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need puppy advice!

Posted: Jan 10, 2011

I need some advice! we adoped a beautiful 6 week old puppy, golden/yellow lab mix. When we went to pick her up at the home of the owner, there was 1 puppy left (out of a litter of 13!) whose family had backed out and didn't want her. My hubby decided we couldn't leave her there alone and so we took her too. Now we have 2 8 week old puppies (females). We are presently crate-training but only using 1 crate as we were only expecting to bring home one dog. They are doing fine, except having issues with pooping at night in the crate. We intend to get a second crate very soon.  My Internet research has led me to discover that raising 2 female littermates is like raising two hounds from hell! Every single breeder/dog expert I have found discourages this as it will lead to 2 unhappy dogs who don't bond with their family, only to each other. I need some positive words to help me. We are committed to these babies and in no way would consider giving one away. I have raised dogs all my life but never two at once. Also, this is my first experience with crate training and am tired of bathing these babies every morning! Their last meal is at 6 PM and they are let out every hour and then walked right before bedtime at 11 PM. So, any words of wisdom, hope, encouragement would be appreciated! I have read all the bad news...can anyone give me some good news? Thanks!


We had 2 black lab sisters s/m - MIMT

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They were from the same litter. Our problem wasn't that they bonded to each other, they hated each other! They fought all the time. The one would not let the other eat and the other would not allow the other in the crate. We ended up finding a home for one because as they got bigger and were fighting, we were worried about our boys getting hurt.

about the crate thing... - AARPMom

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they are really too soon to have clean crates in the morning. Physically they need to develop more. Having said that, my vet told me to pull the feed after 3 o'clock, walk at night (when you are already doing) and very, very early in the a.m. Holding the food earlier in the day really did help (although I thought it was a little cruel). I ended up pulling it about 4 instead. I washed bedding until my pup was about 13-14 weeks and I was soooo ready for it to stop. I can't imagine how you do it with 2 dogs and it is a larger breed than I have!

I don't know about the 2 dogs together thing. I haven't had that experience or heard anything about it.

I had two boy dogs, but they were a year and a half apart - cindy

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I know whenever we would need to board them, they shared a space together, as it was cheaper and they seemed much happier having each other's company. I think you are okay putting two pups in a crate together, but I was told and found out, if the crate is too big, they are going to go to the bathroom in it. The principle behind crate training if that they will not go to the bathroom where they sleep, but you really need to make sure that the crate does not have too much room in it. If they do have extra room in the crate, you need to block it off and give them more room back as they grow. At six weeks old, they might just have a little bit of a hard time physically holding it until morning. You need to get up really early to let them out and then they will probably go back to sleep. Remember, babies need a feeding and diaper change in the middle of the night until they get a little older. I would think around 8 weeks they should start doing better. If you take some space away in the crate, also they will just snuggle up together and sleep. When we would board our dogs, they told us that they would curl up together to sleep at night. Unfortunately, our older dog, Dusty passed last May and he is missed very much. The younger dog, Shadow, is going to be 13 in March and he actually stopped eating for a few days after Dusty went. I wanted to get another puppy right away but my husband does not want to get one until Shadow has passed also, as he thinks that Shadow deserves to live out the rest of his life in peace and not to be bothered by another puppy, but I think that he might like the company. Your 2 little girls sound so cute! They are a little more work at that age, but love them as they grow up faster than you realize. Good luck with the crate training.

Puppy Advice - sarmt

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Most likely you will have problems later on. You can raise male/female, 2 males but difficult to successfully raise 2 females (there is a reason they are called b....es. Most likely they will fight later on & one could be seriously injured. They are babies, and cannot hold ot too long. Need to be taken out 15 minutes after last meal to poop. They really need to be taken out every hour (carry them out, do not let them walk out) or they will squat and pee. Their bladders are small, but will get better as they grow. Get a book on potty training & clicker training. Suggest you start looking to re-home one of them due to dominance issues later on.

puppies - serene one

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Where I live, it\'s illegal to sell or even give away a puppy before 8 weeks as they are just too young. They are babies and babies have to pee and poop whenever they need to. Expecting a puppy that age to hold it all night is like expecting a 7-8-month-old human baby to hold it all night - just not going to happen. I totally disagree with holding the food and water by 4, much less 3, they are just too young to go without that long.

