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I need to diet and trying to get my own dietician to

Posted: Dec 29, 2009

I am overweight, probably on the 60 pounds or more side. I think I look ok when I look in the mirror and then see picture of me and think "who is that?" I have a hospital close by my house and I would like to get a diet that is suitable for me. I have tried WW's, Medifast, Jenny's and the like. I do not care for their food and find getting away from the house a challenge as the days I have off seem to be taken up with other things. I want a diet that is low enough in calories but one that I like. I tend to go more towards spicy things, garlic, tomatoes, olives- just throw those altogether and I am a happy girl. I read online about the every 2 hour deal but then you have to figure out how many calories you need to take in in order to lose and I would think a dietician would be perfect in this case. I can do without the cakes, candies and the like but really crave things like the ones mentioned above. I am taking this year to lose and do it slowly. I have a high school reunion this next year and want to do not only for my health but want to shine at those meetings next year. Anyone else in the same boat with needing to lose some weight?


I've lost 60 and still have 30 to go. - Low fat

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I was very, very happy a few weeks ago when I finally crossed a BMI mile marker. I'm now no longer in the obese range and am simply "overweight". LOL! It's been a huge struggle, and I empathize completely with you! I did WW online for a long time, and I generally liked it because I could use my own food. I learned to not eat processed foods and to eat what I like. But, I had to learn about portion control, because that was my main issue. I was eating double portions (and larger!) at nearly every meal. So, of course, when you eat twice what you need, you gain nearly 100 lbs! Oh, it was just awful! I really hated doing WW in person and going to meetings, but I did like the online program where I could use their tracking software and their points calculator to plan my meals. I think I paid about $15.00 a month for that. I recently canceled it, because I just don't use it much anymore, and I'm trying to save some money wherever I can.

A dietitian can be a real help to you, because you will get individual attention, will have someone to answer to, and you will learn what you need to know to eat healthily.

And, don't forget the most important thing is to move, move, move! I lost weight in the beginning without exercise, but I plateaued pretty quickly. The only way to get started again was to exercise, and the healthier I get, the more weight I lose, the more I need to exercise. I have an increased capacity for sustained cardio workouts, now, which makes me very happy. At age 48, I can bound up staircases, 2 at a time! I started slowly, only walking 10 or 15 minutes at a time in my neighborhood. Now, 2 years later, I can run 3 miles and swim for 45 minutes without stopping. I know I look better, but honestly, I never expected to FEEL this good. Getting healthy is the true benefit.

Good luck to you! You'll hit walls sometimes, but keep at it. You can do it, and I'm sure a dietitian will be a huge help to you.

That is really great news about your loss - Struggling

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How long did it take you to get to this marker? I did not want to go any surgical route, either banding or bypass, just too much mileage on me to try that. If and when the dietician returns my phone call, I will be sitting up an appointment to see them. I have blinders on now and I feel with a program especially for me, my likes and dislikes taken into consideration, will be easier to get to my goal. I went on line, saw similar diet for 6 meals a day and most times saw like raw carrots. Cannot do raw, upsetting to stomach, that is why I am trying to have customized for me. What was your main reason for starting your loss?

Good questions - Low fat

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What was my main reason for wanting to lose weight? Well, I felt very badly. I really believed that under all the weight I was still strong and fit. And I think, to the degree that someone who was more than 230 at 5-feet, 6-inches can be, I probably was more fit. I didn't huff and puff when I walked around the mall. I certainly could climb in and out of my minivan without difficulty, and I was pretty active, walking in my neighborhood, occasionally riding my bike on flat paths, camping, kayaking. But, I love backpacking. I did it as a young woman and I wanted to do it again. I did a week-long trip back in 2008, and I literally knew I was in trouble within minutes of starting the hike. Right out of the car, we headed up a nearly 1000' incline over 1.5 miles. My legs were weak, I was gasping and stopping every few feet. I was completely embarrassed and knew that I had another 70 miles ahead of me. I did indeed finish that trip, but it was torture. I'm sure I made it only due to stubbornness. On my return, however, I found that I had lost 6 pounds that week and felt much stronger. That was what started me thinking that I needed to really work at this if I wanted to do the things that I enjoy most.

I started walking and just cutting back on portions. I kept the 6 pounds off and lost another 10 pounds within a month. Then I plateaued for a few months before I realized I needed more structure to my routine. That's when I joined WW online and my local YMCA. I met with a trainer and had a routine setup, and I kept working at it. I wasn't consistent, however. Sometimes I would work my program religiously, other times I completely fell off the wagon and would eat Snickers bars and pie at every opportunity.

