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Olberman reached a new low in my book

Posted: Dec 3, 2010

Open season on Bristol Palin.  Just not right.  I think her response was pretty adult, more so than KO. When will he grow up?

I can't listen to his tirade as my speakers died yesterday, but both the Palin/Situation video and Olberman's crap is here:




Palin response - The Analog Kid

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When reading Bristol's response, I also thought it was too adult. Seriously, she knows and uses the word canard? I suspect someone wrote it for her, after hearing her speak on DWTS I sincerely doubt that was her talking. I was exhausted with all the Palin brouhaha by the time DWTS was over, can't we move on already?

Apparently not...Keith sure doesn't.... - want to let it go.

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want to move on.

Don't really think the conversation on Dancing with the Stars lent itself to the use of the word "canard." It is not out of the realm of possibility that she has a thesauras.

Olbermann has no low. He will say anything. How anyone can - respect the guy?? what slime.nm

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Pond scum. No wait...that is an insult to pond scum. - sam

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What a sorry, sorry excuse for a human being. How can anyone, no matter what their political leanings, find that kind of crap the least bit funny?

What goes around comes around, and here's hoping when it comes around it slaps him silly.

If you really look at it, pond scum is a beautiful thing - Oops, must be on drugs

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Alice, Alice, where are you????

It should be open season on the Palins - and here's why:

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Bristol is an adult with her own career, a child, and has D-list reality celebrity status. She is fair game for any commentator.

Further, the Palin family has a long history of saying wildly inappropriate things. Willow recently went off on a homophobic rant, Sarah used assassination rhetoric on her webpage earlier this year, she's made racist attacks on multiple people, etc.

Olbermann's "Worst Person in the World" bit is hyperbole, a time-honored and often humorous tactic used in politics for decades. Go read some 1800s political newspaper cartoons if you don't believe me.

The only people who dislike Olbermann's so-called attacks are those who dislike his politics and approve of the people he rants against. If Sarah Palin can call Obama "Sambo", then Olbermann can call Bristol "the worst person in the world."

You're just going to have to deal with it.

Well, then its open season on Olderbag too!.nm - GetReal

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Would you like to provide a source for Sarah's remark - Backwards Typist

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I have't heard that.

As for KO, he should put himself on the Worst Person in the World segment. I don't find that segment humorous at all.

MSNBC should have kept him off the program when they "indefinitely" suspended him. He is a raving maniac and I do dislike his politics. I don't approve of some of the people he rants about, but there is really no point to his rants except he hates anyone who doesn't like his politics.

"I haven't heard that" apparently equals - "It's too hard to use Google."

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The "Sambo" remark was from 2008, reported by Charley James. It was very famous/infamous and controversial. If you cared about politics, you would have heard about it. The least you could have done is Googled it and said James just made it up, like other Repubs did.

But let's say you DO think the "Sambo" remark was made up. Why not comment on the "reload" comments she made or the gun crosshairs she used on her webpage? No comment about Willow being a homophobe? I mentioned both of those things.

And why can't you Google? There's so much out there! Palin promoting racist comments by Ann Coulter, defending racist comments by Dr. Laura, her own racist comments in her recent book, etc. Willow's boyfriend made a racist slur on Facebook days after she made a homophobic one on Twitter.

And you know, if you're going to deliberately put yourself and your family out in the public eye and make comments like these, you are fair game. You just are. No amount of people whining that they don't like Keith Olbermann is going to change the fact that the Palins have said a score of bigoted things and are very rightly called on it.
I'll bet Olberman never brings up anything a democrat has said - anon
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And there is plenty out there. Every politician has said something at one time or other. If people want others to ignore anything a democrat says then the same should go on the other side. Too many important issues to focus on than what something a politician who people hate with venum say.
You would lose that bet - Keith puts it all on the table.
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He makes the Democrats angry regularly, don't worry. Keeping them honest.
You mean calling out the DINOs, right? - sam
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That is what you meanby "Keeping them honest?"

Please post when he is going to do his "Biggest gaffes of Barack Obama and Joe Biden." I would love to tune in for that one.
Hopefully, the RINOs cancel out the DINOs - and
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neither does any harm.
Don't get me wrong. I am a big fan of the DINOs... - sam
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also known as conservative and moderate Democrats. Big fan. I hope they keep to those beliefs and that will temper the far left of their party. The RINOs...you don't hear a lot from them anymore...I think the midterms scared them back from the far right toward the center. I hope so. Would be better for the country, I think, if both parties would come from the far left and far right more toward the center.

As far as harm, it is all the vote and which way they (individual politicians) fall on individual bills, and what we want for our country, right?

Have a good one!
I am a big fan of the RINOs. - I haven't
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seen either term much until someone posted an article on this board that had DINO in it and then it began appearing here.

I did google DINOs and RINOs and RINOs came up a lot more.
Here's what I found - sm
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Charley James is a leftist blogger for the LA Progressive. The "Sambo" remarks were just another false rumor/LIE that didnât gain much traction except with the looney left bobbleheads who actually are the real racists coincidentally for making up this âstory.â

As far as the crosshairs controversy, those were SURVEYORâS SYMBOLS not CROSSHAIRS on Sarah Palinâs Facebook. I suggest you look it up. Get this, the DCCC website posted a map on 2/23/10 with RED TARGETS representing targeted Republicans, as well as back in 2004, the DLC posted a map called TARGETED STRATEGY/Behind Enemy Lines with BULLSEYE TARGET SYMBOLS. I suggest you look it up.

