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Observations - Tired of it all

Posted: Mar 25, 2010

The hatred on this board toward anyone who is a conservative has been absolutely rampant and so unnecessary.  It has become so bad here, the only way to describe it is a disease.  People have become totally obsessed with hating conservatives.  There are accusations of violence, yet no proof.  No videos, no voice clips, not even an iphone video or picture…nothing.  All you have is someone telling you things were said and done by conservatives, yet nobody can collaborate the story or give a name.  If they think people are just going to take their word for it, as one poster below said “you are being easily led”.

You can post as many articles as you want about violence in America…without a name it doesn’t stand on firm ground.  People are accusing others without any facts or names of who did these things.  For all you know it could have been a group of teenagers just out rough-housing (like in Philly, and other instances), but you’ve already decided you wanted it to be conservatives so you just lump everyone together and claim whatever is done is being done by all conservatives.  Thus you are creating mass hysteria and fear-mongering.

If you disagree with an ideology that is one thing, but the hate and attacks and labeling of posters and anyone who is a conservative, calling them Nazi’s, convicts, violent, ignorant, stupid, haters, nitwits, and any other name you can think of to insult is becoming very personal and you’ll be the first to be offended if people call you communist or socialist.

What has happened to this country that one group can be so hateful towards another and they think it is okay to spit this vile attitude out at people.  I have made many acquaintances on this board that I may share a difference of opinion with them political wise, but I respect their viewpoints and they respect mine.  This board used to be civil, but it’s just gotten downright nasty.  Of course you’ll say it’s all the other side and your side is innocent of all wrong doing.  I am glad I have seen some of my fellow long-time liberal friends not jumping on the band wagon.  They have earned my respect.    

If you don’t like the tea parties and the people who attend the events (i.e. Tea Party Attendees), don’t go, don’t watch, and don’t read about it.  That is your prerogative, however, for every person who doesn’t agree with the tea party and events there are those who do.  They have every right to their opinion, just as you do yours.  They have every right to call their congressman, and gather in peaceful demonstrations to show their dissatisfaction with what is happening to our country, questioning their congressmen, and when their congressman is giving them a line of baloney (for a nicer word), state it like it is, just like the people who marched against Bush and displayed their dissatisfaction with what he was doing, the war, etc.   To try and shut down one group because they have a difference of opinion than you is just not right, and flinging accusations without proof is not right either. 

I watched an interview by David Schuster on MSNBC and he had a guest on, Kevin Jackson, who wrote a book “The Big Black Lie”.  He said in an interview that there has not been any violence at any of the tea parties, and that he saw the video and found out that a lot of what they were saying happened had NOT occurred.  Also, he said nobody has a name of anyone who has committed violence, and that in many instances there are democrat operatives who are doing a lot of this stuff to stir up trouble.  For liberals to come out and state conservative have committed acts of violence when there is no proof I find is poor judgment.

Look, the fact of the matter is that the democrats passed the worst bill ever and Obama signed it.  The way they passed this is beyond belief.  Everyone in this country knows they bribed and paid for votes.  The coerced, ridiculed, and Pelosi would not let anyone go back to their home before the bill was signed because she knew they would come back and vote no.   The whole country knows that this government has been infiltrated and is corrupt beyond anything we have ever seen.  That is why it is referred to it as Chicago-style politics.  It is just plain corrupt of historical proportions.  But since you are on the democrats side so you believe it is okay.  There are issues from Bush’s administration that you were against.  You protested, you called your congressman and you did everything you could because you were against it.  But when Obama’s administration continue on the same path, signs the same bills, does the same thing Bush did you accept it without question and cut down anyone who isn’t joining in the big group hug. 

We need to hold the politicians (who happen to work for the American people) accountable for their actions.  When the country loud and clearly say no to a bill they are going to be affected by and the government goes against the will of the people (and laugh about it and give the big group hug, and say “it’s a big --- deal”, they need to be held responsible and to explain to the country why they went against the wishes of the American people.   There are many people out there who voted for Obama, but this is not what they voted for and they have stated so.  It’s as though we never did get Obama The Campaigner, we voted for, but got someone else.    

