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Sick and tired of the leftists thinking they

Posted: Mar 19, 2016

disturb the peace and break up lawful gatherings where people are enjoying their constitutional right to freedom of speech.  These idiotic protests against Trump are not permitted, meaning no permits were gotten. If they feel so strongly, let them put their money where their mouths are and get a venue and gather there. Why subject common citizens going about their business to their ridiculous childish tantrums.  The left is surely the most insane bunch of freaks I have ever seen.  Nobody can have a like or dislike unless it is approved by the left first.  Damn crazy nut jobs.  Can you even imagine what would happen if it were the Republicans acting out like this???? Psshhhh. 


What if the republicans acted out like - this?

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Oh, sorry forgot Trump not really republican or I could say just look at him. As far as the most insane bunch, I wonder who were the people who created the 1968 democratic convention havoc? I have seen much worse.

You can't be serious. What do you call all - those ugly mobs at their rallies?

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Talk about acting out.

I call them idiots who don't have a life or job - Punks and thugs

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The person who attacked Trump was associated with Black Lives Matter and Bernie Sanders.
And the guy who sucker punched the person leaving - Dump and threatening to kill
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was an upstanding citizen? Yesterday watching the people going into the SLC Dump fest it looked like the ones he said he loves, "the uneducated." I love that statement, by the way, it so fits.
Trump "loves the uneducated", which is why - he"ll do what it takes to keep them that way.
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Childish tantrums? So what do you call what - the Republicans do, then?

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I don't know of any conservatives who have blocked - liberals' rallies, etc. Can you cite?

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Conseratives are too busy 'beating the cr*p' - out of anyone that disagrees with them.

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Do you have documentation of this? - Just curious
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So easy to make anonymous accusations without documentation right?

Turn on a TV set and watch it for yourself. - Its on the news every night.
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Conservatives at Bernie Sanders rallies get - hugs not hate! nm

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People have a strong reaction to hate speech... - and hate mongering...

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and don't show respect to someone with an utter lack of respect for others. What's so hard to understand about that? You reap what you sow.

Aren't these people hate mongering themselves? - What are they afraid of?

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I do not have the impulse to block the lying Hillary career political person who has made millions of dollars supporting special interests agenda or Bernie Sanders who is a socialist redistributing wealth and making promises he cannot keep.

What are these protesters afraid of Trump? I am not afraid of Hillary or Sanders and I would not dream of protesting their free speech.

You want to protest? Rent a place and protest till your brains blow up or you run out of money and time.

Your reaction isn't on a par with theirs apparently, - or I suppose you would do it.

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You're probably exaggerating your outrage because you're "trumping up," if you will, how angry the candidates you oppose make you feel.
What a waste of time to protest a candidate - No one cares what "you" think.
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Voters only care what the candidates think. Protestors to me are fools without a life or without a job.
Trump followers don't care what others think. - Which is a large part of the problem.
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All they care about is themselves.

When you look at what happened in Nazi Germany, lots of Hitler's "followers" did so mainly because they were afraid for their own well-being. Many of them didn't like Hitler at all, but they joined up with his side because to not do so was dangerous for them.

