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Since Patraeus has testified and election is over

Posted: Nov 16, 2012

Sen. Kent Conrad, D-N.D., said, "Gen. Petraeus as director of the CIA has been completely consistent."

Conrad, a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said that much of the confusion is due to the difference between classified and unclassified information.

 "When people are talking in a classified setting, they can say much more than they can say in an unclassified setting," Conrad said.

 The CIA talking points are a source of controversy because U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice used them to describe the nature of the attack on CBS' "Face the Nation" on Sept. 16. Republicans have attacked Rice, who is considered a possible nominee to replace Hillary Clinton as secretary of state, for suggesting the attack was the result of spontaneous protests.

CBS News obtained the CIA talking points given both to Rice and members of the House intelligence committee on Sept. 15, and they make no specific reference to "terrorism" being a likely factor in the assault. However, they did indicate that "extremists participated in the violent demonstrations." 

Conrad said Rice "did completely the appropriate thing." 

"She used the unclassified talking points that were signed off on by the entire intelligence community," Conrad said. "There are other things that are classified. That's a totally different subject."


No. The Republicans would rather waste - sm

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time belittling this President and everyone in his cabinet -- WHETHER IT'S TRUE OR NOT -- and it's been proven that it's NOT true.

They still want to lynch President Obama at any cost (even talk of impeachment) because of all their hatred and jealousy that we'll be lucky if ANYTHING gets done during his second term.

It would be nice if they and their top 2% would be PATRIOTIC and agree to do what's right for their country. Actually, there IS a group of millionaires who ARE patriotic and are offering to pay more, explaining that the better it is for the middle class with jobs, the better it is for the RICH.

Instead, the Republicans would rather take away Medicare and Social Security from an elderly cancer patient. Just like with Romney, they have nothing but contempt for the 47%.

They truly have brought shame to this country.

OH MY GOSH!!! FOUR AMERICANS DIED. - This is no way near Watergate, but worse! NM

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It is not about hatred and belittling. Get a clue.. will ya!!!

If only Obama would have defended our Ambassador and the other 3 Americans like he did with Susan Rice, then our 4 Americans would have been alive today!

My gosh! You guys have blinders on! WAKE UP!!!

You have no clue what you are talking about. - Repub talking points NM

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Oh my gosh is right! - mbmt

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Why do you think President Obama would have ever wished any harm on the ambassador and the other 3 Americans? This is not his fault for goodness sake.
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You Imperial Wizard fell off his throne...get a grip for god sakes and take of the blinders.

As you spout all over this board, the Imperial Wizard is responsible. Guess he was too busy playing basketball or golf to squeeze in a call to help the Americans being attacked,.
and GW was reading to kids - when he ALLOWED
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thousands of Americans to be attacked on 9/11.

Then he invaded a country that had NOTHING to do with 9/11 attack where thousands were killed and tens of thousands maimed.

The vet suicide rate this year from Iraq and Afgahnistan Wars has already surpassed that of last year.

This is all on GW's watch.

your buzzwords speak volumes.
This is what he was doing - the above poster
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"What was the President doing during those 12 hours? The official White House schedule for Sept. 11 tells us he had been to a memorial service at the Pentagon that morning, then visited the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center at 2:15 PM, returning at 4:50 PM to the White House for a previously scheduled meeting at 5:00 PM with Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta. The White House has said that Obama was informed at about 5 PM of the attack in Benghazi."

So... he wasn't playing basketball. Blinders can also be interpreted as not looking something up before you assume.
The rest of that paragraph and more from your link - Truthhurts
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This is the rest of the paragraph that you posted:
The White House has said that Obama was informed at about 5 PM of the attack in Benghazi. Did no one on his staff try to inform him sooner? By then, the diplomatic post had already been under attack for well over an hour. It was 11 PM in Benghazi, where a rescue squad from the annex had arrived at the burning diplomatic compound and was trying, without success, to reach Ambassador Stevens amid the intense fire and smoke.

And this is more of the article after that paragraph that I found interesting:

The White House schedule for that week shows nothing for the president after that 5 PM meeting on Sept. 11, at which time he reportedly got word of the attack. The next item for the president, as now recorded in the White House schedule, was his appearance at 10:35 the next morning, Sept. 12, when he delivered a statement in the Rose Garden [4], deploring the deaths of the four Americans, while implying that some sort of deliberate third-party offense (the video) had provoked the attack ("While the United States rejects efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others...").

