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Clint speaks!! "Mission Accomplished." (sm)

Posted: Sep 7, 2012

Obama the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people.  Read in its entirety if you wish.



"President Obama is the greatest hoax ever - perpetrated on the American people.

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Aunt Sue, I did this because you know the libs won't open your message. This way they have to read it and weep.

CEs 15 minutes has become a dead-horse butt of last week's - comedy hours' field day.

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Everybody knows where he stands now, next to an empty chair, endorsing an empty suit for a splintered party pushing an impossible agenda the suit is even unwilling to stand behind. The only hoax in sight is an RNC that ran amok, the significance of which is rapidly fading from view due to its lackluster content and dearth of memorable moments.

Oops -hit that stupid like button by mistake. (sm) - Didn't you watch the circus that was the DNC?

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Of course. - Here's my breakdown.

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On the prime time speakers:

Michelle Obama was brilliant. One word scriptors collected on an HLNTV survey included classy, poised, elegant, regal, graceful, smart, caring, modern, stylish, inspiring and, my personal favorite, authentic. I concur with all of the above.

Bill Clinton distilled a litany of complicated economic and political issues and tranformed them into common sense terms that even the most out-of-touch voter can grasp, understand and appreciate. The sheer volume of uncontested truths contained within his speech is what I consider to have been the most helpful and significant contribution to the campaign.

VP Joe Biden's views also contributed valuable insight into a more specific and personalized account of the President's character as the nation's leader and commander-in-chief. I appreciated the anecdotal format where he chose two perfect examples to contrast the president's approach with his challenger's style of crisis management. As someone who has seen it all on Capitol Hill, Biden's description of the loyalty shared between the two leaders was both credible and impressive.

President Obama's finale, based on the most fundamental principles of his party, was a testimony to both the aspirations of equality for all individuals and the indispensable elements of shared responsibilities and achievements. In terms of the role of government, the roadmap to success is clear to me, when choosing between a community spirit of we're-all-in-this-together versus vision-void calls to a dog-eat-dog, rugged individualist, survival-of-the-fittest competition for top-of-the-heap, special interest templates.

What I hold most close is the magnificent display of age, gender, ethnic, religious diversity and inclusion under the big top and their mix of smiles, laughter, tears and enthusiasm, displayed while connecting to each other and to the speakers and causes they came to support.
Well stated! - mbmt
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My breakdown - backwards typist
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Michelle: Never saw anyone love their hubby as much as she loves him.

Clinton: Fact checkers have a lot of disagreements with his statements.

Biden: Now there's a guy I can't stand anymore. He stabbed his hometown in PA in the back then came back before the DNC to kiss up to the people in town, going as far as to holding a press conference in his old house and acting like he was choking up over the memories. 

Then he took a Romney comment about OSL and never finished Romney's full comment on the subject:


Michelle: Never saw anyone love their hubby as much as she loves him.

Clinton: Fact checkers have a lot of disagreements with his statements.

Biden: Now there's a guy I can't stand anymore. He stabbed his hometown in PA in the back with the "no more coal" campaign statement then came back before the DNC to kiss up to the people in town, going as far as to holding a press conference in his old house and acting like he was choking up over the memories. 

Then he took a Romney comment about OSL and never finished Romney's full comment on the subject:

"But Governor Romney didn't see things that way. When he was asked about bin Laden in 2007, he said, and I quote, "it's not worth moving heaven and earth, and spending billions of dollars, just trying to catch one person."

"He was wrong. If you understood that America's heart had to be healed, you would have done exactly what the President did. And you too would have moved heaven and earth--to hunt down bin Laden, and bring him to justice."


What Romney REALLY said:

"I think, I wouldn’t want to over-concentrate on Bin Laden. He’s one of many, many people who are involved in this global Jihadist effort."

"He’s by no means the only leader. It’s a very diverse group – Hamas, Hezbollah, al-Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood and of course different names throughout the world."

"It’s not worth moving heaven and earth and spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person. It is worth fashioning and executing an effective strategy to defeat global, violent Jihad and I have a plan for doing that."  Instead, he said he supports a broader strategy to defeat the Islamic jihad movement. 

I'll leave Obama's speech go since I didn't listen to him. Wink

I didn't watch much of it, but what I did see (sm) - Aunt Sue
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was an embarrassment. Like a poster said earlier in the day, I didn't see Obama's speech as I also had a cat box to clean. Love your post.
You just went ahead and "made my day" - Clint
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Cleaning a cat box is more enjoyable.

Thanks Aunt Sue - As usual a good post - The Sarge - sm

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Clint, as always is brilliant. There is a purpose in everything and his speech was very significant. It wasn't just anyone speaking, it was Mr. Eastwood. There were messages and the people understood them very well. The one that stood out most to me was that if a politician is not doing a good job the people of the country have the right to get rid of them (i.e.vote them out).

What made his speech stand out to me is that he spoke from the heart and he spoke like a true patriot of this great country and it was no canned prepared word for word written and practiced over and over read off a teleprompter.

Another important message is that there are more conservatives in Hollywood than the liberals want to admit. They are just not out there in your face. I've heard other people say there are more conservatives than people think there are. And that's always a good sign that there is hope for the country.

And even more greater is his message that you don't worship politicians like they are royalty (or something). I've seen a lot of worship on this board with the creepy comments people made about people at DNC. Yes, I'll get flack for that, but creepy is the only way to describe it. I'd listen to family and friends and you just need to keep reminding them that he is no god. Politicians are human beings. Sometimes they do something right (but never 100% of the time) and something they don't get it right, but they are not gods or royalty and people need to stop treating them like they are.

As for his stumbling and hesitation. Think we all knew it was because he didn't have a prepared "gag me" speech. He spoke from the heart which was a breath of fresh air. And of course its no doubt that the liberals with their mean spirited hate words already had their remarks prepared before they even heard him speak. But the great thing about Clint is he can just laugh it off as do a lot of people, because you know he did something right. Mr. Eastwood is a very important and influential person in the Hollywood arena. His appearance and what he said was a substantial benefit for the republicans. They did pick a winner when they asked him to speak.

Go Josie Wales. Job well done.

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