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Tip-toeing in to bring Michelle's
Posted: Feb 20, 2013
I think she looks very elegant!

Ah, she looks wonderful. 200 years from now people - will know why she was so well liked. nm
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Ah, good, she got them shortened a little bit. She needs her eyebrows showing. - sm
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I like the bangs on her, a nice change, but I don't think her hair stylist is doing the best for her that could be done, still.
I think she always looks elegant. I like her unique style and especially that she re-wears clothes, like average people.
Ms. Obama is a pretty lady - A Proud Republican Patriot
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Elegant is a perfect descriptor - grits
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She always looks so approachable. Something in her smile has always reminded me of my mother; I guess that's why.
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