Between 5 PM, when the president was informed of the attack, and 10:35 AM, when Obama delivered that public statement, there was an interval of more than 17 hours. When was he directly following the events in Benghazi, complete with the claim and appearance of the heavily armed terrorists of Ansar al-Sharia? When did he go to sleep? When was he informed of the death of the ambassador? During the first six-and-a-half of those hours, from 5 PM until about 11:30 PM Washington time, the American personnel on the ground in Benghazi were either under attack (intermittent, and at times intense, for hours, if you believe the State Department; or with a pause of about four hours - though with nothing definitively resolved, and the ambassador presumed dead but not yet back in American hands - if you believe the CIA). And during the first 11 of those hours, until 4 AM Washington time, there were still Americans, in peril, on the ground in Benghazi.

What was the president doing during those many hours? There are various accounts now circulating of what his staff did, or perhaps did not do. But for the president himself, there's a big blank. The White House, which has released photos of Obama monitoring everything from the raid on Osama bin Laden to the natural disaster of Hurricane Sandy, has released no photos of Obama at his post on the evening of the Sept. 11 attack in Benghazi.
I know. I read and posted the article - sm
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In response to the president playing basketball and what he was doing since the previous poster didn't seem to have a clue, only wanted to post speculation using the famous Rep buzzwords. You know, the ones that turned off so many voters on 11/06?

see message - .

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I know it is improper for me to ask you this, but why do you feel it necessary to make comments like "Get a clue.. will ya!!" and telling posters they have blinders on?

This entire thread has been civil, critizing the gov, politicians, but not a personal assault on a poster for an opinion or a fact.

watergate? who brought that up? - nm

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Fox News - see link
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You can also Google Benghazi and Watergate to document where a lot of "This is Obama's Watergate" is coming from.

Also Republicans were pushing for "Watergate-style hearings" to investigage Benghazi.
Fox News, home to... - sm
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...the dissemination of conspiracy theories and half-baked assumptions.
Republicans wanted AN INDEPENDENT investigation (no msg) - backwards typist
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Independent investigation - bootstraps
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I'm just wondering why they didn't use those words.

I Google Republicans want independent investigation and I get Republicans want Watergate-style investigation on most hits, no mention of the work independent.

When I narrow the search to include independent only, I get Leiberman as the only one using that term.

Maybe my Google machine broken.

I'm not saying the word was used, but it looks like Watergate-style was used more often.
last line should read "was not used" sorry for typo - bootstraps NM
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The media picked up on that term because Watergate was an independent investigation - backwards typist
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and that's what they wanted for this investigation because of "too many fingers in the pie" between all the naysayers and truth seekers. Too many government agencies involved (3 or more investigating) and each agency will come to their own decision that, in all likelihood, will be totally different than the others; i.e., questions will still remain after all the time spent investigating.

Oh, please. Others at our diplomatic missions have died, but you - don't know or care. It's all posturing.

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And if you didn't bother to find out anything about any of our others, worrying about investigations, etc., how is anyone supposed to consider you sincere in this case? This has been total hypocrisy from day 1, as far as I can see.

Umm, I have 5 family members who have cancer and - they wanted Romney.

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Republicans are trying to save Medicare. Obama took our tax money away from Medicare.

Do you know what money he took from Medicare - and from where? can you SM

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please give more information on this? BTW, your information is wrong, especially the part about republicans. Where did you hear that?

Wow - it's posters with your attitude that bring shame - to the country

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Maybe if you did some independent research you would find that everything you said is not true. Don't listen to MSNBC and don't listen to Fox (although I know you don't listen to them.

Listen to independent news sources. Listen to people who do not have allegience to either group. They are out there, believe me. It is possible to get to the truth.

I won't comment on your faux statement on repbulicans belittling the president. Except it's not true. Please provide proof with actual statement. People disagreeing with what is going on (and for good reason) is not belittling. What exactly is "it" that you think is not true. You were not speciic so not sure what you are talking about.

Nobody wants to "lynch" Obama. Calm down. You cannot think clearly if you think like that.

There is a reason why there is impeachment. I have not heard specifics on what the charges are so I cannot comment on that directly. All I know is other presidents have been impeached. If a president (whether D, R, or other) has done something that is an impeachable offense, then yes, they should be impeached. We don't have dictators in our country (yet). There are reasons for impeachement. If it comes out and proven that a president lies, acts irresponsibly causing the death of American citizens, or any other impeachable offense, then yes that president (no matter what party) should be impeached according to the laws of our country.

Posters keep referring to this 2% thing. The top 2% is under democrats too.

Lastly, repbulicans do not want to take away Medicare and SS from elderly cancer patients or just the elderly. That has been debunked. It's not true. Another lie put out by the Obama camp. It worked for now, but nowhere in any republicans plan are plans to take it away. That strategy is used in every election. Was don't against Bush and had my relatives screaming about it that election. Never happened, never will.

Repbulicans are trying to help everyone. Low income people too.

