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Im so tired

Posted: Sep 18, 2012

Can anyone help me? I have hit a serious dead end. I feel unappreciated, unloved, unwanted, and every other "un" you can think of.

I am tired of cooking dinner, doing the dishes, doing the laundry, cleaning the damn house, making sure every one has everything, and tired of working my sore fingers to the bone.

I look out the window and feel as if the world is passing me by. People going places, smiling, laughing, having fun, and I want that. What happened? Where did my life go?

Does anyone else just feel like running away somtimes? I just want to be selfish. I want to blow a serious wad of cash on clothes, makeup, perfume, shoes, purses, I want a day of pampering, flowers, compliments... No, I want a week of that.

Why do I always put myself last? How do I fix it?


I feel the same as you and I would like an answer to that too. - anon2

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maybe we have to win the lottery and everybody we have ever loved in our lives or still love can go sit on the curb for a while and fend for themselves! we need a break!

We can nominate you for What Not To Wear - wheres_my_job

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I love that show - supposedly, it's all the good advice they get from Stacey and Clinton - but doesn't that $5,000 credit card make all the difference? It wouldn't be the same show if they got a credit card with $250 on it - although I could live with that, myself!

I think you have to plan on putting the "you" back into "your life." And beat off all the other obligations with a stick, metaphorically speaking. You have to write down some goals, or it will never happen. And then do those things, something every day! And that's your one goal for the day. It doesn't matter how small it is. Just one goal can save your life. You know, the life with "you" in it - the things YOU want.

Time for a mental health break - maybe try

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Tell your hubby, kids, etc. how you feel. Tell them you are taking a vacation from as much responsibility as possible for a week. Delegate these responsibilities where you can.

As mentioned previously, write down all the things you WANT to do, even simple things. Sit in the park and read a book. Get a manicure. Get a hair cut. Go for a long hike or walk. Cook some new recipes. Go shopping. Listen to the music you used to love. Go to dinner at a new restaurant. Start planning holiday gifts and menus. It is right around the corner. Be creative in some small way. Little things can make a big difference.

NEVER WAIT TO BE HAPPY. Do not wait for more money, a bigger house, a new job, a new car, etc. etc. etc. Never put happiness on hold or you may never get the chance to experience it. None of us are promised tomorrow, so do what you can to find joy in your life TODAY so you won't miss out.

Lastly, when you are feeling blue, make it a point to make someone else smile every day. It can even be someone you do not know, someone you pass on the street or the person in line next to you at a store. One simple little smile from someone that you caused. I know this sounds very corny, but try it, you will be surprised.

Good luck to you. We have all been there. Hope you get out of that funk soon.

To wheres_my_job: This post is just for you. sm - SMC

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I have been working on my own life. Your 3rd paragraph is now something I am going to look at every day. I actually copied, printed it and taped it above my monitor so that I will see it every day. Today was the first day in 23 years as an MT that I took my lunch and ate it outside. Starting small!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Crud! This was to "maybe try." I truly appreciated your words and took them to heart. - SMC
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sorry for the name confusion. Your words hit home.
SMC You are very welcome, but do not forget - see mess
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Try to make someone else smile every day, even in the smallest way. I know you probably think this is ridiculous, but give it 2 days, and see what it does for YOU. It works.

I appreciate the fact that you read that third paragraph, comprehended what it really means, and decided to act on it. Life waits for no one. Make the best of yours, dear, and good luck to you.

struggling with the same thing - me too

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I feel like I could have written your post. I have been struggling with this for the past year or so. I think some people call it mom burn out syndrome or something like that. I have always put my kids and family before myself. Everything has been going in the wrong direction. I work hard only to meet defeat in everything in my life, worst of all my MT career (which we all know is not really a career anymore). I got to the point of just not caring about anything. I couldn't do it any more. I am working really hard to try to find a different perspective and find a way out of MT and do something else (I think this job is what makes you feel this way because we are treated so badly by our employers and are stuck home alone working so much). It's not easy. Everyone is so used to you being there and meeting their every need. They forget that you have needs to. You have to find a way to meet your own needs, though. If you aren't happy and your needs aren't being met, you can't fulfill the needs of your family or others around you. I'm not sure how to fix it, but I have been trying. I got a new haircut, new makeup, and started working out. I do feel markedly better after doing that. I'm starting to focus on taking care of myself and figuring out what it is that I want in life and not just what everyone around me needs from me or needs me to be. I wish you luck in finding your way back to happiness.

Thank you all... - wore right out

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Im glad its not just me, but I am so sad for those who also feel like this. It is overwhelming. I will take these suggestions though and run with them.

I gotta find me...

Don't mean to be a broken record, but.. - wheres_my_job

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I think sometimes, you really need to lower your expectations - I love having my clothes organized by color in my closet - yes, I have a bunch of crappy clothes, but still. That in and of itself is hard for me to do (it's a long story).

So, I can't get anywhere if I pile up too many changes, and things I want to do, even if they are for myself - I'm too tired. I'm tired...........but it's miraculous for me to get to bed before midnight - I really am not a night person. But I did medical transcription late into the night for so many years....so I strongly recommend starting out with something small, one thing, and see how that goes. Maybe you will be able to "run with it" - but maybe that one thing, that one change, will be really hard.

Anyway, that's my two cents worth. It's a beautiful day. I'm going for a walk. Just me, myself, and I --- or me, myself and i-magination. It's fun to let your mind wander!

All the best to everyone.

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