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To those tired of income inequality *news*

Posted: Jan 22, 2014

The world's 85 richest people own the same amount as about 3,500,000,000 people, or the same amount as the bottom half of the entire global population (3.5 billion). See link for more information. ****** Worldwide economic inequality is looking rather bleak these days, according to a new report by relief organization Oxfam. Oxfam's "Working For The Few" report looked at Credit Suisse's "Global Wealth Report 2013" and Forbes' list of the world's billionaires from 2013 to conclude that 1 percent of the global population controls half of the world's wealth. The report also found that the world's 85 richest people own the same amount as the bottom half of the entire global population. The ramifications of such inequality may be dire, the report suggests: This massive concentration of economic resources in the hands of fewer people presents a significant threat to inclusive political and economic systems. Instead of moving forward together, people are increasingly separated by economic and political power, inevitably heightening social tensions and increasing the risk of societal breakdown.;

This is fun--click on your favorite billionaire - sm

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At this Bloomberg link it shows the billionaire's wealth fluctuation in A DAY--I guess caused by market fluctuations. You can click on the billionaire and it will tell you how they made their money (inherit/self-made) etc. You can sort it by industry, gender, etc. Check out Walmart, Koch bros. Think about how they use those profits and treat their employees and the environment and taxpayers.

I hope you included members of Congress. - Bunches of them.

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Mostly democrats.

Koch brothers aren't in Congress...only their minions are - wheres_my_job

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Looks like you must have misunderstood. - I never mentioned them.
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It kind of illustrates... - sm
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trickle-down effect. The Koch and Walton billions trickle down to the millionaire senators. All is right in the world because that is how it has always been and should remain. Right?
Koch is nothing - Look at Gates & Buffet - disgusting - nm
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The Giving Pledge - Check it out
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The link below is to the Giving Pledge. The Giving Pledge is a commitment by the world's wealthiest individuals and families to dedicate the majority of their wealth to philanthropy.

Both Gates and Buffett have signed.

I note both Koch Bros. and Waltons have not.
Disgusting? How so? - curious (nm)
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Billionaires not millionaires. No members of congress - are billionaires (that we know of). nm

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Your president has helped these people remain billionaires - and millionaires. (sm)

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I guess you didn't realize he has followed in his predecessor's footsteps.

What so many don't seem to understand - old and burned out

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is that the current trend is simply bad for the economy and unsustainable. Almost every dollar earned by the lower and middle income classes goes back into the economy. If they don't have enough money to buy good and services, the economy comes to a halt.

I believe that is why - sm

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Romney would have made a good president. He was for economic growth, not share the wealth. I realize this will open a can of worms and it's not meant to do that. It is merely a simple statement of opinion that hopefully will not provoke a breakdown with the Ds.

How do you think - old and burned out

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he could have achieved economic growth if workers are underpaid? It's an easy thing to say and something that everyone wants but the specifics are missing. The economy grows when workers have enough money to purchase more goods and services thus creating more jobs, more demand, etc. If they don't have money to spend, everything stops.
No response to you, sorry. - nm
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Random thoughts on growth and sustainability - sm
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A while back I was reading an article about a tipping point in bacteria growth. The culture will grow and expand until it hits a point where it no longer can sustain itself because it has used up its fuel source and collapses and dies off. (Perhaps killing the host with it.)

Recently we went through a financial crisis that seemed to work something like that. The credit market could no longer feed on itself and almost collapsed the world monetary system.

So I was thinking about the world population and how we have started wars, starved our populations, our oceans, all for the pursuit of oil.

Then I thought about our hunger for electronics and the cost for our world from the pollution (especially in China).

Then I was thinking about our agriculture and how the soil has become so depleted of micronutrients and minerals from repeated growing on the same acres of land and how we put antibiotics in our food animals so they can be raised on feedlots.

Way back when, the "hippie" group talked about 0 population growth. I believe China made that choice, for awhile anyway. Now, we do not talk so much about 0 population growth, but about climate change. I wonder at what point the human race will collapse like a bacteria culture?
Good points you bring up... - sm
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I've had some thoughts lately about the sustainability of the worldwide power grid and what a global disaster it would be if even a portion of the world lost power.
At the rate humans are "fouling the nest" here on - Earth, probably our species - sm
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and most of the others on it will collapse. Nature has a balance for a reason - to continue to renew and replenish itself. When species outnumber their food source, as mentioned above, there are mass die-offs. If the balance on Earth is tipped beyond the ability to replenish itself, there will likely be domino effect of extinctions, and we will likely be one of those species. We seem to have bred all the brains out of our species, so I'm not betting on a turnaround for the better at this point.
I'm ROFL.,, - sm
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Your statement, "We seem to have bred all the brains out of our species..." Oh, you are so right!! Thank you for the giggle. Seriously, though, it is sad as well.
Their brains have been fried from all the drugs - n/m
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