From August 2008 to April 2009 I lost about 20 pounds which included a few gains/losses of about 5 pounds whenever I got lazy. In April, I tried to complete another 70-mile backpacking trip. I was doing much better than the previous trip, but I suffered a foot injury and had to leave the trail early. Still, at the beginning of the hike, I noticed that I was climbing better and stronger, but I was still struggling compared to the other hikers in my group. My next trip was planned for October 2009, so I set a goal of losing 25 pounds before then. And I did it! I didn't count points/calories as much as I increased the intensity of my workouts and simply watched portion sizes and food choices. Instead of having ice cream for dessert, I'd eat some fruit. I made sure that 50% of my dinner plate was covered with veggies. Most days I have at least one salad at a meal and/or at least a bowl of home-made soup. (Love my crockpot!) I tend to eat smaller meals more frequently, a small bowl of oatmeal first thing in the morning, fruit mid-morning, protein at noon, maybe a sandwich or half a bagel mid afternoon, and a moderate, mostly veggie and protein dinner. I eat veggies whenever I want, and I'm lucky to really love vegetables.

So, I got serious back in August 2008, and hit my 60-lb mark around October 2009. I did that being pretty off-and-on in focus. I know that had I had more structure and discipline, I would have lost it MUCH faster. Still, I'm pleased. I have another hiking trip planned this coming April, and I want to lose another 20 by then. I'll be in Yosemite National Park in July 2010, and by then I want to be at my goal weight so that I can LOVE the photos of me with all that gorgeous scenery in the background. :)

My advice is to focus more on lifestyle changes than on calorie counting. Of course, you have to be aware of what you are eating and how many calories you consume. But, you need to make healthy choices, and those choices have to become habits. I mean, you've got habits that contributed to your weight gain, right? My habit was overeating at every meal. I always had second helpings. Now that I've broken that habit and have healthy portions firmly in my mind, I would never dream of a second helping. That's a HUGE change for me. You'll discover what your weight gain triggers are, and then work on them to replace those habits with healthy habits. It takes a long time to really establish a new habit, so you have to stay with it. You can do it!
Encouraged by you and others here - Struggling
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Talked with dietician at hospital close by and I will have to get referral from my internist stating that I need to lose weight. Well, that should not be a hard thing to do and plan on obtaining tomorrow. He can state 6, 9 or 12 months, rather have 12 month issued in case I need. Dietician was saying could do on line but I would rather have 1:1 and also I want someone to take the foods I like and turn them into the 6 meals per day diet. I do not cook basically so want easy type preparations. I am to keep a diary of all foods for the next week, the week after I not only keep diary but write down amounts of food, weighing them. I visited Yosemite about 3 years ago, awesome and beautiful. I thought I had seen mountains before, nope had not. I drove from Sacramento there and what a drive. I, like you, went on a trip this summer and experienced the huffing and puffing, so winded, hard to get onto a bus, strenght in the legs just not there. After that 9 day trip with lots of walking, etc. could tell the difference in how I felt on arrival home, much better. Thanks again for the information.
yosemite - Low fat
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Cool! I'll be driving to Yosemite Valley from Sacramento, too. I'm really looking forward to the drive. My hubby is not a huge outdoor guy, but he's willing to go to please me. I've only been as far west as Yellowstone, and I drove there from Pennsylvania. Oh, the mountains out west! We have nothing like it here in the east. I'm really looking forward to that trip, as we'll be hiking every day, but our last night will be spent at the Ahwahnee Hotel to celebrate our 25th anniversary.
I have driven for years but that driving to - Struggling
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Yosemite was the most scary thing I have ever done in my life, and that covers the scuba diving in the Bahamas with only 15 minutes of instructions and air sailing over Cancun. I drive in Atlanta, fast drivers here, the roads are so good, no problem. My husband drives for a living but I drove that day. I had a death grip on the wheel, going around the mountains about 10 mph, and he said he closed his eyes with the first "Oh, my God" that he heard out of my mouth. I would NEVER do that again. All I could see out of the corner of my eye was granite. No guard rails, no nothing and 13,000+ feet up. I consider myself to be an excellent driver but that was just too, too much for me. I did love the beauty of Yosemite though and had tears in my eyes when I drove into the park and looked up as far as I could see and not even see the tops. What a sight! My SIL lives in Sacremento and I drove from there to San Fran 1 day, Yosemite the next and then went to Lake Tahoe. Fasten your seatbelt- its going to be a bumpy drive!
Sounds like my kind of drive! - Low fat
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We're renting a Prius for that trip. We own one, and it handles well. I've driven the Prius on mountain roads in Wyoming and Montana, and I actually enjoyed the "scary" parts of the road, which included a narrow pass recently cleared of an avalanche. Years ago, I also made a gorgeous drive through the Sangre de Cristo mountains in NM. The local who recommended the drive on one particular road told me not to take it if I'm afraid of heights. (I'm not.) It was probably the most gorgeous road I've ever been on. Crazy switchbacks, no guard rails, but just as the local person said, at sunset, the rock faces appeared to sparkle and change color as we dropped down several thousand feet in elevation. I'd do that again in a heartbeat!
Well, you are in luck then! - Struggling
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The road leading into Yosemite from Sacramento was just too "thrilling" for this lady but if you love the excitement, then it definitely is for you. While driving there I wondered about how many go over the sides because of no guard rails. Got back home, a person who had met his mother flying into San Fran and the family lost contact with him and the mother. They had gone over the side of that drive and were not found until several days later. So many RVs, really big ones, going into Yosemite and really old people driving them. No way, Jose, would this lady ever attempt. I have done things over the years that I really scare myself and this was one of those times. The other time was the scuba in Bahamas with a few minutes training. Hyperventilated on that one and did not know how to stop. Was in the Rocky Mountains this past summer and enjoyed those also, not driving myself though. Enjoy!
Sounds like you drove Tioga Pass! Our family - did it in 1960, and my mom still
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talks about how scary it was. We kids of course loved it!
That is exactly the route I took - Struggling
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Your mother sounds like a very smart person to me. The only thing I loved about the drive was at the top of 1 moutain a couple of deers came right up to the car and saw several in the yards. All I said over and over was "Oh, my God, oh, my God" and hubby said he knew how scared, only he had closed his eyes! My knight in shining armour was wimping out on me!
Oh! We aren't planning on driving Tioga Pass. - Low fat
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I guess we'll miss that excitement. We're driving from Sacramento down to Wawona and entering at the south end of Yosemite. We're staying in the Valley and will be taking shuttles to various trailheads for day hikes.

