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I know physicians are extremely busy now days but

Posted: Dec 8, 2009

Went to see my primary care physician yesterday, the first time in over a year, had been seeing his NP or whatever her title is. I want to start a new diet at the beginning of the year and the place asks for a doctor's statement saying ok. While there I discussed the events of the past year, also took MRI reports, etc. verifying some of these things that they could put in the chart and told him diagosed with polycystic kidney disease and he looked at a report from 2 years ago saying multiple cysts. He said no, not true, where did you get this diagnosis from and I told him from my nephrologist?? I then mentioned about an eye disease and he said, " Oh, well, a lot of people have that." Yes, I guess that might be true but since my father went blind with exactly the same eye problem, does not make me feel ok that "a lot of people have that." Dont get me wrong, do not want the physician to start boo-hooing or the like but do I expect too much to have someone show a little, even if faking it, compassion on their end? I guess by his taking the stance of, are you seeing a reliable physician and what have they told you, if anything, can be done might be taking up a few seconds too much time for him to get on to that next patient? To say I am burned out by most physicians now is an understatement.


physician burnout - old mt

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CHANGE PHYSICIANS! What a putz (sp?). That's like when my Dad was in his 60s and went to the doctor and the doctor said to him "what do you expect you are getting old".............. If they are too busy to really pay attention, what kind of treatment are you getting!

oh, forgot, you know about those signs in the waiting room saying - turn off cellphone?

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His cellphone went off 4 times while he was in the room with me, all calls from his wife about her selling their vehicle. I had turned my phone on approaching the office. Now wonder what would have happened if mine had rung 4 times?

I would transfer care so fast!! And I would let him know personally sm - ChiaPet

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and the manager of his clinic or practice WHY I was changing physicians. That is cruddy treatment. Your time is valuable, just as his is; 4 phones calls that YOU paid for is not acceptable!

I have had better care and MORE time with the NP - lindawordlady

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That is just outrageous for his bedside manner. Like the other person said, I would either demand definitive care and explanations from him. I have seen many physicians over the years and because I pretty much speak to them on their level (because of my knowledge of my own body and symptoms, not to mention the med terminology), they are going to listen to me and respect me as a human being, not just a "patient" in their daily routine. When I was younger and naieve I was always intiidated by them, but not anymore and I have found most of them very helpful in explaining things. But, I swear they see patients like it is an assembly line to them. Hopefully you will either find another physician or a nurse practitioner who does not just "rush you in" like you are bothering them. You have some real concerns that need to be addressed, like do you or do you NOT have polycystic kidney disease, and also your vision concerns.

I also do as much research as I can on the internet and come prepared to ask questions if I don't understand something. The best to you!

What I should have done and will do next time - is just get up and walk out

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I am not shy, by any means but I see being respectful gets you no place, 4 phone calls about a truck! My macular degeneration, oh well lots of people have that, he said and yet father went blind with it. I should not be concerned, now should I because other people have? My husband told me he was SO, SO glad that I went with him to his gastrointestinal appointment. Hubby has been diagnosed with Barrett's esophagus. The doctor seemed to fluff that off with me sitting there KNOWING it can turn into esophageal cancer and then they just remove the esophagus. The doctor said, oh just come back and see me in a year's time. Hubby said how many people just say, oh, ok and leave thinking everything is just A OK. Have made appointment for possible laser ablation for the esophagus, not everyone does but I knew about it previously. I would rather take that approach than just wait and see does it turn into cancer. Nothing good can come out of that.

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