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Has anyone read Fifty Shades of Gray? Is it worth investing the time in 3 books?
Posted: Jul 16, 2012
Just finished book 1 - omg
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WOW.... I got caught up in the love story and cannot wait to read book two. I hope the red room of pain burns down though.
Laters baby!
I heard it was kind of soft porn - is that right? - nm
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well, - omg
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Yeah, the whole book is porn. If they ever make this into a movie, you will have to go to one of the X rated stores and buy the video!
Haven't read it yet, but... - LinK
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all my friends have read it and they all loved it and said they couldn't put the books down. I plan to download it into my Nook as soon as I buy one next month.
I couldn't put it down either... - omg
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I want a nook so badly! UGH. Let me know how you like it.
Note - Nook requires WiFi in order to put books on it. - Maggie May
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I didn't realize that, and didn't have WiFi at the time. Luckily, my son got me WiFi for Mother's Day. I actually bought the Nook for my husband. I have a Kindle. I like the Kindle better. But different strokes for different folks. (I have the Kindle Touch and the Nook Simple Touch.)
Nook -WiFi - LinK
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Thanks for the information Maggie. Yep, got WiFi. I wanted the Nook Tablet for it's internet capabilities as well as games and books. Can you get onto the internet with a Kindle? I'm not very up to date on the various e-readers. I got my daughter the Nook for her grad present so she can put her school books on it.
If you like to read outdoors in sunlight I recommend - a Kindle. nm
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I believe you can get online with a Kindle Fire. - Maggie May
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I think the Nook tablet is similar to the Kindle Fire.
pure dreck - sm
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One of my relatives has the books, so I tried the 1st one out. As far as I'm concerned, it was just awful. Not necessarily from the "sex" standpoint, but just from a writing standpoint. If you want to read a book written at a grade-school level, go for it. I just thought it was funny, embarrassingly bad for the author. I also found nothing erotic or titillating or arousing at all about the sex scenes. However, I also thought Twilight, etc., was laughably bad too, and this is based on that, so if that's what floats your boat go for it. I prefer to read something that takes more intelligence, both to read and write.
This review is better written and saves you - OZMT
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wasting hours reading the book. Love it (the review)!
ETA link: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/360554060
This review is everything I mostly think.. sm - G.G.
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On the surface, without even getting into the story itself, the writing is awful! There are so many repeated lines it got really boring. I would also guess that anyone even slightly into BDSM would be laughing their heads off at the 'sex' scenes.
In any event, I read all 3 of them before I found out this was a work of FanFiction for Twilight and when the author was approached about publishing, just changed the names. You can Google 'Master of the Universe PDF' and read it for free if you want without buying the actual books apparently..
The books were mildly entertaining, but certainly no breakthrough greatness in literature and I'm still sitting here shaking my head wondering what all the flap is about....
Thanks, was wondering - MMO
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I haven't read 50 Shades, but was wondering about it. I have to agree about Twilight, I loved the movies and the characters, but the writing was not what I was expecting. I read a lot of novels and enjoy suspense and good characters. Those books were a disappointment. I want books that challenge me, make me think. These books are fun I suppose if you take them for what they are.
I think it also comes with age. I have gone back and read novels I enjoyed when I was younger and they seem so poorly written, but when I first read them, they were great.
Agree - I was just glad I hadn't paid for the stupid
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I really, really wanted the time bck that I spent on this piece of dren, but I was out of luck.
I actually read erotica. I like it and I find it very entertaining. This book was not erotica in any shape or form. BDSM isn't a huge part of what I read, but clearly, it's not a part of the author's library, either. The "scenes" were written like a high school girl's fantasy of what BDSM must be like. And THEN I found out that this started out as Twilight fanfiction. That explains it. This woman uses Stephanie Meyers as her "literary" inspiration.
Any book that bills itself as erotica yet makes me wait until something like Chapter 10 before the first sex scene ain't erotica, thank you very much.
I read all 3 on Kindle - Angie
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I heard everybody at work talking about the first one and I bought and read the 1st, 2nd and 3rd before the people I heard talking about them. I read the first one on Mother's day as that was a "day off" but I could feel my face turning red at points sitting in my recliner reading with hubby and daughter watching TV. I've never read erotica before, but I really enjoyed the love story and would like to have a 4th...Just saying. This is all opinions??
I'm slogging through the first book. Not sure - mthead
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I will read the others, just because my friend is loaning them to me. It's okay. The characters seem pretty one dimensional, and the lead female is very predictable, always biting her lip and having her "inner goddess" jumping around. If you want a little steam and more character depth, I'd suggest anything by Suzanne Brockmann about Navy Seals.
Those of us actually INTO BDSM.... - No one
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Those of us who are actually into BDSM/domination and submission are not too impressed. At all.
The writer has NO clue what they are talking about.
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