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Giving credit
Posted: Nov 17, 2010

hmm - none
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where is obama and his first 2 crippling years? I would bet that there is a LOT More to this than the surface.. a LOT more - and probably "one-sided" obviously.
hmm - sm
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Let me get this straight, anything that says good things about the pubs is the straight truth and anything that is said good about the dems is lies. Do I have that right! LOL Kind of like nobody can say anything bad about the pubs or even mention anything bad about Bush without being hacked to pieces but it is okay for the pubs to say disgusting, mean, cruel things about the dems and Obama. That is what I notice on this board. Glad I don't think like a pub.
Yes. Not only that, if a pub/tp/independent (choke) - is called out
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the dem is accused of being snarky, a non-Fox watcher, and drinking kool-aid. The TV tag is especially hurtful to me. Boo hoo!
How about you? Do you have anything political you would like to ... - sam
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discuss or is this all you got? I thought this was a political board, for political discussion...I missed the part with you could only post if Democrats agreed with you, and if you dared challenge them they all flogged you like school children.
Do you really want people who really have no political party affiliation thinking that is all Democrats have to offer to a debate?
This is getting old. Can't you come up with something - else?
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Can you come up with anything else? HOw about how you feel about... - sam
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the job Obama is doing with the deficit? Do YOU think it is a good idea to be adding trillions to the debt with a health plan you have no idea whether it will work or not when we are mortgaged to the hilt and China holds the a big part of that?
Isn't just stalking me getting old???
Hey....I do too, in a lot of things.... - sam
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I think the most important factor in getting out of the recession actually is just the regenerative capacity of - of American capitalism.
Warren Buffett
I assume you are talking about the quote about getting the money from the people who have it? You bet, I think they should pay their fair share. You bet I do. Do I think they should be compelled by law to pay more than their fair share? No. Mr. Buffett is among the richest of the rich...in much better shape than those people making 275,000 to 300,000 a year. If Mr. Buffett wants to check that box on his individual return and pay more he is certainly free to do so, and thanks Warren! However, I don't think he should be speaking for everyone who makes over $250,000 a year.
Thanks for the dialogue!
First she complains that she is being stalked - Then that no one reads her posts
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Post something worth reading.
Doesn't seem like....... - tstone
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you know how to read. She's posted a lot of interesting things you can read, but I don't think you like what they say. Therein lies the problem.
The point is...that was a graph with nothing to support... - sam
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it. No accompanying info to say how the data was collected. And Obama was not included. Yes, that is one-sided. He is President and how he has done so far should be included. The link I posted had supporting data that based on his bduget he will be the biggest spender of all Presidents to date.
This straight party mentality is what is dividing this country and your post is a prime example of that. First of all, to be honest, and if you were honest and would admit it too, the things posted here about Bush and Palin, Palin's family...were much more disgusting, mean and cruel than anything I have seen the "pubs" post. And you can see how I, as an Independent, had the audacity to disagree and now I am stalked with junior high posts all over this board. That just shows how this party crap has polarized people.
I was a registered Democrat when I first started voting. I did not like the direction they were going (further left). I then registered as a Republican. However, I never voted straight party tickets, ever. I voted for the guy (or gal) I thought was best suited to the job.
Then, during the Clinton admin, I started looking really hard at democrats (going even further left) and Republicans under Bush (spending like drunken sailors). So, I became an independent. I did not want to be affiliated with either because they did not represent me. And frankly now I think we have a combination of the two that is awful...a hard left Democrat who is spending like a fleet of drunken sailors, and even I know when the bank is empty you stop writing checks. You don't go borrow from the Chinese so you can keep writing checks.
I would like to see sanity restored, and until the American people are willing to hold ALL our elected officials responsible, no matter WHAT party they are and we are...this is not going to end well.
Don't see what the huge problem is with being fair, researching for yourself so you know what is really going on and not being spoonfed by some party national committee...that is what GOT us in this mess, and some people are finally waking up to it (hence the shellacking in the last election).
As I posted before...that shellacking was not a warning to just Democrats...it was a warning to politicians et al that we are tried of our elected officials not listening to us, we don't CARE what political party they represent.
This was back in July... - sam
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and one thing does stand out:
The overwhelming consensus of economists has concluded the $787 billion stimulus program was a success and is on target to add up to 3.7 million news jobs and 4% to GDP by the end of the year.
Well, they are wrong. He has not added anywhere near 2.7 million new jobs nor has he added 4% to the GDP, and is NOT on target to have that done by the end of the year. In the end, his Presidency will go down as the most expensive one-term Presidency in history and the one who follows him can blame all this on him. And so the worm turns.
It was also written by a political left blog - anon
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If you read enough of their articles you can see they are leftist articles always cutting down the republicans. However, it is mostly opinion pieces.