I see the same type of mentality at these Trump rallies.
You are being a parrot for the media. - Thinkforyourself.
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Instead of looking at Nazi Germany, how about looking at the Obama followers and what a disaster that is and was? 19 TRILION DOLLAR DISASTER, half of which belongs to OBAMA alone. Let me repeat that-HALF THE DEBT IS OBAMA's FAULT. FACT! This is the same President who while campaigning stated " I will get rid of the 8 trillion dollar debt we are in and if I don't, then I shouldn't be President." He did NOT and yet he ran a second term and you liberals voted for him AGAIN!!! And he added MORE DEBT! SMDH! As far as the Hitler comparisons which is ad nauseum from the media, it has been used over and over again against many people in the last 50 years. Hitler exterminated millions of Jews. Are you suggesting the Jews in America should fear Donald Trump or how they must feel when Hitler's name is mentioned? You do know Donald Trump's grandchildren and his son-in-law are Jewish, don't you? So, stop with the Hitler BS comparisons. Do you think he's going to exterminate his own grandchildren? RIDICULOUS! I LIKE Donald Trump, I am voting for Donald Trump just as the "followers" of OBOZO did. Obama did not come through with any of his promises-just google through his campaign speeches. Yet, twice (with the help of dead voters and illegal voters no doubt), stupid is as stupid does and liberals gave him a second term. Now, it is 2016 and it is our turn. I am a huge Donald Trump supporter. I am sick of off-shoring, outsourcing, H1-B Visas, common core, working my butt off to be classified incorrectly and lose out on Obama care from my employer. I am for repealing Obama care, I am for JOBS for Americans. I am for our vets and our military. Most importantly, I am for my my grandchildren and their children having the American dream. I am for building the wall. Frankly, I don't really give a rat's azz what liberals think. Hillary Clinton is playing the pages of Obama and going after minority voters with her pandering. She is responsible for the death of an American Ambassador on her watch, lying to the families of the Benghazi dead soldiers, and can't control her own husband's adultery, but puts up with it!!! Her son-in-law is a hedge fund manager on Wall Street. Her daughter was married at the home of Soros. What else do I need to know? She is NO ROLE MODEL for women-of any color or ethnicity. The problem she has from voters is there is no enthusiasm for her like there was for Obama, so she drops his name at her campaigns all.the.time. and then goes on to promise to deliver what HE didn't. Improve the ACA??? Don't make me throw up! It's a DISASTER that isn't working! Bernie is not even a Democrat and is a career politician who looks like he has 1 foot in the grave. He has a snowball's chance in hell of winning, so yes, he has a chance. I am going to believe that a successful businessman who has never held political office, is using his own money and therefore will not SELL my vote to lobbyists and special interests, can run the country better than a community organizer has, and better than 2 career politicians from the Democratic party can. But, he gets 4 years to do it. There will be no vote for a second term if he does not deliver. ZI am not doing this because I care only for myself! I am VOTING FOR TRUMP for the sake of my grandchildren and their children, that they too, might know what it is like to have a good job, own a home, take vacations and live in peace without fear of being labeled "racist" when they disagree with a liberal. I am voting TRUMP!!!!!! I encourage you to open your eyes and your ears and THINK for yourself, research, google and then get on the Trump train.
^ That post pretty much makes my point... - Sheesh. Calm down.
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Too bad you cannot see that he is a lying con man! - nm
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Says the blind Obama sheep in denial! - Laugh of the day-nm
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Thanks for making me laugh.
Talking about sheep- this latest Trump statement - is not to make you laugh
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but should make you cringe: “It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep. ..

