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Gluten-Free Diet

Posted: Nov 3, 2013

What is all this stuff about gluten being bad for you? Since when? Gluten is only bad for people with celiac disease---and there's a very specific blood test for celiac disease. Celiac disease is in the media more, because doctors are realizing that people with the symptoms (diarrhea, as the main symptom) should be tested for the disease. It doesn't mean gluten causes Celiac disease, it means that people with Celiac disease cannot tolerate gluten. Gluten also doesn't cause any health problems, and a gluten-free diet certainly is not a panacea to curing any and all health problems. Read the medical journals, not Internet sites that tout gluten-free products or health-nut sites. There is nothing wrong with gluten. ;

Amen - shipwrecked

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People have been eating gluten since the beginning of time. There is Nothing wrong with gluten for anybody unless they have celiac disease.

Actually, no, people have only been eating gluten - For about 10,000 years

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In addition to William Davis, look up Peter Attia, MD or Chris Kesser, LAc. Mark Sisson is also very knowledgable and a good source of info.

The test for celiac only covers 2antigens. There is some evidence that a gluten intolerance goes way beyond that, it's just not tested for as celiac.

There is an entire school of thought that feels that any grain is bad for you. Grains are not meant to be digested by the human body. They have anti nutrients that prevent their absorption. Around 1% of the population is celiac, but there is at least one study out there that shows that 29% of the population is sensitive to gluten.

Grains are also pure unadulterated carbohydrate which means that your body immediately turns it into glucose, so your body then must produce insulin to get it into the cells and out of your bloodstream. If you are not very active, any excess, and your body doesn't have room to store much, is stored a fat. Fat and protein, on the other hand, do other things like rebuild muscle and cell structure and only then are they used for fuel. It's why diabetics are told to limit their carb consumption.

There is an absolute direct correlation to the FDA food pyramid of 30 years ago with "healthy" whole grains on the bottom for 7 or more servings a day and the obesity explosion in this country.

Im not sure why the OP feels so annoyed by gluten- free anything. Your original message sounds like you have an issue and/or an agenda, but do some reading. I think you'll find it interesting and eye opening.

Thank you - OP

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I don't know how people get on these kicks. Now not eating gluten cures arthritis and fibromyalgia and all sorts of things. Interesting.

Sorry, but that is mostly incorrect - Celiac, and I think I should know!

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What's incorrect? - shipwrecked

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I said there's nothing wrong with gluten UNLESS you have celiac disease.

Need to read my post closer - OP

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I specifically said that people with celiac disease should not eat gluten, but that gluten does not CAUSE celiac disease.

That's like saying sugar causes diabetes. No, it does not. However, people with diabetes should not eat sugar.

Gluten did not cause the celiac - see msg

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You have celiac disease to begin with. The gluten didn't cause the celiac disease! The gluten, for sure, would cause your symptoms to come to a head, but the gluten didn't cause your disease itself.

I am trying to gluten free diet and I do feel SM - MT looking

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better. I think we are all individuals and what works for one person may not work for another. Today's foods are genetically modified, including wheat, corn, soy, and many others. I have been using rice flour instead of wheat. It takes a while to get used to the taste, but I like it, has a nutty flavor.

I do a lot of GI reports, and one doctor mentioned that celiac disease tends to run in people with an Irish background. I just thought that was interesting.

High percentage in Italians, as well - sm

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So high that the government tests school children for it.

Just wondering what you use the rice flour for. I have found no use for it. Are you doing your own baking? If so, you might try almond flour. It is better from a nutritional standpoint. Recipes abound on the internet.

I will try that. I bought brown rice flour from SM - MT looking
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the local health food store. I make muffins and pancakes with it. I do my own baking.

I didn't know that about Italians.
Muffins and pancakes??? - MUFFINS AND PANCAKES???
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For muffins and pancakes, I'll go find some rice flour. Care to share your recipe? Sounds tasty!

Now I'm hungry.