Sarah Palinâs comment about âDonât Retreat instead Reloadâ was taken out of context, but whatâs new. I guess we should have denounced Obama when he said âFired up, ready to go.â OMG he is inciting his followers to violent acts of arson, or how about this remark, ââIf they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.â âBecause from what I understand folks in Philly like a good brawl. Iâve seen Eagles fans,â said at a Philly fundraiser. OMG, he is inciting violence.

As far as 16-year-old Willow Palin and her Facebook comments, this was one angry daughter who got tired of people slamming her family. She apologized for her posted comments, as well as the Palins. Whether a Dem or a Republican, family should be off limits period. Now Get Over It.

Furthermore, Sarah Palin defending or making racists comments is another big fat lie, why donât you read her book and get back to me. Find out the truth for yourself.

Sadly, Prog/Libs and the lamestream media donât have the brains or enough fairness to treat both sides the same way, they are the quintessential of hypocrisy.

Google For the Truth
I 'm sorry, I don't follow Palin's family rabidly like - Backwards Typist
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some people do. I'd rather watch and see REAL news and watch the Senate in action.

I can google and do it quite a bit but for NEWS, not crappola.

I think you would want to change your attitude of "if you're going to deliberately put yourself and your family out in the public eye and make comments like these, you are fair game" sentence or else it would also apply to the President, now wouldn't it? He's made quite a few bad comments himself but I didn't hear much of a ruckus over his comments.

Your post describes - a

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particular "conservative" poster or two on this board. Just pay close attention.
Seriously?? That's a little personal isn't it. - sm
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You are taking away any credibility people have going to the moderator. If you have any trouble differentiating between person shots and political disagreeements, this would be considered personal. It had nothing to do with the topic at hand and was simiply personal to a poster on this board.

Now, I wish we did all have monikers because you have lost any crediability with me on any view you may have.
My heart - bleeds :(
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You're right. This is almost as bad as being - called a
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member of a pack or a DNC robot when you state a liberal political opinion.
Two wrongs don't make a right - nm
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No one said it did. There are no names in - the
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post. How in the world could you call it personal in the first place? The "poster or two" sure don't when they say "personal" things.

Maybe you should work on the "poster or two" to nip things in the bud.
The difference is the post I replied to provides - absolutely no political
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opinion, just what they thought of a specific poster.
why take a personal "pot shot". Why not address - Evil Republican
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the subject matter the poster was talking about.

And you know what? Who cares whether or not anyone on this board sounds like anyone else. Funny, I thought this was a board to discuss political issues, not a board to try and route out who posters are or who they sound like, etc. What does that have to do with the subject that was being talked about. Kind of disrupts the flow when you are reading about what people think of political issues, etc. and then someone throws in a line about a poster sounding like other posters. Who cares! I thought the moderator said something about nobody here having any idea who the posters are. There are a lot of liberal posters on this board and they sound alike but I would never think they are the same people. Same with conservative, independents, nonpolitical, etc.

So why didn't you address the subject matter at hand instead of making this personal against the one you replied to? Just curious.
I don\'t think they were saying the 2 posters - were alike/ sm
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I took it as the the last paragraph was describing a specific poster. It is just wrong on so many levels.

I don't have to deal with it because I don't watch him - Olderman is a nobody with bad ratings

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I'd pity him if he was worth pitying. He's just a bag of hot air who is sour grapes that the democrats lost. Actually it goes back even further than that. I am surprised I used to watch him. Now if I think about him I can hear my brain cells dying. This post is the most time I've spent thinking about him and he's not even worth this much thought.

Okay...he's gone out of my mind now and my brain cells are healing.

Evil Republican.

It is interesting that Republicans watch Fox and the rest split between NBC,ACB,CBS,CNN,MSNCB,HLNEWS - sm

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All-Star Wrestling beats them all.
That's definitely an assumption - sm
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I am pretty hard-core conservative, and I couldn't even tell you what channel it is on my receiver. I can come to conscious decisions on my own without the media as I am sure most republicans can. I live in a conservative state. Most I know are republicans, and I know very few who watch Fox News.
That is not correct - see message
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Sorry to point out the truth but your statement is wrong. Republicans watch Fox, NBC, CNN, ABC, local news, CSPAN, and other stations. We also read many news sites to include international news. Then if we want a laugh we will go to MSNBC, but can't stay there too long because we can feel our brain cells rotting. Also, people from other parties like independents, some democrats, greens & constitutionalists, and people that don't belong to any party also watch Fox News and all the other stations. And people in other countries also watch Fox. Generally people who don't want to hear the truth and are content with living life with their head in the ground like an ostrich and having their fave's tell them how they are supposed to think, vote, and hate will watch MSNBC. The rest of us and the world prefer to know what is going on in the world no matter whether it is bad or good.

Your message is spoken like a good little follower of MSNBC (not saying you of course, just anyone who thinks like this). It's exactly what I would hear coming out of Olberman, Mathews, or Maddow's mouth.
It is interesting that MORE Republicans watch Fox - This is just a general opinion (with some fact) n
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More Republicans watch Fox News regularly

See link
That's because its the only place people will hear the truth - Well news online also
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Certainly not through MSNBC or the other liberal based TV stations.
They watch Fox because they tell them what they want to hear. - nm
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No, lots of things we don't want to hear, however Fox - is the only one with enough guts
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to tell us the truth. Why do think Soros and the liberals want to shut them down. Simple math will do it.
This would be correct if you replaced guts with spin and put - truth in quotes
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Not too bad of a try though.

That statement has never been proven. - sam

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You should cite your sources. According to Snopes, it was one blogger who posted that she said that, on the word of a "waitress named Lucille" whose full name he could not divulge because he protects his sources.


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