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The self-credit already backfiring....
Posted: May 2, 2011

For crying out loud. He's the commander in chief. - sm
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Unbelievable that our president is being attacked.
It *was* his duty - he was the only person who could give the "okie dokie."
He did not take all the credit. He gave credit where credit was due and that this has been years in the making.
I wish I could agree. He could have used - this is an opportunity
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to join, and he chose not to. He could have mentioned that the "enhanced interrogation techniques" his administration decried and demonized the Bush admin for were solely responsible for the leads that eventually led to this. At the very least he could have "shared" the credit with the former administration. In my opinion, that is two missed opportunities to join this country and maybe win over some of the Independents...with this and the release of the birth certificate...
I guess it is what it is. I really wish, I honestly do wish I knew if the personna he is projecting is really how he is, or how his handlers think he should be.
Yes, he is the commander in chief. I wish he would remember that in relation to the economy, the deficit, spending cuts...I really, really WISH that he WOULD.
Agree - Disgusted
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It never stops, does it? Even on a day like today.
It is truely a great day! ....sm - oldtimer
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Don't let the naysayers get you down! Anyone with any sense at all knows that this has been a 10-year project and there are enough cudos to go around. Why do you think President Obama kept Gates on as SOD? I am proud of our president and think he has done a great job overall and has great judgment. He has made several statements ever since his first announcement last night where he is giving proper credit to everyone. For some people, very few I hope, Obama can do nothing right...sigh!
Thank you, Oldtimer - Disgusted
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Let's celebrate the U.S.A. today and remember those who have lost their lives. For their families this will ever be a time to remember. This is the only sense of justice they will ever have. I will listen to no negativity and Obama bashing. That's totally inappropriate and could be debated under another topic of conversation. Today is about standing as one nation under God and giving thanks to our military.
You folks wouldn't let the birther issue die... - and this is no worse
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than all the fun Obama had at the expense of Trump at the Press dinner. He shouldn't dish it out if he is not willing to take it.
That's really rocky moral high ground you are trying to stand on.
I agree with you - mbmt
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You might know that the Obama haters are running rampant today. I listened when he addressed the Nation, and I thought he definitely gave credit where credit was due.
What makes you think OP hates Obama? - You guys are the party
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of tit for tat. I have never seen such hatred and mocking as goes on with the left on this board of all things Republican and certainly all things tea party.
As another OP said...you don\'t wear righteous indignation well.
The party - mbmt
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Gee, I have had a totally different experience on this board. I have been called a liar, been told that I am not an independent thinker, been told that I "worship" Obama because I like him, and been told that I follow without questioning or thinking for myself. I have also been labeled a Socialist.
And you didn't see any nastiness toward - the tea party or "pubs"
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and even Independents? Come on. Seriously? You took a shot at birthers this morning and had to admit that you jumped the gun.
I have also been called a liar. I have been called a "birther" simply because I wondered why he withheld the certificate, not because I thought he was born somewhere else. But you, like others, were eager to lump me in with your derisive comments.
I think the source of the "worship" comments, the "follow without question" comments and "thinking for yourself" comments temp from toeing of party line.
As others, I wonder how you can continue to toe that party line IF you look objectively at the situation we are in as far as deficit and out of control spending and how Obama approached it (with a 3 trillion dollar budget and NO cuts on existing spending) and the way the Republicans approach it (cutting existing spending AND the budget). I just don't know how anyone thinking for themselves can think that Obama's way will work. It just makes no sense whatsoever. Yet you accept it because he initiated it, and only because he initiated it...unless you can, of course, justify it. Please do, if you can.
The point is - mbmt
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First of all, I did not take a shot at the birthers this morning and did not admit that I jumped the gun. What are you referring to? Secondly, I do not think that sticking up for President Obama is necessarily toeing the party line, and it certainly does not mean that if I do stick up for him that I cannot think independently.
The point I was trying to make was that the nastiness is not just towards the Republicans or the Tea Party folks. There is much nastiness directed toward those of us who do not hate President Obama or Democrats.
If you will honestly take a look down - through the posts....
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you will see that well over 50% of the time that nastiness aimed at Democrats/liberals is in response to nastiness leveled at them for no apparent reason.
As to the shot...I owe you an apology for that one. Got you confused with another who ends moniker with MT. I am sorry.
If you cannot make a rational case for your support of Obama other than you like him...I call that toeing the party line. If you cannot make a rational case for supporting his policies other than you like him, I call that toeing the party line.