He just quoted Benito Mussolini and when called to his attention where the remark came from stated he liked the remark. I am sure he did.
I like the quote too! - sm
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You can read into anything you want. If I was a sheep with a Good Shepherd (Jesus), I would not like the quote, I would rather be a sheep. If I thought further, however, and took the quote to mean if I was a sheep being led by a Bad Shepherd (Obama/Devil), then I would 100% agree, it is better to be a Lion. That is why I like the quote. It's not good or bad, it's how you look at it. I do not what was in Mussolino's mind when he said it. But, you don't know either. Only Mussolini knows. Okay, now, I am ready for all the dislikes because I don't agree with your liberal thinking. Thank God, I am not an Obama sheep!
Most of intelligent thinking were not pleased - with the quote
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but if you like it, it is what it is.
Predictable response. Insult my intelligence - Liberalism is a disease
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for not agreeing with you without flat out coming out and calling me stupid? Is that all you got? Thankfully, my skin is a lot thicker than yours. Reading between the lines of "most intelligent thinking were not pleased" meaning you believe you are of intelligent thicking and therefore, YOU were not pleased, but offended for the sake of being offended? Hilarious! This stuff should be on the comedy page.
Heard about the Jewish meeting Trump was invited - to, that is happening today
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Just last night one of the main leaders there talking about how the meeting would play out. He said many planned to just get up and leave when Trump started talking, no riots like we have been seeing but more of just a silent rebellion against him. He so far has inflamed so many, let's see, the Jewish people, women, disabled people, Latinos (who now are becoming naturalized citizens to vote against him), and this weekend, Indians, as in the people who were first here in the states. Not too many more to go before he includes all, so many I forget some of them.
Dream on! Latina woman here-not offended! - Trump Train!
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Let me help you. He's offended BLM (YAY), Occupy Wall Street (YAY), low information Obama voters (YAY), illegals (YAY), liberals who spout hate (YAY), terrorists (YAY), Bill Clinton (YAY), Soros (YAY) Ayers (YAY), establishment politicians on both sides (DOUBLE YAY), thin-skinned liberals who want to blame living people for what dead people did, ie. American Indians. I suggest you go to your nearest tribe and make a donation for retribution to whomever you think has been a VICTIM in YOUR lifetime by YOU. Or, go back to Europe if you feel that strongly that you are living in a foreign country (ROFLMAO)or wherever your forefathers came from since you seem to believe we should all be under American Indian rule, however, what tribe you don't say. I suggest you get with the here and NOW, join the 21st century and stop blaming TRUMP or ME or anybody else ALIVE for what happened over 200 years ago! Trump has 6 MILLION likes on his FB page. No other candidate running on either side comes even close. Trump train all the way!!!!
Why are you yelling so much? Just take a deep breath - and calm down
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I could care less how many likes he has on his FB page, how many does Kim K. have? So see, does not take much to have your name out there, just do a trashy video and Trump, well. You see, just because does not make you all that. I said he had now offended Indians by his last tweeter rant and that was against Elizabeth Warren not being of Indian origin. Hate to break the news to you but Trump will never make it to the White House.
Why do you assume I am yelling? Elizabeth Warren is - sm
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Warren probably is just a tad more Indian than Bruce Jenner is female. As much Indian, I would humorously state as the white woman running a local chapter of the NAACP claiming last year she was African-American. The point is that it does not take too much to offend a liberal-just disagree with them. Can you tell me anything that Elizabeth Warren has done for "her people" lately or e.v.e.r.? Kim K is not running for President, but I have no doubt if either she or Kanye ran as he says he will, liberals would be voting for them, simply because they are liberal. Or black. Or possibly Indian? You are entitled to your opinion, but I am pretty sure you have no crystal ball. I like to go on facts and polls by several different reputable agencies. Trump all the way!!!!
You were talking about FB and how many followers, - thus the Kim K. statement
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You do not have to be that much to have followers, just compare the 2 and I am sure Kim has more and her claim to fame? I don't follow Elizabeth Warren but just saying another group he has insulted. I don't know if Kim or her husband are liberal. I will say Trump has the old white male vote but as far as the blacks, probably going democratic as that is another group Trump has alienated and the list keeps growing.
I was talking Presidential candidates, but - sm
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you twisted it and then tried to deflect the issue to Kim Kardashian?????? Did I miss something about her running for President? No, I did not. Trump has over 6 million people liking his FB page. Compare that to under 3 million for Hillary, 3.5 million for Bernie. Don't let the facts confuse you. He has twice the number of FB fans as Hillary, not too many people are interested in Hillary compared to Trump. Surprisingly, more people on FB are following BERNIE than are following Hillary. He has over half million more followers than she does. And by the way, Elizabeth Warren has never been able to prove that she is part Cherokee, is not a registered member of the Cherokee nation, and her getting caught in this lie is old news.
You know you cannot go by FB alone - for example
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I am not on FB and definitely voting. I hear how many followers different people have and if you go by that, does not mean everyone. When you state how many he has, that is supposed to mean something to me?
Yes,it should. - nm
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If you are the same poster, you know about Kim Kardashian on FB, so either you are trying to bait me with a lie, are a different poster, and/or are not up to snuff with 21st social media. I agree not every voter is on FB but a vast number of people are. You have a computer obviously, but maybe no friends to be "friends" with on FB. I don't know. Whatever the case may be, if it is too complicated for you to figure out that 6 million people like Trump versus 3 million like Hillary in any forum, not just Facebook, I can't help you. I'm not the Wizard of Oz. Good day!
I do not give a rat's behind how many followers he - has, or anyone else for that
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matter. I use my own senses, not how many rants he sends out on his tweets.
Oh, so you DO have social media after all? - Tweets and Twitter.
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Bless your heart, you are so hilarious. You absolutely made my entire day!
No, better get your day back, I have neither - but talk is all over TV
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about first Trump's twitter rants against this one, (Kelly), next day Cruz, next day Clinton, next one Warren. You surely do not think you have to have those in order to know about them, do you? I know about the pyramids in Egypt but have never been there. Most everyone who watches any programs on the presidential races hear about how Trump rants and how he has been asked to stop, many saying how juvenile it is.
Didn't play out like you said it would. - No doom, no gloom.
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No silent rebellion, no walk outs. Any predictions for tomorrow?
He had so many standing ovations from - sm
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the crowd, I lost count. It was the best speech I have heard from him so far.
You do know it was written, not just off the - cuff speech by Trump
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I watched all of the speeches, Kasich, Clinton, Trump and Cruz. Now the standing ovations were Kasich's, what a brilliant speech. I never saw a standing ovation for Trump, I did hear some clapping but none like for the others. If you watched any of the talk shows afterwards, whether CNBC, Fox or CNN all were talking about how much pandering he was doing and how many errors he made. Calling for the end of NATO most called unbelievable as it is said the peace in the European countries have been steady ever since its inception. I heard talk from the shows better than he has been but then again scripted for him, not having the ability nor knowing enough about world issues to count.