Reading this article though I found a lot of contradictions and yet nothing to prove why they say the economy does better under democrats. Just a lot of highlighted words and pretty little charts that I could make up myself. In fact that's a complete lie because the economy is doing horrible under these democrats and other democrats too.
I could get out and write an article about why the economy is better under this group or that group, put some pretty charts and color the words differently here and there but it doesn't mean it would be true.
And that holds true for this article. They were wrong.
economy - sm
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That is because the pubs are only interested in making the rich richer and screwing the average american. Pubs seem to think that by making the rich richer, they will create more jobs. Sorry, but not true. They just take bigger bonuses.
Well, I have a slightly different take on it... - sam
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Can you prove with fact that pubs are only interested in making the rich richer and screwing the average American. That is vintage class warfare and you have totally bought into that notion. Surely you don't think that all the rich people in this country are Republicans? The Democrats take care of the rich folks on their side and the Republicans take care of the rich folks on their side. That's politics 101. The difference is, the Democrats want to take that wealth and redistribute it to people who did not earn it. I am fundamentally against that. I am all about individual responsibility, which is where I diverge from the Democratic party. They are all about getting everyone on the government tit. What better way to take complete control?
Basic principle is: if you give businessess tax breaks (by the way, we have the highest corporate tax rates in the entire world, and believe me, Republicans are not responsible for that) they can hire more people. Yes, most people who own the businesses, by your definition of rich, probably are. And your answer is to tax them into oblivion, redistribute that wealth to people who can work but don't want to, or could pay insurance premiums if they did without other things, but don't want to, until those businesses can't afford the taxes anymore and either have to reduce staff, go offshore where taxes are better and labor is cheaper, or close their doors. Like it or not, the "rich" in this country ARE the jobmakers. And it is sad that our country through high taxes has made it impossible for them to operate in their own country.
I do think it is fundamentally sad that you have had your mindset so changed by a political party that you view other Americans as evil because they are not in your party, that you envy to the point of hate anyone wealthier than you are, and yes, resent them because they are wealthy.
And another thing....people who make $250,000 a year are not the big bonus guys. Not every job-creating company is a huge corporation, and the higher taxes hurt them as well.
And finally....Democrats do NOT hate big corporations. They in fact cannot get along without big corporate donations. Most of the guys/gals at the top of Fannie/Freddie making those big bonuses were Democrats. They took those big bonuses and ran while those two entities collapsed and here we are. But you won't see that on their list of talking points.
The Democrats play to human weaknesses, i.e., Republicans are BADDD they only support the rich, they don't care about little old you, and you buy it, class envy, you want what they have and if the government steals it and gives it to you, even though they (the rich) earned it and you didn't...and somehow you can justify that in your mind because acc to Democrats they are evillll. They have you hating a whole other group of people for no other reason than they are "pubs." You forget they are everyday americans just like you with wants and needs just like you...
That's not what she said - and to answer your question - No, you don't have that right - Evil republican
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You are trying to make this into one party against the other. That is not what the poster you replied to you implied. She/he asked where Obama's numbers are. Evidently whoever drew up this chart is too afraid to put them in. Second, the poster never put where this nice little pretty one-sided chart came from. We don't know if those numbers are correct, so I've got to do some fact checking of my own.
Anytime anything looks bad for the democrats the liberals come out with snippy remarks like yours - "Let me get this straight, anything that says good things about the pubs is the straight truth and anything that is said good about the dems is lies. Do I have that right!"
That is not what was implied. On on the other hand I could say the same back to you from the other side "Have I got that right?" (no not a question).
People don't get "hacked to pieces" when something bad about Bush is mentioned because conservatives know full well he was not the greatest. However, on the other hand anything bad that Obama and this administration is doing current, past and in the future you will blame it all on Bush. Earthquake in Haiti...Bush's fault. Out of control spending and not stopping when the country is telling you to...Bush's fault. Spilled my coffee...Bush's fault. Get it! Oh yeah, I'm also sure that whatever debt he has gotten this country into will be blamed on Bush too. Anytime something bad happens you blame it on the republicans and if good happens you'll credit the crats. Sorry...that doesn't fly.
And please spare me the pity party of woe is me, those mean ol "pubs say disgusting, mean, cruel things about the dems and Obama". I'd expect to hear that from my 12 year old. Please spare me. That is what you notice on the board? Of course, but you'll never admit that the crats are doing the same thing to the republicans. Do you even realize how much crap the conservatives have taken on this board too (yes too). All those "disgusting, mean and cruel things" are being said about the conservatives too. You know, like calling us pubes and other nasty names.
If your post is how the crats think, I'm glad I DO think like a pub and not a crat.
Let's include Obama's numbers in the instance of fairness... - sam
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this is Obama's part of the story.