I lost 120 pounds and went from a size 18 to a size 3.... - Jen

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and have kept it off for a year now, with absolutely no effort (the keeping it off part). I, as well, tried EVERY diet I believe and was never as small as I am now in my entire life. Before I had kids I was about a size 11, not big, but not little either.

Anyway, this is what I did. First of all, I learned from being a nurse at an endocrinologist's office that insulin makes you fat. Whether it is the insulin that your body secretes or synthetic, it makes you fat. I also learned that we would advise our patients NOT to take their insulin before exercising because exercise drops your blood sugar and it could cause hypoglycemia. Now, when you eat, if your body is not dependent upon synthetic insulin, then your own body secretes insulin after you eat a meal.

Sooooooo with that in mind, I did cut down my portions and YES I was hungry after I finished my meal, but I would drink a glass of low-fat milk with each meal and that helped out. The KEY though was the exercise. Every time I ate, I would exercise for 20 minutes. I hopped on the treadmill, but any cardio to get your heart rate up will work. That will lower your blood sugar and keep your body from having to secrete insulin that makes you fat. I KNOW that was the key to my weight loss. It only took me 9 months to lose it and I feel better than I ever have now.

As far as the eating......stay away from SUGAR.....sugar makes you fat quicker than fat. I don't drink any kind of sugar drinks, and I eat sweets in moderation.

Good luck to you.

NINE months? That is great! - Struggling

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I am size 20 right now but inside there is this smaller person just wanting to get out. I have never been a size 3, not even in my dreams, a size 12 or 14 through high school and comfortable with that. I do not want to reach a larger size, just will not do it. Your weight loss is very incredible. How good you much feel having done that, 120 lbs in 9 months. Just unbelievable.

question about exercise - truffle

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I was just wondering if you still exercise each time you eat, or have you cut back on that? Also, do you still restrict your portions as much as when you were losing weight? Do you know how many calories you took in during the 9 months you were losing?

Congratulations on this incredible accomplishment. I admire how you approached it logically and stuck to the exercise. Amazing!

response - Jen

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I tried to stay below "what I thought" was 1000 calories daily. I did not do strict calorie counting, just estimations really.

I don't exercise each time I eat anymore. I was going to the gym three times weekly, which I started AFTER the weight loss actually, but I haven't been to the gym in a couple of months due to the holidays and I didn't even gain one holiday pound. I will start back going in January, just because I enjoy it now.

