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A picture is worth a thousand words
Posted: Mar 1, 2011

Darm I couldn't make it any larger. Hope you can read it! - Backwards Typist
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I can see... - no1joe
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The LOL, OMG , and WTF but if there's anything written on the white board underneath, my failing eyes cannot make it out.
The bottom says" We provide onsite - Backwards Typist
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home financing to help out with your gas purchases."
LOL! - no1joe
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Too bad my house is now worth less than what we paid for it!!! That actually makes it funnier.
Thanks for the laugh.
Cute!...and it will only go higher, very quickly I...sm - anon
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think. The sad thing is the rich don't care and continue to buy gas guzzlers and those (me) on Social Security can barely afford to fill our tanks once a month on our fuel-effecient cars!
There are also those of us that bought these - gas guzzlers in a different
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economy than it is now, can't afford to trade or credit is to screwed now from loss of job to trace, have to drive to work and other places filling up at least once a week.
I'm right in the middle where the poor could give a rats behind about me and the same with the rich.
Well, the "poor" should care about you, because - if all of us in the same boat
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don't keep working so the govt can tax us and redistribute what little we have in the form of programs (check, food, housing) they will be up a creek without a paddle. As for the rich, I read down below somewhere that they are paying 41% of all taxes collected already...I don't blame'em for thinking that's enough (and that 41% is from only the TOP 1% of wage earners).
Check out how much of the wealth they control - and
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by what percentage their incomes have increased over the past 10 years as compared to the lower percentage groups. It might help you understand exactly why they pay 40.1%.
These are tough times. We are all expected to tighten our belts in these days of austerity. Why not expect the the groups who have had the most breaks and benefitted more than any others recently to sarifice, right along with the rest of us?
I don't have a problem with the rich - paying the same percentage
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in taxes as anyone else, but I also think in this belt tightening we should maybe not be throwing the earned income out there like we are. It really irks me that people end up not paying anything in and then getting thousands back. I would much rather someone who ends up paying in receive a tax break/credit than someone who has ended up paying nothing in. I find it so unfair that I am a middle-class mother of 3 struggling to make ends meet who has to write a check to the IRS while someone else basically gets it back on their tax refund paying in nada.
AGREED! That is why we need a flat tax... - so EVERYBODY pays
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the same percentage regardless of what they make, and frankly I think any kind of public assistance for anyone who is physically or mentally capable of working should be limited and should be associated with some kind of public work. I am NOT talking about people truly physically or mentally unable to work, and there are thousands if not millions of them on the assistance rolls today.
higher and higher - dnh
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I have a SIL who owns a service station. they used to sell gas and do maintenance. they stopped selling gas though 'cuz it was just too much hassle. He did tell us, however, that by this summer gas should be about $4 per gallon and by next summary (2012)could be up to $5 a gallon. Here in AZ it is not 3.47. Glad I work from home. the only place I need to drive is to the grocery store or my kids' homes!
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