I don't really think anyone here "hates" Obama. I don't hate him. I just don't think he is a good President by any stretch of the imagination. I think he had a very sweet moment this morning when he hugged the elderly lady who was accepting the medal of honor for her brother who was killed in Korea in 1952. So he is capable of sweet moments. That, however, does not change the fact that he is not a good President and for whatever reason does not seem to grasp the seriousness of the financial state this country is in. Believe me, I wish he did, since he has the job. But he doesn't.
obama - askeptic
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LMAO I LOVE IT!!!Yep, its re-election time and time to up his ratings. How DARE HE take the credit, IF THIS IS TRUE, of our Armed Forces??? Personally, I am not buying it. I want proof and 'he was buried at sea' ALREADY is NOT proof!
I agree, this is sad. Some are so blinded by - RadMT
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their unadulterated hatred of President Obama, they cannot even find joy in such a momentous event as this. Do they realize how this comes across? Maybe they just don't care.
But today, I refuse to even respond to their silliness. Today let all who love America join together in a day of happiness. Those who wish to bring negativity, let them speak it to the wind.
God Bless America!!
Weren't you the one who mentioned birthers - in relation to this?
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"Birthers" love America, but you were pretty quick to blame them for the conspiracy theory post.
There is nothing sick about it....after all you - guys have said/posted
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about birthers? You don\'t wear righteous indignation well.
Here's what's sick - see message
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People cheering and celebrating and giving the devils sign within 1 minute after the news broke.
Geraldo pretending not to know what is going to be said and then says "hey I just had a thought, what if its to tell us OBL is dead". He didn't know? My a** he didn't.
BTW, where did they get so many (at least a couple hundred) young people to stand outside partying and cheering and throwing out the devils sign so fast (within 1 minute) of the news being released. That means they drove from all over, found a parking spot and ran over to the party area within 60 seconds. Last time I saw that superhuman feat was Superman and the vampires in the Twilight series.
Has to make you wonder that's for sure.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but George Washington University, - sm
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the Sofitel Hotel, Recess Lounge, Hay Adams Hotel, Army and Navy Club and the Club Quarters Hotel are all but a stone's throw from the White House, not to mention Lafayette Park. Any one of these places could have housed those instant-party types, especially in view of the HISTORICAL (and for some, joyous) nature of the announcement. Also, the way the city is set up around the White House, many times it is faster to travel by foot than to try to use a car, so the spontaneous reaction is no big mystery after all.
Sorry to burst your bubble.... - see message
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Did you even see the video of them.
Drunk punks screaming and stumbling around proudly giving the devil's sign, who showed up before the news was announced or that there was even going to be a news conference obviously told to be there ahead of time yelling... "yeah we got Saddam". Huh???? Hey buddy, it's nice you got paid to do this, but you should at least learn who they got and not make it look so obvious.
Also, nobody is allowed to be that close. I know because I've been there. People who hang around that close are arrested. Protester's have to be a certain distance from the fence otherwise they will be arrested.
Oooh...can we say set up. Yes, I believe we can.
First it was 1 minute afterwards which you said twice - in your first post, but now
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we have the partiers showing up BEFORE the announcement? Uh-huh. RIIIIIIIIGHT. Did you forget your first ridiculous claim before replacing it with something even more absurd? Sounds like you are the one who has had one too many.
I probably did not see the same video you did since I do not subscribe to sites that distribute viral photoshop productions. Besides, if there were such a video available from a legitimate source, you would have posted the link by now. Sorry. Your argument is DOA.
Do you always have this much difficulty recognizing and dealing with reality, or does this affliction only beset you when Obama scores a victory? Some folks are overjoyed at this news. Considering who he was and what he did, it should come as no surprise that spontaneous jubilation broke out behind the announcement that OBL is dead. Unlike you, I take no offense at kids flashing the devils sign in response to the news, especially since my political agenda is not well served by endless grousing, fabricating phoney outrage or failed attempts at detracting from the historical significance of the momentous occasion we have just witnessed.
You missed the point - go figure
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I explain it in real simple terms, but you would miss that too.
Yes, I'm glad we got Saddam too.
There was no point to miss. - sm
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The OP did a good job of dismissing your allusion to paid protesters. You overlooked that in your rush to belittle. You have yet to post the link from a legitimate source to the video and have not provided any evidence to back up your unsubstantiated claim. Another oversight no doubt.
you do realize the cartoon is a joke not a political statement of sorts. - what country are YOU from?
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