As far as portions, I still limit my portions, because I am FULL now. I don't count calories or anything, I eat when I'm hungry and the new way of eating has just grown on me. No struggle at all anymore.

Insulin and sugar - Low fat

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These are good points. I also stopped drinking anything sweet, which included diet, artificially sweetened drinks. My motto is, "Don't drink your calories!" I rarely drink anything but water, though I enjoy a glass of wine with a meal occasionally. I try not to eat sweets ever, but please don't ask me how I did during Christmas! Ugh! My resolve dissolved!

I've never tried routinely exercising right after eating, but now that I think about it, I do lose more weight when the weather is good. When the weather is nice, I generally take a quick 10-15 minute walk around the neighborhood after I eat because I feel it helps with my sometimes sluggish digestion. I might give that a try in the future. I'm not going out on days like today when it's 26 and the wind is blowing like crazy! But I wouldn't mind putting on some music and dancing, or jumping rope in my basement. I also have a trainer for my bike and could put that up in the basement for a little quick cardio after meals.

Thanks for that tip!

Wow, fantastic, do have a question though - sm - XXX

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did you exercise immediately after eating or did you do it 20-30 minutes later? I need to lose 70-80 pounds in all and plan to uncover my treadmill this weekend and start slowly with some walking every day, too cold to go outside so will have to make do with the treadmill. I do plan to do about 1000 calories a day too, figure between the calorie restriction and moving my butt some I should be able to lose the weight over the course of a year, obviously increasing my exercise as my ability to do so happens. Your story is truly inspiring.

Your're right, about 20 minutes after a meal. - Jen

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Good luck to you....it CAN happen:)

I have been losing weight now for 6 months - very slowly sm - Sheila

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I have not changed anything in WHAT I eat but I eat 6 small meals a day and only until I am full. I always make sure that I really do not finish what is on my plate. I cut out carbonated beverages completely and stick with iced tea or water. If you need a quick pickmeup grab a Ritz cracker and peanut butter or Ritz cracker and some type of spreadable cheese. Fills you up and you can keep going. I walk when I can but we know with our line of work, there is no schedule. When I go to town, I always park at the farthest parking spot away. Any exercise is good. I have dropped 40 pounds since September. It is starting to slow down some but I still lost 1-1/2 pounds over the holidays (and yes I enjoyed a few pieces of peanut butter fudge - my fav)! Get your metabolism going!! Do the many small meals! Forget about the breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks in between! You can do it! I have never felt better. But when you finally decide you have had enough of your jeans being huge (not kidding - had to wear a belt to keep them on), and you go buy new ones, and you go from a 16 to an 8, you can/will get a rush and then you will work harder for it. This happened to me in the last 4 weeks. I now own 2 pair of jeans, one a size 8 Misses and one a size 7/9 juniors. I refuse to buy more. I am going to make that darn 5 yet! Good Luck!!!

Thanks, Sheila for your words - Struggling

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Your progress sounds incredible! I have had 1 cola in the last year, used to drink those but over the years with husband encouraging, started drinking more water and now I drink that instead. I do not miss the colas, no carbonated drinks here at all. I am just tired of being big, am not going to go a size larger, just am not! What made you decide to change and 40 pounds since September? That is a hunk to lose in that length of time. I can rev up the exercise, but the metabolism is probably dead or deader (I can make up words just like physicians)because have thyroid disease. Just latest visit to internist found tests showing not taking in enough thyroid and instead of the 1 pill a day, they have increased to 2 one day and 2 and a half the next. Talk about being under supplemented! No wonder I was having the intense itching. I think the 6 small meals a day will be lots better than others I have tried. I just wanted backing and will have to let husband know to "quit" thinking of me so much and bringing home things from the grocery store such as ice cream and the like, instead stick to the other things he brings me such as the fruits, etc. Started today with writing down everything I eat (per dietician) and then next week will not only write down but also weigh it. Lastly, were you wearing a 16 and now down to the sizes of 8 and/or 7? I am hoping for a certain poundage rather than my being a 7, do not think I would ever make that. Thanks again.

That is great! - Jen

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It is soooooooo great buying new jeans as the weight comes off. Each time I would drop a pants size I would give my old jeans away IMMEDIATELY. My husband even asked me what happens if I gained a little back and I told him that "wasn't happening", lol. Each time I would drop a pants size I would treat myself and buy two to three pairs of jeans and when they would get loose, give them away and go down a size. It is the best feeling in the world:)

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