People spewing hatred and lies are truly what brings shame to this country. Shame on you.

A good suggestion I read was that if liberals are so unhappy that we have a 2 party system there are plenty of other countries that don't that would welcome them there.

if liberals are so unhappy ...(?!) - sm

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Since you are concerned about bringing shame to the country, I wish you would share your last sentence with all the people on this board who advocate secession and call the president of the United States of America a communist.
Why I'll be happy to - to the country - sm
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Part 1:
Yes, I am concerned about people (and politicians) bringing shame to the country. As a retired SGT, I do take a bit of offense, when someone claims others are bringing "shame" to the country when they are not.

Part 2:
Here is a little history lesson for those who don't know this regarding secession: The founding fathers believed in secession and that is why there is nothing in the Constitution against it. In fact the founding fathers seceeded from under british rule. It was something that needed to be done. There is a reason for it. Now, I'm not saying whether or not I am for it. I do not know all the facts yet, but if according to the laws they are doing the right thing, then that is what they should do. Right now a lot of posters here are all for a dictatorship as long as its the democrats in charge. Posters are upset that others are giving their opinions on issues. They are calling them racists, haters, treasoners, and seditioners. This is 100% wrong. This is not what I and my fellow soldiers fought for, so that one group would have full control and become a dictatorship while the other side has no say in what happens. Now, I'm going to post a link at the bottom. You can choose to read it or not. I don't know how open minded you are, but I know a lot of people here read Alex Jones or Ron Paul and I'll be criticized. The article I'm going to post is an interview Ron Paul gave talking about secession. Whether or not you agree with his politics, this is an interesting interview. He knows his history and the reasons why things were set up.

Part #3 (last part):
I have never called The O a communist. Do I think he's a communist? I don't know. I do know that his mother, grandparents and other close relatives were communists. He grew up in that environment, so I would think their viewpoints and discussions were an integral part of his life. I know that the programs he is trying to put into place are socialist. I know that the people he puts into his cabinet and other positions are communists. Whether he himself is one I cannot say.

Here is the article. I do hope you can put aside any feelings for the two names and just read the article and what he has to say. Because it doesn't matter that he said it on the Alex Jones site. If he went on NPR or MSNBC or CNN or anything other place he would have said the same exact thing.


Impeachment? There would be rioting in the media and on the streets! - waste of time

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I could see how that would be twisted. It would go something like this: The Republicans and Obama haters just had to get him out of the White House and finally did so successfully. It was not proven he did anything wrong. They are all just racists and cannot stand him being in the White House. He has done nothing but tell the truth. Again, that it why I think this is going nowhere and a waste of time. They are already calling it a witch hunt and conspiracy.
Well I started reading your post until - to the country
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I got to Obama haters. Stopped there as I figured the rest of it is as hateful.

Here's a little hint for ya....if you want to have a civilized conversation, leave out the faux "obama haters".
Yep, you got me, I am able to see the twists coming... - waste of time
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I think you missed the point I was trying to make, either that or the person on here that made the point about this page being so one-sided was correct. I was trying to let you know there is and never will be any impeachment. It doesn't not matter how many times they asked for help before the attack, none of it matters because of who are president is. He will deceive many and be protected like no other president in history.
Protected how? - and
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by whom?

Do you think impeachment is in order? If so, what's the crime?

Why is the unclassified information so different from - the classified information...

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And if the classified information said that it was a terrorist attack, not a demonstration, when it left the CIA, who changed it to the unclassified report of extremists and that it was due to a demonstration? And if the WH knew the classified information, then they purposefully misled the American people.

If you remember, Nixon initially said he had nothing to do with Watergate either - I'm sure he thought the same thing (the election is over, I won, I'm safe). This is not over, not by a long shot.

One could hope, but I guess not - sm

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David H. Petraeus, the former director of the Central Intelligence Agency, told lawmakers on Friday that classified intelligence reports revealed that the deadly assault on the American diplomatic mission in Libya was a terrorist attack, but that the administration refrained from saying it suspected that the perpetrators of the attack were Al Qaeda affiliates and sympathizers to avoid tipping off the groups.

Mr. Petraeus, who resigned last week after admitting to an extramarital affair, said the names of groups suspected in the attack — including Al Qaeda’s franchise in North Africa and a local Libyan group, Ansar al-Shariah — were removed from the public explanation of the attack immediately after the assault to avoiding alerting the militants that American intelligence and law enforcement agencies were tracking them, lawmakers said.


I heard that part too, but what I want - to know is...

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why, if they knew it was a terrorist attack, did they lie about it for so long - especially since it was established that there was no demonstration? They could have said it was classified information and more details would be available later, they could have just said it was under investigation - there are a dozen ways to say "We can't talk about it right now." But they came up with some story instead and then stuck with it even after classified information began to leak out.
I'm not sure what you mean by lie, but - bootstraps
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Rice's comments were aligned with CIA briefings to the White House and Congress at the time.