Obama - sm
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How can we put Obama's numbers in there, he is still the president? When they do put his numbers in, I hope they take into the fact that much of his spending is due to trying to fix what Bush messed up! Let's see Regan, I believe, was called one of the best presidents ever by the pubs. Hmmm....
See...this is what I mean. You look at a table... - sam
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with absolutely no indication as to where the data came from, and you just automatically believe it because it supports what you think. You call republicans "pubs" because you think that is what Democrats should do. You have been taught to think Pubs badddd......Democrats good. And you do not care enough about your country to do independent research. You would rather just let them tell you what to think and trust them to do the right thing. I am talking about EITHER party, since I am a member of neither. If you would stop for a SECOND and THINK you would know there are bad things on both sides, neither is perfect, and just because it was a PARTY idea does not mean it is a good one. That is why when a one-sided thing gets posted, I post something from the other side. I have criticized Republicans too. But you don't see that, all you do is jump on the "pub" bash wagon.
If you looked at the link you would see that the projected deficit as a direct result of Obama's budget will make him the biggest spender at all. Yet you don't want to include that in your thinking because "he is still President."
I would like all members of BOTH parties to start thinking INDEPENDENTLY of their parties and for themselves. Look at it objectively. I DID, and that is why I don't belong to either one of them.
In ideology, yes, I am conservative. I think the Republicans have starting to move away from that. And the Democrats have swung so hard left I don't even recognize them anymore. That is plain fact.
But, you have that "history theory" don't you? - Look
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at the history. Oh wait! You don't need that right now do you? It doesn't fit your needs at the moment.
As useless as it is to say this...major pot calling the kettle black here. - sam
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out of that entire post all you got was "it doesn't fit your needs at the moment." nuff said. Obviously the post with supporting facts that he is going to be the biggest spender of all did not register with you at all...."because it doesn't fit your needs at the moment." Can you even entertain the thought AT ALL that Democrats might be wrong in anything? Do you honestly think when we are in debt to China we should keep spending and rolling out things like Obamacare that are only going to make the deficit WORSE?
Are you honest to goodness THAT blind to simple reasoning??
Take a look at Regan's. - The
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point is, you cannot see past the end of your nose.
It gets hard to give you any credibility when you keep - calling "Reagan" -"Regan". nm
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How incredibly petty of - you
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Oh well, at least you stay true to form. Guess since you spell Barney Frank's name incorrectly, you get no credibility either. That wouldn't be the only reason though by far.
I didn't see her post anything about Barney Frank - anon
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In fact I have not seen Barney Frank's mentioned for quite some time.
I looked at Reagan's...that was over two terms. Look At Obama's already... - sam
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point is, you are incapable of objectivity.
I did not say Reagan's or any of the Republicans' numbers were good. I have posted that Bush and the congress then spent like drunken sailors (and to be fair, in his second term Congress was a dem majority). What I said was Obama was noticeably missing from the post, and provided the projection based on his budget with numbers to back it up,which show he will pass Bush easily and probably Reagan too.
Now an objective person would look at all of that and say what I said...sometime, someone, be he/she a republican/democrat, HAS to stop spending before we become the united states of china.
Try for one second to think outside the Democrat box and knee jerk blame the Republicans. Just like Republicans need to stop the knee jerk blame the Democrats. Lay blame where it is due, WHEREVER it is due.
It's called objectivity. It's called thinking for yourself. It's called there are real live people in this country who are NOT Democrats OR Republicans and just want WHOEVER is in charge to listen. A lot of them voted in the midterms. Again..OBJECTIVELY look at the numbers. There are more registered Democrats in this country than registered Republicans...yet the Demos lost 60 seats in the house and a bunch of governorships. Simple mathematics tell you that some Democrats crossed over and a lot of registered Independents went Republican. Doesn't make them all Republicans. It is about holding the government responsible and making them responsible stewards of our tax dollars. It is our future, yours and mine, your kids and my kids and THEIR kids futures on the line here. It is way too important to toe the party line.
Now was it really necessary to make the snotty junior high comment of you cannot see past the end of your nose? Did that really add any credibility to your post?
Just be patient oh rambling - one
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immediate gratification is expected by the immature.
I don't call 2 years immediate. - See message
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Two years is not immediate. Nobody is expecting "immediate gratification" and the ones who write such silly things are the immature. So what's next after 4 years you'll be saying he's only been in there a "short time", or it's only been "overnight". Sorry...aint gonna fly. I can see giving someone a year to "goof off", but in that year there should at least be some improvement. Since there has been none and nobody has anything to look forward to 2 years is a very very long time. If there was improvement and a plan that we could see it is going to get better that would be one thing. But there is none. It's getting worse and worse and worse.
Oh and the little "oh rambling one" comment and calling the poster immature....so NOT cute.