All I know is this board has been a real mess over the past week.  People are very angry with what just happened to the American people, and the other side is angry we are not just sitting back taking it and not saying anything.  Upset we aren’t happy with being dumbed down by all the garbage on TV and being made so stupid that we wouldn’t pay attention to what decisions they are making that affect us.  Accusations are being made without any proof, and when conservatives are voicing their disgust with the policies in place they are attacked for daring to voice an opinion not in favor of the issues.    

All I hope is the board can get back to the level of civility it used to be.  Disagree about issues, but please stop with the absolute hatred towards conservatives, personal attacks, stating how much more intelligent your side is, all because someone pushed the right buttons and clicked on certain ads in the survey, and british kids that were smart said who'd they vote for when they grow up, and posting that tea party members are violent when you know they are not.  You can say whatever you want to say over and over and over.  Doesn’t mean it’s true. 

What it boils down to is that you want all viewpoints other than yours stopped.  Are you really ready for a country like that?  If so, ask yourself this…if a republican president and congress was in power, and they tried to shut down your freedom of speech and right to assemble peacefully, voted for a bill that over 80% of the country kept saying loud and clear “no” to, etc.  (something of course you didn’t want), would you be okay with that?  And if you really are ready for the country to be turned into a socialist nation are you okay with that?  Really?  Have you done any research on other countries that are socialist and what life is really like for the people of the country?  You should research first, and then really think about it.  That’s what you want for this country?

I just think this is a very sad time for our country.


Tired of it all - oldone

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Well, well said. I don't always agree with you (but you are open to that) but in this case you stated the situation with eloquence. I read and re-read it. Thank

Thanks oldone - anon

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I don't agree with some people on the board, which is fine, but there just has to be a level of civility that as adults we display towards our fellow mankind/womankind. It is so disheartening to see such rampant hatred (and I see someone replied and she showed a perfect example of why I wrote the post).

Why can't people just get along. If people want someone to blame there's plenty to go around in all political parties. Not one party is perfect. I don't know what party I would even associated with. I like some of the democrats ideas and some of the republicans ideas, I also like what I hear from libertarians. I try to see the good in everyone.

I am open to discussing issues with people I don't agree with. Sometimes it opens my eyes and I see things a different way than I used to. It's all a part of learning in my life. I don't close my mind to some ideas, because what happens if those ideas just happen to be right. I've found that I agree more times than not with the democrats on the board, as long as they present the information in a calm and collected manner and are actually willing to discuss issues.

But the hatred and blame game has been so bad and out of control I couldn't hold back. It's very hard to compose a note when you are angry without coming across angry, but firm. I hope I was able to do that.

I will never say that conservatives don't fling the names too, that just would not be truthful, but every time I've come to the board this past week the hatred at the conservatives pours through in almost every post, along with the accusations without proof. I guess they've just taken Bush-hating to a new height. It is very unfortunate that there are some who are like this. I'm still thankful for my liberal and conservatives friends on this board that keep it real and post articles and discuss issues.

Just wish things would go back to having a good board again.

Thanks again.

I forgot to mention in my post above - actually both posts I wrote

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I post as anon most of the time, but have also posted as Anony2 and just me/hmmm.

That's what I get for typing fast and hitting the enter key before finishing. LOL

No proof? Rep Anthony Weiner, NY received - sm

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1000s of threat letters and a paket with white powder, bricks were thrown into offices of Demo, and much more...
this is violence, it is such ridiculous and downright childish behavior by the Republicans.
Now Palin is stirring the pot again....,

Oh, there ya go. Look, its everywhere. But, dems are - JUST as guilty as pubs. Today,

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one of the news stories was regarding several dem senators who were threatened because they changed their yes vote to a no. So, dem on dem threats! ...and quit the Palin obsession. -makes YOU look childish yourself. Guess what, I am a democrat!

