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Tumble bus and nursery kids

Posted: Apr 27, 2012

Perhaps my niece should re-think this nursery school she had put her daughter in...

One day a week the nursery school has the "tumble bus" come to the school. However, this is not an activity open to all children, only to the ones whose parents pay an extra $11 for it. Well, my niece forgot about it and didn't pay for her daughter to participate. Apparently they come to the classroom and pull out the children who get to do this activity. My niece was informed that her daughter was quite upset that she didn't get to go.

Sure, I know life isn't fair.... but these are little 3 & 4 year old children we're talking about! 

What is your opinion in the school offering something that not all kids may get to participate in?


watch out, tumble bus in Florida was run by a - pedophile

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daycare activities - 1mt

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If the daycare wants to offer additional activities to their daycare children, good for them. If they have to pay someone to come in for these events, then obviously they are going to pass along the expense to those families who want to partiicate. Just like a field trip. That costs extra money above the regular daycare expense. If you as a parent choose not to pay the extra $ to send your child on the field trip, then your child doesn't get to go. If a daycare wants to offer extra activities other than just the normal day-to-day child care, I think that's a good thing. I wonder how people would react if the daycare said "We have tumble bus coming in this week and you MUST pay an add'l $11 for that day of daycare." People would be irate that they were being forced to pay this extra money for something they might not want. If your niece forgot to pay her money for her child to participate in the "tumble bus," well I guess that was her mistake. If there weren't enough families participating in these extra-expense actvities, then I'm sure the daycare wouldn't have them but it is their choice to offer such things and it is the choice of the families whether or not they want to participate. But, just like anything else in life that costs money, if you don't pay, you don't get the goods.

Wondering - why

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you're getting involved in your neice's business. Next time maybe she won't forget to pay, or her daughter can learn that life isn't fair. If you don't pay, you don't get to participate, and theer's nobody to sue when that happens. Why try turn it into some sort of deliberate injustice?

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