Elana's Pantry, on the net, has a cookbook, and in it is a carrot cake recipe made with almond flour that is very, very good. You don't have to feel the least bit guilty about eating it for your dinner ... literally. Nobody I've given it to ever suspects it isn't made with flour.

Hazelnut flour is great, too.

Try allrecipes.com or go to Google and look for SM - MT looking
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cooking with rice flour. Sometimes there are recipes on the back of the bag of flour, too.

I'll try Elana's Pantry, never heard of it, thanks.

I know someone who grinds her own grains. She mixes brown rice sometimes with other grains and bakes. She also uses nuts as pie crust.


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My friend is a chiro and a nutritionist who has done much research and attended many presentations about gluten. She loves gluten (like me) and wishes it wasn't true, but it is. :(


GLUTEN: WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW MIGHT KILL YOU - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dr-mark-hyman/gluten-what-you-dont-know_b_379089.html

WHEAT BELLY: http://www.wheatbellyblog.com/2012/01/the-gliadin-effect/

Wheat - OP

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I did not read the link yet, but I will give you that wheat has morphed over time and is no longer pure wheat. SO, products that say "wheat" are not healthy like they used to be.

No agenda here. I just hear people all over the place thinking that if they eliminate gluten from their diet, all their ailments are going to disappear.

I personally have no intention of living without gluten. Without gluten, the Italian bread my husband makes would be a piece of wonder bread. Sorry, love that little tug in his Italian bread after he kneads it properly. Brings out all that nasty gluten.

* whistling * Very dangerous post. - Holy Cats

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Holy cats, are you misinformed.

Don't even know where to begin here....

I'll start with this:

Familiarize yourself with the work of Datis Kharrazian, MD, the author of THE best book ever written about thyroid disease (presently #2 on Amazon in both the thyroid disorder AND the endocirinology and metabolism sections) and its roots in the autoimmune system.

First thing he says right off the bat: ABSOLUTELY NO GLUTEN. Even a small amount will set back an autoimmune patient a good six months in their recovery.

Also see the work of William Davis, MD. Someone above referenced his excellent book "Wheat Belly."

Wheat in general is bad for you - sm

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Especially the GMO ick they call food.

Celiac girl - me

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Actually, gluten has been proven to be "bad" for others beyond celiac disease. It's been shown to have a significant effect in those with autism and others with autoimmune issues.

Historically speaking, heart disease was never recorded until wheat was entered into human's diet. It's not a natural food for us to have.

As a celiac, my complaint is the number of people who jump on the gluten-free bandwagon as some sort of fashion statement. It's NOT inexpensive to eat gluten-free. The highly processed gluten-free foods are NOT healthy in ANY way.

Gluten is NOT harmful to those who do not have celiac disease (and that blood test is, at best, iffy) except those proven to have a gluten intolerance (similar to a lactose intolerance).

Also, diarrhea is NOT the main symptom of celiac disease. Maybe you want to spend some more time on those medical journals.

Thanks - OP

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Thank you for additional info on gluten. I think we both agree that gluten doesn't cause diseases, such as celiac, and that a gluten-free diet does not cure health problems. I have no problem agreeing that gluten may exacerbate certain conditions already existing.

We also agree that the gluten-free thing is one of those "jump on the band-wagon" things.

As to the diarrhea, I apologize for the misinformation. I know 2 people with celiac disease and they both state diarrhea as their biggest issue. Also, most of the celiac issues I've transcribed focus on diarrhea. SO, that's where I got that from.

I have no fear of contracting any disease from gluten and I have no intention of eliminating it from my diet in some hope that my arthritis in my left knee will be cured.

well actually - celiac girl

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You *may* find improvement in your joint symptoms if you eliminate gluten.

Gluten does cause an inflammatory reaction and set off an immune reaction in many people.

The primary symptoms of celiac are actually anemia, IBS symptoms (constipation/diarrhea), joint symptoms. The reason it often takes a long time to be diagnosed (or did, it's more commonly tested for now) is because doctors treat the symptoms and were not looking for the underlying cause (one of my biggest complaints about western medicine).