We ended up with 2 young females years ago but not littermates. We had gotten a puppy in late December (my X-mas present)and she was so clingy and bonded with me that she followed every step I took (and I do mean that literally, couldn\'t turn around without nearly stepping on her) and wouldn\'t go out to potty with anyone but me so we decided she needed a friend. Got another puppy in early February. Granted, as I noted above, they are not littermates but they are only a few months apart in age and the youngest one actually became the dominant. We do still have fights (they are both 11 years now)every now and then, sometimes for no reason at all that we can see but they are easily broken up/stopped.

I think the key is getting them fixed early on, keeping their food bowls separated, and letting them know that fighting is not acceptable behavior and they will be punished.We also made sure to spend time with each of them one-on-one with us. The oldest that had bonded so closely with me has actually become daddy\'s girl over the years unless she is scared (fireworks, thunder, daddy yelling at the football players) or doesn\'t feel good and then she\'s mommy\'s girl. The younger, dominant one spreads herself out, she doesn\'t care who she\'s with just as long as they are paying her attention.

Good luck with your new little babies.

i do appreciate everyone's advice and just have to hope that sm - puppy mama

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with enough love and attention these girls will grow up whole and happy. I do know that babies cannot be expected to hold their bladders/bowels and I do expect accidents I guess with 2 puppies it is just a little overwhelming! My Bissell Spot Bot is getting quite the workout...thanks again for all the kind words...

2 puppies - Lab lover

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I have had labs my whole life and I cannot imagine that this beautiful loving breed would have any problems growing up together. You have to remember that labs live to please their owners. I would worry more about how busy you are going to be until they are about a year and a half old when labs usually calm down.

We lost our last lab a couple of years ago to old age and went to the pound this time and got a shepherd/hound mix and thought we had made a terrible mistake because we were not used to the different breed (especially being so protective of us). But the older she gets and with lots of love and attention she is the best dog we have ever had.

In my opinion if you raise them right and give them love and attention, they will be fine. I like that you are going to hang in there - so many people just give up and don't take responsibility for the dogs they get.
I know this is long, but one more thing. A lot of it depends on the breeder and the lineage of the dogs. If the mom and the rest of the dogs in the litter seemed friendly and loving towards humans everything should be fine.
Good luck and keep us posted on their progress.

oh thanks for the kind words! sm - puppy mama

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Yes, we are committed to raising these girls - our first dog died at age 13 and our 7 month old puppy was hit by a car right in front of us the week before Thanksgiving - heartbreaking to say the least. Working at home is a boon and they love to lay on their bed next to my desk. They are delightful companions and we are lucky to have them i think! will post an update when I can...

I have never done two litter mates or two at once but - sm - 3dogMT

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I do have 3 dogs. One husky (Male - 9), one choc. lab (Female - 7) and a Pembroke Corgi (Male -1). The husky male is the alpha dog here. He and the lab fight sometimes but for the most part are pals. The puppy we kept away from the other two for quite a while since he is such small breed and we had to make sure the husky would not kill him (he kills everything in the yard he can, had to make sure he realized this was another dog and not prey). We gradually introduced the puppy in and the corgi and husky are best pals, they love to play together and wrestle, we are talking an 85-pound husky (he is large for his breed) and a 25-pound corgi. I wish the corgi and the lab got on better tbough as we expect at some point it will be just them. But the lab has a very jealous nature and hates for anyone to get attention but her, but she is a sweetheart and very loveable too, could not meet a more friendly dog (same for my husky), but just wants all the attention. I expect you run into that will all dogs though, litter mates or not. Puppies are a lot of work as you know, just keep taking them out constantly and play with them separately and together. I do not see why it cannot be done successfully.