Well, if we always blame the prior president, the - Republicans are doing great
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I guess Regan's debt was because of Carter, older George because of Regan, Clinton because of older George, George W because of Clintion and Obama's that is going to be massive because of George W. We are looking better and better using that logic.
You are right, every President coming in inherits the one before them's mess... - sam
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I would think the trick would be not to make it worse. There is NO good logic about spending your way out of debt. Now I understand one of the reasons Bush added massively to the debt was a couple of things...two wars and a massive attack on this country (9-11). A bunch of protection measures had to be put in place to protect this country that were not projected (I don't mean the wars, I mean internally). However, I don't think he pushed through any major entitlement legislation on top of all that, but if he did, he was WRONG, WRONG. And I DO think that the wars were prosecuted incorrectly and should have been left in the hands of military men, not politicians. If it had, I believe it would have been over sooner. And yet we are still fighting both wars.
All that being said...at some point, someone, Republican, Democrat, or whatever, is going to have to wake up and smell the roses and realize we have GOT to stop spending. Limit programs to people physically or mentally unable to work. Work on health care, but don't try to fix 30-40 years of problems in ONE congressional session to the cost of trillions when we are teetering on bankruptcy and China is holding the mortgage.
I cannot believe that even the most strident Democrat actually believes that is a good idea. I sure don't want to believe it.
I agree with you. I was being a little sarcastic - over the whole blame game
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You know if it's not Obama's fault for his own debt he has racked up, then maybe it's not Bush's fault for his or Regan's. It seems to be the prior's fault only when convenient. Although, I personally would agree that a lot of the debt during Bush's 8 years was due to the war, which I do support. To me, that is what our president/government are for, protection. I can't explain to you the nauseating feeling when Obama was elected as Commander-in-Chief.
Have to agree with you there....I was not a fan of his from the beginning.... - sam
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and I agree that the government is for our protection...that is one of the main reasons according to the Constitution. The Constitution is very narrow in what the scope of the federal government should be. Would that our erstwhile politicians had not sought to change a fundamental good idea. We would not be in the shape we are in if they had adhered to it.
I supported going into Iraq when we did. I don't buy all that stuff about "Bush's war." That's just plain silly. Great Britain bought it, Germany bought it, France bought it...and what people love to ignore completely is that the CIA director during the time was not a Republican appointee, Bush kept Tenet over from the Clinton Admin (which, in retrospect, he probably regrets).
But I digress. I am not a military expert, however, from a layman's point of view it seemed to be that the politicians were getting in the way of the military too much and did not let them fight the war to win it. We have the best military in the world, the greatest military minds, and they should have been left alone to do their jobs. I just think that meddling costed more lives than necessary and I think our servicepeople deserve better than that.
Another fundamental difference in the way Democrats approach things and the way Republicans approach things...when it comes to budget cuts Republicans go to social programs. Democrats always go to the defense budget first.
I think the next pay raise congress thinks about voting to themselves should instead go to our servicepeople. THEY deserve it a heck of a lot more than congresspeople sitting safe in their chairs ya-ya-ing at each other and not getting much else done.
Yes, I have always said, the Republicans make a mess - and the Democrats have to clean up after them - nm
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This time around...not doing a bang up job of cleaning up anything. - sam
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As is painfully obvious given the shellacking at midterms.
Post whatever graphs you like. Obama stinks as - president... period ! nm
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Yes, REAGAN was a good president, unlike Obama.nm - Thank you.
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You are 100% correct - Evil Republican
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I was proud to serve in the US Army under President Reagan. He was a great leader. We were proud of our country and what it stood for. He had the greatest respect of all service men and woman and he was someone we looked up to and respected. He did not go to other countries and cut down Americans and tell other countries we are greedy, selfish, etc, etc. If he knew what was going on he'd be rolling in his grave. We need more men like him to run.
HAHA this would be hillarioius if it were not so serious.... - Cheryl B
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Typical lib, ignoring the facts.
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Obamacare: The Political Issue That Keeps On GivingFeb 05, 2014I'm sorry, I don't care what the libs say, this is bad and the news just keeps getting worse. ...
For Those Who Celebrate/honor Lent, What Are You Giving Up?Mar 06, 2014x ...
For Those Who Think Trump Giving Back RussiaJun 05, 2017Please read this Politico article about what they've been up to. Politico put a lot of blame on the Obama administration, which is obviously well deserved and maybe will make it believable to a lot of you?
They found these "diplomats" (really intelligence operatives, maybe we should try that?) out in the middle of the desert, driving around in circles in Kansas, on the beach, with the only explanation being that that's where our fiberoptic cables are.
"It’s a trend that has led ...
Citibank Closing Hundreds Of Credit Accounts, UnannouncedOct 21, 2009This would be a good reason to only deal with local banks and/or credit unions.