I had symptoms for 12 years before I was diagnosed in the 1990s. At the time of diagnosis, I'd reached the point where I walked like an 80-yo woman (I was nearing 40), I had been receiving IV iron for months with no improvement, and being treated for IBS when my GI doc said, Hey wonder if you have celiac. Within a month of a gluten free diet, ALL symptoms were either gone or 80% improved.

My sister worked as a baker and was put on methotrexate for her joint swelling. She was told she would lose all use of her hands due to the severity of her arthritis. She quit and within 6 months most fingers were "normal" although two fingers remained deformed. However, she has never again had to take an arthritis medication (and she's now nearing 60).

So before you pooh-pooh the idea totally, you might give it a try if you hurt badly enough.

The reality is if we all ate ZERO processed foods, we'd be some healthy chicks!

GMO Wheat can cause fatalities in children... - gg

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Scientists Say New Genetically Modified Wheat Silences DNA Sequences In The Body, Can Cause Fatalities In Children

Australian researchers have revealed serious issues over a new kind of genetically engineered wheat that could induce major health threats for people that consume it.

Please watch this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FI7n_caiTvE

Problem with that is there is no GMO - wheat-commercially

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The most recent research concludes - Alicia

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that more people than previously thought are intolerant to gluten and other proteins in wheat (and rye and barley). Oats have different proteins, avenins, which can be troublesome to some celiacs. My dermatologist discussed this research with me just last week and about a year ago my GP suggested I try at least a wheat-free diet for some problems I was having.

Makes Sense - OP

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I have no problem agreeing with that. But we can't just conclude that a gluten-free diet is the be-all, end-all to health problems. Nor can we assume it is responsible for health problems. Celiac, yes.

There we are. Everybody should be happy now.

I agree with what you stated about - Alicia

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gluten-free diet. People can be intolerant to wheat but there are usually other symptoms along with each of those maladies on the list of diseases (as in Wheat Belly). The dermatologist only said it wouldn't hurt to try but there is no strong link between gluten and the problem I was having.

The Wheat Belly book is full of inconsistencies and contradictions and not very scientific.

Oats do not contain gluten - sm

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Oats are not wheat and do not contain gluten. The erroneous belief that they do comes from the almost ubiquitous contamination of oats with wheat that occurs during processing. Because this was not understood and some celiacs reacted badly to oats, doctors assumed the oats themselves were the problem.

However, there are now companies (like Bob's Red Mill) that source their oats from strictly non-wheat sources, process them in wheat-free facilities, and use an ELISA antigen test to verify that the products are gluten-free. Bob's does this with all of their gluten-free products.

A recent study showed that many grain products which should be naturally gluten-free (buckwheat, cornmeal, grits, quinoa, oatmeal, oats, amaranth, etc.) are contaminated by gluten. Some contained astonishing amounts of it. The results of this study are being used to support the need for accurate food labeling requirements.

The only doctors I have encountered who have a grasp of this are celiac themselves. It is just too complicated for others to figure out because they don't NEED to figure it out. What is contained in medical books is not very complete. Dietitians aren't much better--they know what the books say and that's it.

If you want accurate information, ask celiacs. We don't just not eat things because some doctor said not to ... we know not to eat them because we have an immediate and very nasty reaction when we do. It is really, really obvious and we aren't just imagining it.

There may be folks who are allergic to oats, but certified gluten-free oats are gluten-free.

Whoa - I made a mistake - Alicia

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which I edited. Actually, avenins in oats can be troublesome to some celiacs.

Gluten - A mom

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Only thing is, the wheat today is not the wheat of yesteryear, now made to have a large percentage of protein and so harder to digest. Also no control over the pesticides used today.

I Agree - OP

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I agree. I had stated somewhere that wheat has morphed into something else and is not what it used to be. However, it doesn't mean that gluten itself is going to kill us.

It also doesn't mean it's the cure for all that ails. A gluten-free diet does not preclude someone from seeking medical attention when they have some chronic physical symptoms.

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