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Do Republicans see anything good about Romney?

Posted: Oct 25, 2012

Never seen anything like it on this board. 


(If you wanted input from Democrats I could still offer something - positive even tho he scares me now. A dem.)

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I started a post like that last week, down the board - a bit. sm

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I wanted to know why and how he has earned their trust and their vote. I said I wouldn't argue or rebut on that thread and I won't here either, but only one or two people offered clear answers - IIRC, that he has experience running a government and he makes charitable contributions.

It seems it really is, as one person said, an ABO election (anyone but Obama).

If I remember right, - no one answered

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your question to your satisfaction. Maybe this time?

There was no right or wrong answer. - sm

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A couple of times, I asked for clarification and the poster obliged.

Now, the answers that you could say I wasn't satisfied with were ones that were more about Obama than Romney, since those were the parameters I laid out. I wanted people to think. Some of them did.
Sounds like a teacher I once had - is this an online course?
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"I want you to think!" Yes, Ma'am!

P.S.: I want you to think, too!
Don't hate; participate! - nm
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Most pubs can't define conservatism now. Large percentage can only - explain what they're against, usually not why

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This is according to studies commissioned by conservative groups concerned about the future of a party that lacks a coherent and cohesive ideology and is frequently undirectable by its leadership.

Ergo the lack of positive answers from people here, many of whom are fairly passionately engaged in the political progress.

Problem is, a group that knows only that somebody is to blame for its dissatisfactions and eager to be provided a target to turn on is very dangerous, and that's what much of the GOP has degenerated into. A volatile mob.

Romney wasn't my first choice, I liked Herman Cain better - JC

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The economy sucks and it is only marginally getting better. So, you can't not take Obama into the equation. Romney is the much lesser of two evils.

A few things I like about Romney (you asked only about the good):

I do believe Romney is a very decent, honorable person, though imperfect as we all are. He puts his money where his mouth is through charitable contributions (and don't give me the he gives it to Mormon charities crap, he still gives it away). He has helped many people in need over the years. You have to contrast and compare to put things in perspective: Obama is a multi-millionaire yet gives much less of a percentage of his income to charity and hasn't done anything to help his half-brother living in a hut in Africa. Plus, someone posted a soup kitchen reference to Paul Ryan, do/has Obama or Biden volunteered in soup kitchens (I honestly don't know, it would be admirable)?

I feel more confident he will balance a budget.

I feel more confident he will eliminate wasteful spending. And there is oodles of it.

I believe he will be more respected (respected doesn't mean liked, like Obama wants to be) in the rest of the world.

He is an analytical, numbers guy as well as a good leader.

He is willing to work with Democrats to get things done as he did in Massachusetts (I sure there are going to "horror stories" about him somewhere as governor too).

He is not going to force his religion on us, just as he didn't do it in Massachusetts.

He is willing to develop our own countries natural resources (if it comes out of the ground it is from nature, even oil). Why send so much of our money to other countries to get what we already have here? Just imagine the jobs it would create here and the tax revenues those employed will pay. Even if it doesn't lower the world price (but it will because the middle east will lose their biggest buyer and will lower prices to compete).

By the way: Socialist per Webster: one who advocates or practices socialism.

Socialism per Webster:
1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

Obama grew up around marxists, anti-colonialists, and communists. I believe if Obama could have his way (which he is working on with all the executive orders he has issued, circumventing congress and after criticizing Bush for using), we would have socialism. His regulators are also circumventing congress. The government (both Republican and Democrat) keep making baby steps in that direction. When we push back they stop. But when we aren't looking, they try, try, try. I guarantee you, 10 years from now, no one will like Obamacare. It will be no different than the services provided by the VA or medicaid/medicare. Good luck with that.

This will be my last post as this board is tedious and time consuming so you will have to find somewhere else to get your jollies or to get bored to tears.

"This will be my last post as this board is tedious and time consuming so you will have to find - sm

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U butthurt, bro?


Now, now. We all know it's addictive to pretend there's - a place where we'll be listened to. :) nm

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