Now then...does he have names. Were there arrests - No, so your post doesnt prove anything

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What about the republican who was shot at in his office, or does that not matter.

So...you have proved my post to be true. You have no names and you don't know who did it.

Oh wait...you do have a name? Sarah Palin sent 1000s of threat letters, etc.

Your post also confirms my post about the hate speech spoken against conservatives. - Real nice!

Since there are no names and no arrests - you dont know who is responsible

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There you go with the mass hysteria and assumptions.

Until there are arrests, nobody knows who did it.

Why are you so obsessed? Are you denying the threats, etc. took place? - Do you think

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If you can put 2 and 2 together, you must know that the conservatives did not get their way; people who don't get their way get mad; mad people who are unable to control themselves sometimes retaliate in an unacceptable way.

Overwhelmingly at this time, it is conservatives making the threats, etc.

If the situation were reversed, it would be liberals.

If you want to keep doing the tit for tat thing, and spending all this time on it, well, go ahead of course, but who are you trying to convince of what?

It is people who do not get their way who retaliate...right now, it is overwhelmingly cons.

Again you have no proof and you don't know - anon

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Provide the proof. A name, a video, a picture, a finger print, a piece of DNA. You are blaming a group because you want it to be them.

You have no leg to stand on.

And you aren't using common - sense

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The motive is clearly established.

Interesting, but I see more hatred toward Dems. I - pretty much view this as Republican forum.

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Same here. And for the last few days, it has - become nothing more

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a tit-for-tat machine being used by pubs mainly for defense for actions that have no defense.

You're kidding right? That's funny! Bunch of Libs! - NM

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Gee, and you say Libs like it is a bad thing! - Proud Lib

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Everything sounds like name-calling when it comes from you. Good thing, sometimes, like now, it just does not matter.

Then you haven't been reading all the posts - Just the ones you want to

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Thanks for being so partisen. Doesn't surprise me though because your only following your leaders actions.

Gee, it is funny. The day the HC bill was signed - there was a con on

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line whining about the fact that there were only cons on and why the libs weren't there to gloat? Almost as if this person was bothered because there was no one to pick a fight with or throw names at. Thing is, I was on, and I know for a fact that there were several other regular libs on as well at the same time. No gloating, and the poster almost sounded disappointed because that meant there was not something to react viciously to.
That would be me, honey. And I wasn't looking for a fight... - Anon
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I just happen to know for a fact that Obama and his minions think nothing of infiltrating forums all over the web with their propaganda. If you don't think this is happening today in America, you are incredibly naive.

It's Axelrod's specialty...what he calls "astroturfing," and it didn't disappear once Obama got elected. They also pay some of the people to infiltrate these sites...AKA "community activist."

And some of the drive-by posters on this board fit the bill to a T. That's what I was remarking on. All of a sudden they were gone, almost like a bunch of locusts.
Terms of endearment? awwww - Warms
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the cockles of one's heart.
For the record, you do not know anything - "for a fact"
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you love to think you do, but you are so wound up regurgitating the propaganda that you no longer recognizes "facts" unles they back up what you want them to back up. Now, that is a "FACT."
Ever hear of "Organizing for America?" - Anon
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This is their M.O. And since it's been going on for the last 2 years, I've learned to recognize it. That's when the level of discourse in this country took a nosedive, IMO.
Yes we are - Legion
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and we spend much time here staring at goats. Your posts are of particular interest. Bwaa haaa haaa :P

How sad for you. - Anon
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But seriously, whatever will you do when your side is no longer in control?

And when are you going to move out of mommy's basement?
As long as there - are
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pretend watchers, there will be legion to watch them.

P.S. Staring at goats. Thanks again.
I'm sorry...is this code for something? Am I supposed to understand your ramblings? - Anon
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Or is this George Clooney trying to drum up some business for his latest flop of a movie?
I remember that day and I read the posts. - You are correct.
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