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Jeb Bush is an idiot--Find a Husband

Posted: Jun 13, 2015

"If people are mentally and physically able to work, they should be able to do so within a two-year period. They should be able to get their life together and find a husband, find a job, find other alternatives in terms of private charity or a combination of all three," Bush said. Wonder how he would feel about marrying an foreigner and making them a legal immigrant ... would that husband do? or are there any parameters on this husband thing, other than having an income to get off welfare. This guy really doesn't have any intention of running, he is just collecting money, right?;

He really is the consummate idiot! It's a family trait of him and his ilk. - Why? - sm

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Jeb Bush in his "infinite wisdom" says: "If people are mentally and physically able to work, they should be able to do so within a two-year period. They should be able to get their life together and find a husband, find a job, find other alternatives in terms of private charity or a combination of all three."

Just look closely at what he's said there. He's either a misguided idiot who believes that the welfare rolls are comprised of 100% females and nary a single male, or he's just tacitly given his endorsement of gay marriage!

Yet another stupid chip off the old Bush!

So is Hillary. She is... - Beyond idiot

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Stupid quotes from it:

"We are going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."

"God bless the America we are trying to create."

"What difference does it make".

"My husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of June, right? We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California. You know, I just, I don't understand it."

"I remember landing under sniper fire.
There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base." --on visiting Bosnia in 1996, contradicting other accounts that said there was no threat of gunfire.

"3 big reasons she should not be president

Zero Accomplishments, bad for women, and she's dumb".

Let's not forget the Cinton Crime Family Foundation - and illegal destruction of emails

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Voting for this Hildabeast shows how far the Dems will stoop - pretty pathetic bunch.

The same guy (Peter Schweitzer) who wrote about the - Clinton Crime Foundation

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is writing a book about Jeb Bush. I'm sure the leftists will be all over that when it comes out, but don't care about the Clinton crimes.
Incorrect. Schweizer already admitted there will be no book on Jeb. - sm
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Schweizer said he was writing a book when he was making the rounds about his book of lies and speculation about Hillary. There were so many mistakes he got wrong in the book that people discovered to be lies by merely using Google that the book has already been revised to correct a massive amount of false information. Anyway, when he was pushing his book to the gullible masses, he apparently wanted to appear "fair and balanced" so he said he was writing a "book" about Jeb also. His publisher was questioned who said there is absolutely no book whatsoever coming out on Jeb. Schweizer was then forced to disclose there will be no book.

HOWARD KURTZ: To be fair, you have been digging into Jeb Bush's finances --


HOWARD KURTZ: -- So the Clintons aren't the only ones you're going to be looking at. But that's not going to result in a book, as I understand.


He's now saying that even though there is no book, the information about Jeb will be posted on his website.

Following the money on this book, one learns that the publisher of Clinton Cash is HarperCollins. News Corp and 21st Century Fox own HarperCollins; they also own The Wall Street Journal, which first raised the issue of the foreign donations; they also own the New York Post, which broke the details about the Schweizer book; and they.... drumroll.... also own Fox News.

Both News Corp and 21st Century Fox are run by Rupert Murdoch -- this is exactly what is meant by the right-wing media propaganda machine. All these companies are tied together and pushing this hit piece to the gullible masses, yet another right-wing hit piece, nothing new really. If the guy actually does post anything disparaging about Jeb Bush on his right-wing activist website, you can be sure it will be with the approval of Rupert Murdoch and the Koch brothers. They're not going to taint the possible GOP candidate without the Murdoch's and Koch's blessings. Those are the facts.
The only place I can verify this is Media Matters, a George Soros funded site. - I heard Peter on the radio
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talking about his book on Jeb.
Google is our friend. Try the Howard Kurtz show. - nm
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Jeb is an establishment Republican. If he gets the - nomination, many people won't vote
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and will stay home.