If White House said in any of a dozen ways, "We can't talk about it right now," they would have been charged with some sort of coverup or conspiracy from the get-go.

I actually agree that the government should have the option of saying, hey, this happened, it's halfway around the world, we don't way to comment until we know the facts, but the public demands transparency, which I also happen to agree with.

Lawmakers, on the other hand, should be held to a higher standard, especially when placing blame publicly.
Because of the election. Obama stated in first - debate that
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Al Qaeda was not a threat and we got Osama. Then right after debate, Libya incident happened.

Funny thing is during third debate, the question was what is the main threat to America and Obama states, "AL QAEDA" while Romney stated Iran. Sooo.. to me it is obvious Obama new it was a terrorist attack since he new Al Qaeda still is a major threat.
Al Qaeda - crs
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I'm assuming the WH knew too; however, to act in a knee-jerk reaction would have put even more US citizens at risk as that is exactly what Al Qaeda wanted. If we rushed in, I'd be willing to bet there would have been an ambush waiting. I'm also assuming that the ambassador knew just how dangerous his job was and what kind of people he was dealing with. What we have been told probably doesn't even begin to scratch the surface.
Which is exactly why the investigtion should - continue
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instead of looked over just because this is the Obama administration.
Not just Obama - CRS
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Its not something exclusive to Obama, though. If you went through the presidencies since the founding of the CIA, I am sure you would find other examples of this kind of thing. Do a Google search of CIA coverups and you will find other examples. Not defending what happened. I am just saying there is a lot we don't know about or understand when it comes to that agency and their activities.
I understand there have been CIA - coverups
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and that this is not just something that has come up now, but my point is that some on the left thing that we should just overlook this because obviously Obama could have had nothing to do with this. Maybe he hasn't, but without an complete investigation, we can't know for sure. I'm all for an independent investigation so the politics are taken out of the equation (at least as much as they can be - I'm at least a realist on that one - LOL!)
The investigation will be ongoing - mbmt
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Since when is anything overlooked when it comes to President Obama's administration? The conservatives (particularly the right fringe) have made a huge issue out of everything that has happened in President Obama's presidency, complete with all kinds of tall tales about him personally and blaming him for things that he could not possibly have been responsible for.
The Libya incident happened on 9/11. The first debate wasn't until - the first week in October. nm
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If you have ever had a family member working - for instance for NASA sm
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they are not allowed to talk about the details of their job to even their family. There is good reason for all of this.

It has something to do with "black ops" and - other classified SM

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intelligence information that is critical to keep our people over there under the radar...stuff like that. Do you know anything about what the CIA does that we don't know or need to know about? This is normal operating procedure for our intelligence community. Nothing to see here..trumped up accusations. John McCain has egg on his face today. He is becoming irrelevant.

I think it had to do with - bootstraps

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protecting those who still might be in harm's way. CIA usually doesn't like to show all it's cards for reasons we as ordinary citizens aren't privy to. Otherwise, what would be the sense in even having the CIA?

Nope, not as long as the Fox spin machine has their way. - NM

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Obama is untouchable. He can do no wrong. - waste of time

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I agree this is a waste of time with this president. He will be protected on anything he does between the dems and media. He is protected like no other president in history. Unfortunately I don't think anything will come of this and it will be twisted in his favor in the end. I am sorry these 4 great people died and nothing will be done about it. It is an outrage. Obama has and will continue to deceive many.

I don't understand your Obama protection theory - explain please

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How can the media and Dems protect anyone from the law? If there is a crime, it will be investigated and prosecuted if evidence confirms it should.

Do you think the Reps will tolerate any twisting?

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http://www.survivopedia.com/what-are-our-enemies-up/?r=9658&source=newslette FIVE ISSUES WE SHOULD NOT IGNORE There’s a saying about the media, that’s been getting a lot of use lately. I can’t quote it exactly, but it’s something like, “When the media is blowing up about some insignificant story, look to see what they’re hiding from you.” Sadly, there’s a lot more truth to that saying, than there is importance in the things that the media wastes their time blowing up ove ...

Mainstream Media Is Trying To Rig This ElectionOct 11, 2016
"The mainstream media (MSM) are trying to rig this election in order to advance their liberal, far left agenda for another 4 years and beyond. Crooked Hillary Clinton has been the mouthpiece for the corrupt Washington DC system that the MSM keeps alive through direct propaganda and support. It is time we bring CHANGE to the White House, defeat the rigged system, and Make America Great Again!" - Donald J. Trump ...