What are conservatives afraid of? A fair system? - Having to pay a fair tax rate?

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Or having to pay taxes at all? Maybe they're scared of gays. Or muslims. Or a government that they can't force to do thing their way?

They're not trying to block "freedom" of speech; - its HATE speech thats so offensive.

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That's why Trump's campaign is especially repugnant.

hate speech? - that's what I have been hearing...

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for the last 8 years from Obama and Holder - racist talk against cops and anyone that wasn't black. They started this mess and the protesters are BLM, Move-on.org, others coming in with white hoods on their heads - who does that? Certainly not Trump people. Donald Trump is exercising his right to free speech - got that? Free speech. Its the same reason that the movie makers are allowed to put garbage in the movie theaters, the garbage that people like Michael Moore, etc. spew - free speech. The right has to allow it - in other words, lefty protesters go home.

Free speech is not always free - For example

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You cannot be in a movie and yell "FIRE" or you could be arrested. You cannot incite violence as is happening now with the Dump's stops. He should take a lesson from John McCain and shut down any inking of ugliness. When lady in McCain's audience wanted to say Obama was Arab McCain put a quick stop to that. If Dump would just take notes he probably might have a few more on his side than he does now.

Ask Gawker if there is still free speech - after 115 million lawsuit

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won by wrestler Hulk Hogan against them.
That's totally different. They invaded his privacy - Truthhurts
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Everyone deserves some privacy, even the Hollyweird people. Gawker deserved to lose the lawsuit, but so should the woman's husband for taping it. This was not a movie the Hulk was in. It was secretly taped by the woman's weird husband, which I find totally disgusting, as is the guy's name.

I did think the amount was entirely too high and then there's damages the jury is going to consider yet.

Read a little about free speech. - MORE READING...

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That's what Trump supporters need overall for sure.

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