Yep - Hildabeast and Willie Lump Lump's deceit - hallmark of their family and thier ilk

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I don't think you're gonna have to worry too - much about Hillary winning. (sm)

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Bernie Sanders is picking up a tremendous head of steam out here in the western United States. As an independent, I would still vote for Hillary (or ANY Dem) over any one of the truckload of buffoons the right is lining up at the starting gate. However, I personally don't trust Hillary a whole lot because she's too "corporate", too "republican-esque" in policy and demeanor for my tastes. She's a little too cozy with corporate America for my tastes. Bernie, an independent running as a Dem, has my attention because he's more about evening out the playing field in America, rather than continuing to give all the breaks to the obscenely wealthy.
I don't think you're gonna have to worry too much about an Independent - winning the Democratic Party nomination.
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Just my 2 cents. :)
No worries here. If he doesn't win the nomination - then Hillary gets my vote.
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ANY Dem or Indy would get my vote, rather than any Pub that ever lived.
Vote for the Sanders, the guy that thinks all - women "fantasize" about being gang raped
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Your choice of buffoons makes quite a statement.
Pffft. I call BS on that one.... - nm
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Pfft...sounds like air being let out of a balloon. Bernie the - Pervert admitted in an interview he
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wrote it and stood by his writings...BS describes your comment and how little you know about the DemAlinsky Clown Car buffoons, and even less desire to vet them...pretty typical of the low information posters on this board of the Liberals persuasion....Ignore what is not on your talking points from the Dems/Commies.

No wonder your posts are not credible.

Google is your friend..Bernie the Pervert not so much.

Deflect much? Same old deflection as usual. - sm

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"We are going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."

When Hillary said that line about the "common good," she was at a fundraiser for Barbara Boxer explaining to the rich people who paid a lot of money to be there that if Democrats were elected/reelected, they were going to take away the Bush tax cuts that the wealthy crowd she was talking to were the beneficiaries of. Hillary is still talking about doing away with the Bush tax cuts for the rich to help the disappearing middle class, just like she was in that quote from Barbara Boxer's fundraiser. She also wants to raise the minimum wage to help bring back the middle class and get people in poverty off welfare. You shouldn't make poverty wages for working a 40-hour week. Higher wages for people means they can get off welfare, a fairly simple concept. Conservatives keep whining about people being on welfare, but they don't want to raise the minimum wage or do anything to get them off welfare. They want to cut taxes on corporations and rich people and have absolutely no new ideas. Oh, except Jeb thinks they should "find a husband."

I guess I could go under each quote here and put it in context. Cons enjoy parsing candidate's words and building their entire political campaigns around phrases taken out of context and repeating the same thing over and over and over ad nauseam. Doesn't really matter to Cons if it's a phrase taken out of context and turned on its head since twisting the truth and outright lies are what Con politicians do best: Lie, distort, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat. It's actually how the right-wing propaganda media machine is supposed to work, and that is why it is so mind numbingly boring and repetitious. The same phrases beat to death in right-wing media as if on Pavlovian cue.

Seems like every post these days is a deflection from whoever or whatever the subject is to a post about how much they hate Hillary. Here is yet another post that deflects to the subject of Hillary, calling her an "it," using the propaganda technique of dehumanization where people are called "it" and treated as subhuman. What, no Hildabeast? LOL. We liberals know which poster does this.

I think conservatives are just really upset lately because they realize that it's going to be idiot Jeb Bush as their candidate! Can't say as I blame them, though. They've made it very clear in the past how much they don't want Jeb and what a RINO he is. Jeb is for immigration reform and common core, and they hate all that and are going to get stuck with the idiot.

Once Jeb announces he is running tomorrow, those poll numbers will climb and they'll be stuck with the pro immigrant Jeb who wants to build a path to citizenship for millions of illegal immigrants just like Reagan did, just like his brother George W. Bush tried to do.

Maybe they'll be happy with more war in the Middle East. The neocons want to invade Iran and pick up where George W. left off. The Bushes love their wars over oil.

Not deflection, just pointing out the left's hypocrisy. - They don't seem to care what

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their own politicians do, just their opponents.
No, that is the same old deflection and Hillary bashing. - sm
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You said: "They don't seem to care what their own politicians do, just their opponents."

Couldn't I say the same about all the multiple posts that change the subject from "their own politicians" to a hate-filled rant about Hillary? The hypocrisy from the right is palpable. The right doesn't seem to care about their own politicians, just their opponents, to the point where almost every post where anyone says anything about any other politician or any other subject, it is deflected into a hate-filled rant about Hillary.

People have a right to their opinion about GOP politicians. Since there are so many of them to discuss, if I was one of their followers, I would develop a really thick skin and allow people to have their opinion instead of turning every post about the 20+ different GOP candidates into a rant about their opponents. :)
Hypocracy is a Republican trait. - N/M
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No deflection, that's DemAlinsky turf. - Tethered Tuscadero

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