big/little dog playing - sereneone

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How about a 95 pound malamute/golden retriever female mix (3-4 years) playing with a PUG puppy. Our daughter got a pug puppy a year or so before she left home and the puppy was best buds with our big malamute/GR girl. The big girl's favorite game was playing tug with daddy and the puppy started playing with them, then they eventualy started playing just the 2 of them without daddy. It was hilarious watching them - that tiny puppy playing tug with that huge dog. They really got into it too. The big one would shake her head when they were tugging and the puppy would come off the floor and go flying back and forth but she never let go of the tug. You wouldn't believe the muscles that pug developed as she grew. You never would have guessed a dog was capable of this much sharing (can't think of a better word) but the big one let the puppy "win" as much as she won.
hah! awesome - my mom's chesapeake bay retriever and maltese used to do that! - puppy mama
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funniest thing I ever saw - i do believe the maltese (male) was the dominant dog, although the female chessie outweighed him by 100 pounds! Our girls have had a great day today, without any accidents so far (4 o'clock). They have not left my side and we go out every hour. I know a lot of love and attention will go a long way - i have faith in them and in us!
Aww, cute - ShadowsServant
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They sound so cute. My 95-lb lab will lie on the ground and let the neighbor's pug-mix bounce on him. When the lab has had enough, he flips the pug over and pins him to the ground until he calms down. Also, at the dog park, there is a Jack Russell that follows a Great Dane everywhere. We don't think the Dane even knows he is being shadowed. Hehe.

Crates are cruel. - Seriously

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If they're pooping at night it's because they've not been walked late enough. And why keep a dog in a crate? Do you want to be kept in a crate? I have three and never had a problem. You let them know from day one who the boss is, by using a firm voice when they do something wrong, and they'll respect your and learn faster.

My dog loves her crate... - Kendra

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I got her from some people who weren't very nice to her and I think that she feels safe in there. Every night around 8 o'clock, she starts whining to be locked in her crate. I have never before kept a dog in a crate at night (we had the crate to put a different dog in when we were not home at an old apartment because he used to chew up the blinds while we were gone). I don't really think that the crate is cruel. It is practical. You might not like them and you might not want to put your dogs in a crate, but that doesn't make it cruel.

Yes, it IS cruel--no matter how you try to rationalize it. - vickiraeann

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Yes, putting a dog in a cage most certainly IS cruel and is done simply for the convenience of the owner. If having a dog is not compatible with a person's lifestyle, (i.e. dog is left alone and chews things) and the environment can't be pet-proofed, then that person should not have a dog. But a compassionate responsible person does NOT take the attitude that it is the dog's problem: ''Oh well, dog is chewing things up, so in the cage, he goes! Sucks to be him!'' Caging an animal IS cruel no matter how much you try to justify and rationalize it. Your cavalier, off-hand account of caging your dog for chewing your blinds and your comments to the effect that ''YOU might not want to do it but...'' shows your lack of compassion. How very sad for any helpless creature under YOUR control.
Do you have a fence, or lock the dog in the house ever? - Kendra
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Use a leash? You are able to freely move about wherever you want, right? Sounds downright cruel to me! Dogs should have all of the right of humans, right? Mine can, when they get jobs.

Oh, right, sure she does! - vra

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Oh, of course she does! Wouldn't YOU just ''love'' being put in a cage if you were in her place! It doesn't sound like you are very nice to her either.
Hey, vra. What about cows, pigs, et al? Should we let them roam - free, eat their flesh, use their hides? nm
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I use a crate so when I am not home, I dont worry about pet chewing - on elec. cord, eating something harmful, etc. nm

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Nice that.... - vickiraeann

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How nice for you that YOU have freedom from worry while your poor animal is confined to a cage. Heaven forbid you take the time to pet-proof your unfortunate animal's environment when it is so much easier just to cage it.
Hey, Vra, a dog is an ANIMAL, not a little hairy person. - Woof, woof, grrrrr. nm
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In the wild, dogs live in dens-- small, cage-like holes - in the ground. Nuff said. nm

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Ridiculous comparison - vickiraeann

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''In the wild'', they also have the freedom to enter and leave and move about as THEY feel the need to--not at the whim of selfish owners. Nuff said.

