as a form of
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obstructionism, found nothing of national importance (not to their surprise), and only stumbled on this sordid little affair accidentally. And it's still being discussed as if it were important. Pathetic.
definitely pathetic especially in the context offered here - (nm) Yw
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Ooooh, you DO need to do some research - wanna try again?
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Lewinski was a nothing. I could care less that the president was banging her in a side room "smoking" a cigar.
Try obstruction of Justice, abuse of power, perjury (i.e. lying). Guess his defining the word "is" was not so cute. His legacy will be that he, like his wife, is a pathological liar.
And this administrations legacy will be - drum roll please
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death and financial and personal devastation for America. You wrote exactly what is going on now. There is no difference between Bush and Obama no matter how much you want there to be. Same people yankin the chains. Except now the devastation has increased 10-fold. More wars, new wars, continuation of patriot act, on top of that all the executive orders. Confiscation of guns, spendulous, a monstrous disaster called Obamacare. Lets see, approval to read peoples emails, surveillance of peoples bank accounts, lying, creating false documents, death of another countries leader (after being raped and beaten then having a sos laugh about it), death of Americans to include an Ambassador with the "oh well" attitude. Drones, monthly vacations, bypassing congress if he doesn't get his way. The list goes on and on and on and on. Sorry I'll take some paintings. I'll even take a stained dress from The Grand Impeached One (although where you come up with it's a "smoking gun" I have no idea. Smoking gun to what?). Try lying and impeachment.
Posts are great clues to who didn't pay attention in - high school history and also who
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never had exposure to it in college. It's never too late to ***********. Reading good books does everyone a world of good. High performers almost all read for knowledge their entire lives through.
Some of the very best, award-winning political biographies, for instance, are literally a penny on Amazon, many others are under a dollar.
Clearly you had no education if your support - lies with King Farouk Obama
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You would also need to run to the first place that gives Economics 101 since King Farouk Obama is so economically challenged he makes a pre-schooler stand out in financial management.
Glad to see someone has - some common sense on this board
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and it sure aint the Obummers. He is a complete disaster. The libs here invested so much on this ******* and got nothing in return...like the Obamacare, the Obama sopendulous package, and the beat goes on. The Libs have no ability to think through anything, let alone anything that has to do with the Imperial Idiot.
I'm sorry, ****** crosses the line, but I guess - that's all you haveNM
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respect - NK
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You seem to derive a sense of satisfaction at pronouncing your lack of respect for President Barack Hussein Obama at every opportunity. What is your measure of respect? Is there any President or other elected official you do respect?
Names can be supplied, of course, but none have - ever made a HOBBY out of
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respecting one of their own chosen leaders, as opposed to the long hours they spend searching the web for material to copy and dis this one with.
Now, President Reagan was--for a period--the subject of great adulation, our great, wise "national father."
A little balance problem here...
Now, I have in the past suggested dumping this unhealthy habit and taking up another--volunteer work, gardening. I find my garden very stabilizing and comforting, always a pleasure and even joyful at times. This miraculous time of year I head out with a cup of coffee as soon as the sun's up to see what's happening.
The wonders and beauty of nature, even just sunshine I suspect, have an emotional stabilizing effect, and I'd think would make it harder for anyone to convince people to take the sort of dark views constantly expressed here. So, once again, maybe go dig in the ground, plant some lovely green shrubs, and then some favorite flowers in front of them? Make a beautiful picture that's true.
What does your gardening have to do with - politics? - sm
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You know, we get it. You don't like when someone brings up the wrong doings of the current admin. Okay, you like to feel like your in their club, I get it.
However, talking about current events, policies that are being made, the mistakes, the bad and the good are all part of politics. It's not an "unhealthy habit".
But what does your gardening and nature have to do with politics. If you like that more why are you here.
As for myself and others, we will continue to discuss politics.
Besides, I think to stick your head in the sand, or in your ears while saying I-am-not-listening-to-you, I-am-not-listening-to-you is unhealthy.
What does yours have to do with - politics?
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But since you mentioned it, the head in the sand comment fits the right perfectly if sources cited are any indication, spoon-fed opinions copied and pasted as if they were the poster's own, not answering questions regarding vague, untrue pot-shots, etc. etc.
My post was a direct reply to the poster - We are allowed to do that
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My post was in keeping with the rules. A poster posted a message and I replied.
That's what this board is here for.
I liked the gardening thing - just sayin
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Gardening and nature have everything to do with politics, by the way. Whether it be a classroom or a garden, a community or a country, we must always be clear about our intention and pay attention to what we are cultivating. It's a lovely analogy. Plus, gardens are peaceful and exciting in the best way. So the poster talked about gardens. What are you going to do? Report her?
Your post made me smile. Thanks for bringing a little - sunshine to my day!
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How so? What exactly does gardening have to - do with politics?
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First, the posters was trying to ridicule a poster for writing what she did. As in saying, your opinion doesn't matter. Now with that said...gardening has nothing to do with politics. Nice try. Unless you are gardening with a politician and you talking about politics.