Crates ARE cruel... - vickiraeann

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''Seriously'': You are absolutely correct! Crates are EXTREMELY cruel and are simply for the convenience of insensitive pet owners. A person who rationalizes that it is okay to cage an animal for training, discipline, convenience, safety, or ANY reason, is the type of insensitive person who should not have an animal in the first place. A crate is a cage. ''Crate'' is just a politically-correct euphemism for ''cage''. There should be a Golden Rule for animals as well as for people, and if we would not like something done to ourself, we should not be doing it to an animal we CLAIM to love. If we are gone long periods of time, if we are unable to control an animal for whatever reason without caging it, then we should not own that animal. Pets are not toys. Not every lifestyle is compatible with pet ownership and the animal should not be made to suffer for it. A responsible caring person does NOT put a living, feeling creature, capable of feeling distress from physical confinement, sensory deprivation, and boredom (just as humans do) in a cage. ''Seriously''--You sound like a compassionate and responsible pet owner. There should be more like you. There should also be stricter animal protection laws. (To the poster who made the false, ridiculous comparison of wild dogs living in caves---There is a HUGE difference. Wild dogs in caves had the capacity to move about and come and go as THEY feel the need to. Domestic animals whose insensitive owners cage them do NOT.)

wow, now that was a rant! - AARPMom

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The emotion in this post feels so over the top that I lost the message other than crates are bad, and users of crates should be burned at the stake.

I\'d like to say that I believe the use of a crate can be abused, but I believe it can be of benefit to the responsible animal owner and to the animals owned by responsible pet owners.

For my family, my dog loves her crate. I leave it open all day and only close it at night while I sleep and occasionally when she and my 7 yo need a break from each other. At bedtime, I don\'t have to put her in it...she is already in it when I close the door. My reasons are mine and any amount of illogical rant won\'t change them. The idea of dogs using dens in the wild is not off the wall. My dog will walk around and gather her toys, carrying them one by one into her crate before she goes to bed, choosing which one she will tuck between her paws as she falls asleep. She has obviously made this her own home and feels extremely comfortable there.

I think anyone who fails to use a crate reaponsible is not a reasonable person. I think elevating animals to the level of humans is, well, also not reasonable.

Those are just my thoughts. Gotta go put on my flame retardant long johns...

Completely agree Vickiraeann - Seriously

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Those are people who shouldn't be allowed to have dogs for pets. If you need to crate something it should be something that you're moving or shipping only, not something that's alive and needs love.

Only if someone locks their dog in it all the time - sm - ECMT

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we use a crate, not often but we do use it. The dog actually goes in the on a regular basis to sleep, it is his place. We do not lock him in, door is wide open. That is their purpose to make a spot that is just for them. We had planned to have him sleep in it when he was a puppy (8 weeks old) but first time DH could not take the crying and put him in the bed, no more crying and dog sleep all night with no accidents in the bed (what we were worried about as I was taking him out every hour or more often to pee). We also have a fenced in backyard where the dogs are all out together playing, so is that cruel too? It is about 1/2 of an acre back there, but they are "caged" in. For the most part we only use the crate when I have to go out during the day as we also have a cat and we don't want the cat to attack him , sometimes we contain the cat in the MBR (again is this cruel?) and let the puppy (now a year old) have run of the house and the other 2 older dogs are out back. The older 2 sleep in the back 2 rooms of the house gated off (dining and utility rooms) so the husky won't kill the cat, and he has tried, again is that cruel containing them to those two rooms, about 200 sq. feet or so? If someone gets a dog and crates it all the time even when they are home, then yes that is not right, but to contain a dog there during the day when at work, or contain in a small room, I don't have an issue with that. We contain the puppy in the crate sometimes when visitors are over as he has not learned yet not to jump or launch himself at others, not everyone likes to be hit with a 25-pound corgi, he can easily knock you over. It is a judgment call and crates are good if used sensibly, but a blanket statement saying they are cruel is just out of line. What about babies and cribs or playpens or swings or bouncy seats, same principle there, is that cruel too?