There are a lot of things that are peaceful. Pedicures, sleeping, butterflies and fairy bells are just a couple that come to mind, but like gardening they have nothing to do with politics.
If you like gardening and want to talk about gardening so much, there's a little side button called "Gab Board". You might be much happier talking about gardening and scrap booking there.
Besides, then we wouldn't have to read the obvious ridicule towards anyone who doesn't agree with those who are trying to change the subject.
What does your post have to do with politics? - are you moderator?
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So in other words it has nothing to do with politics - Thanks for clarifying
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I asked a question. Why is the poster talking about gardening on a political website. You don't need to be the moderator to ask why is something that has nothing to do with politics being posted on the political board. Maybe the poster forgot she was on the political board and thought she was on the gab board. Either way, gardening discussions do not belong on a political board. That is why we have a gab board. To talk about gardening, hobbies, scrap booking and stuff like that.
My post has to do with politics because I'm asking why a post about someones hobby is on the political board. Duh!
Again, what does gardening have to do with politics. Why is the poster not talking about gardening, planting, and her hobbies, etc on the gab board. That is where that post belongs.
I come to read about politics (hint...this is a political site). If I want to read about gardening and hobbies I go to the gab board.
Get it?
I'm sure the moderator will be reading the posts and will move the non-political messages to the gab board.
So, then why continue to waste so much time on it? - I don't get it NM
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rude - get it?
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gardening came up in the course of a conversation. Stop legislating what others are allowed to say and how they say it.
I see you have used words like scrapbook and hobby in your post. Be careful. Someone completely lacking in insight might report you.
you have to click on the post to open it - sm
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So, if you opened my post you would have seen my SINCERE analogy regarding gardening and politics. It is my opinion and I stand by it.
Please note: Sometimes a post is just a post (see Freud). Just because you confuse your own assumptions with the intentions of other posters does not make you a mind reader. You don't get to accuse other people of ridicule. I wish some posters would stop waving that flag.
(still trying to figure out how to stick my head in my ears) - (?)
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just want them gone - inconsequential
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Y'know, I'm kinda sorry I won't be around to experience your narrow-mindedness when Hillary gets elected in 2016. Not that much though.
Now that's a thought that sends a chill up my spine - sm
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Thankfully you cannot predict the future. As though there is not enough evil in office without that thing. She was one of the worst first ladies of our time, she was even worse as SOS, and not too great of a senator. Where in the world she even thinks in what little brain she has that she is qualified. I voted for Obama to keep her pathological lying butt out of office. She is not worthy of that position. Hopefully all her activities will catch up with her and she will be sitting in jail watching the next election.
Evil people should not be allowed to run for office. I know it's too late, but I am hopeful that next election the people will have woken up and will elect someone not in either party.
We need real leaders. We need people who know how to fix the economy. We need people who don't kill other countries leaders and then laugh about it. We need a person who has the countries best interest at heart and someone who actually HAS experience to be the best person for the job. A good hint will be that their name does not end with Bush or Clinton.
She didn't "misspeak". She's a pathological liar - but what else is new
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She must be getting her lessons from Hillary, Billy, Obama, Peelousy, and all the other democrats. Pathological liars who will do anything and say anything.
She didn't misspeak. Somewhere in her sick little mind she probably thought if she said that some stupid saps would actually believe it.
Nobody said anything about burning her at the stake. Don't be "silly". America, however, should call out the lies as they are being told.
but what did she lie about? - sm
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"She must be getting her lessons from Hillary, Billy, Obama, Peelousy, and all the other democrats. Pathological liars who will do anything and say anything."
To what means? For what purpose did she lie? And what did she lie about?
"She didn't misspeak. Somewhere in her sick little mind she probably thought if she said that some stupid saps would actually believe it."
Believe what? That she is single, that she isn't single? And what difference does it make anyhow?
Maybe she does feel like a single mom sometimes, and she clarified that. I don't get why this is an issue?
Pathological liars who lie for no reason tend to - do just what she did.
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I'll repeat the question... What did she do? - (nm)
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Oh how about "Believe me, as a single mother" - not even going to get into the others
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since you are not interested.
Are you interested in the rest of the comment - or the topic of interview?
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No... you're not.
but right after she said that (maybe they didn't play this part on Fox), she said that of course she is not a single mother but being married to the president, sometimes it feels like she is...
and so what!!!!????
IS she a single mother? Do you think she is a married and lying about being a single mother? Is she really single and lying about being married?
PLEASE tell me what she was lying about because I honestly do not get what the issue is. Just tell me you hate her and you'll find a problem with anything she says. I would accept that as a more plausible explanation than she's lying about something which no one knows what it is.
pathological liar - inconsequential
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And you've got a PhD in Psychology, so you are intimately familiar with pathological lying and and all its ramifications. I know, I know, you just call 'em like you see 'em. Now explain "grandiose delusions". ;-)
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