How can a device that helps keep your pet safe your home being wrecked... - 4vrtpng

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be all that bad?  Granted, I feel that if you have to crate your pet for long hours, i.e. going to work for 8-10 hours a day, that is a bit excessive.  I have two dogs (8 and 9).  They go to work in my office with me.  They have their own little caves that they sleep in.  They can go out and about the house while I am working, but usually they sleep with me all day, while I am typing.  At night, after their last "out" and having the run of the house all day, we tell them it is time of bed and they go off to the office where we put a gate across the door.  This keeps one of our dogs from using my carpets as a toilet in the middle of night.  (My dogs go out 4+ times a day).  We think she does it for attention, because it is not an all the time deal.  But, since putting her in the office at night, we have no trouble and my other two Royal Palace rugs and hardwood floors are safe for another night. (She has already ruined one rug.)  My research has shown me that a dog will not go where they sleep and she proves it by not going in the office.   As a teaching method, a crate can very useful.  But when used to the point of abuse, I do not think so.  

pet safe and your home from being wrecked... NM - 4vrtpng
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Hi all, I have been offered a position in the front office of a medical facility.  I am probably going to take it.  While my problem will not weigh into my not taking it, I need some advice on how to handle something. Way back when I worked in a large office, there was ALWAYS something going on where they wanted everyone to chip in financially for something.  Somebody is having a baby, somebody's somebody is having a baby, somebody is having a birthday, somebody is retiring ...

Advice On New JobAug 11, 2016
Well, I went to a job fair yesterday, had to go back and my daughter went with me and we both got jobs! Problem with mine is it's only seasonal till Feb. Of course, if the job continues and I've done well through the training and the actual job till Feb., I could possibly still have a job. Better pay right off the bat and $1.00 for EVERY HOUR worked till Feb. bonus in Feb.!!! I need my high school diploma or transcripts and can't find them anywhere! My transcripts are with m ...

Advice About DadNov 01, 2013
I need some opinions about whether or not to try to contact my father who I have not seen in about 30 years. My dad left when I was nine and moved out of state. I think I saw him one time not long after that. The last time I even spoke to him on the phone was right before I graduated high school. He had wrote me letters and sent cards for a few years after he left asking me to come visit, which I never agreed to do. We didn't have a very close relationship even when we lived in the ...

Need Some Advice Jan 13, 2014
I would appreciate any advice on how to sell Hummel figurines, etc.  My stepfather wants to start clearing out a lot of things in preparation for the future, and in the event I would move in with him at some point.  My mother died four years ago, and during her lifetime she bought a lot of this sort of thing, along with the colored glass in yellow, green and blue.  I have never sold anything on eBay, and don't know how to go about getting a decent price for these items.  ...

Advice PleaseJun 21, 2014
I don't know if I need advice or just want to vent. My husband and I enjoy having close friends over, going out to dinner with them, doing get togethers and other such things. Out of 4 couples, 2 of the couples are so dysfunctional that it makes me crazy. No alcohol is involved here, so we can't even blame that. I don't claim to know what goes on behind closed doors, but when we're all together, it's the women who fly off the handle at their husbands for the stupi ...

Need Cat AdviceJan 27, 2015
My cat is hiding underneath my neighbor's shrubs and will not come home. He is afraid I will keep him inside so he doesn't trust me anymore. He stayed out all night last night and I finally saw him this morning. I tried coaxing him, bribing him with food, and he just ran away to find a safer hiding spot. He got into a cat fight on Friday and got a small puncture wound. I kept him in on Sunday to keep an eye on the wound and he was not happy about it. That's why he doesn' ...

Need Some Advice PleaseJan 30, 2015
I have a problem with my ear. When my pneumonia started, one day I had what I thought was the starting of an earache. Then that went away and I ended up sick just with the pneumonia. Okay it has been 28 days since my first day in the hospital. My ear has been stopped up since then and I have tried Claritin, Auralgan and Cortisporin Otic drops. Nothing is working. What could be wrong with it? I never have problems popping my ears after a cold or getting water in them. I didn't g ...