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A picture worth a thousand words
Posted: May 2, 2011

Again, the MSM refuses to pick up on this is a fake picture. - Why is that? Because it is real?
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Wrong. Rachael Maddow commented - on the image
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as did O'Donnell and Ed. It is so silly to suggest there is any reason not to show this very poignant photo and allow the viewers to draw their own conclusions about what was or was not going on there.
Amazing how intimidated some get over a simple photo - sm
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and an infusion of stark reality. They have not figured out that history cannot be rewritten in realtime. The spin machine in high gear, running on empty and destined for burnout momentarily. There is no reason to argue with this degree of denial but thanks for trying to dispute a bald face lie.
Exactly - and they never will - as do a lot here
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Nobody has any idea what they are watching because when something is classified no cameras are allowed into the room. There is no picture of what is on the screen. Southpark, Simpsons, General Hospital, or maybe even the event. But the MSM and posters here will go down with the sinking ship defending to the end something they do not know.
Flame away...it's what you do best.
Can you imagine Trump or Palin in that room? - I can't. NM
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No such SRWH pictures were released - sm
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for 911 attacks, invading Iraq, Killing Saddam, attacking Qadafi's palace? Hmmmm?
Come on, they are posing for it.
hmmm? - ...
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here's a nice one:
This is not a picture of the "team" - actually watching the
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"raid" go down. BIG difference. What I find so strange in the Obama pick is the only military person in the room is not even looking at the screen, he is looking at his laptop and doesn't look concerned or interested at all. What is WRONG with that picture? ahem. And who is that girl in the back? Which member of the national security team is she?
do you understand what a photo is? - sick of this...
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Perhaps they should have asked everyone to look at the camera.
I doubt you will find a photo of Mr. Cheney FAILING to give the order to scramble fighters on 911.
Well...if this was a miltary operation and you - were the only military
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person in the room, wouldn't YOU be looking at the screen when every other person in the room is?? Do you understand what simple observation is? Who is that girl at the back of the room and what is her title that enables her to be present at a top secret mission as it is happening?
What I am sick of is blind partisanship!!
Not to mention this was taking down bin - Laden which is supposed
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to be a big deal, right?? The one military guy in the room doesn't want to watch that happen??
OP is right. BLIND partisanship.
blind partisanship - let's review
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I don't vote along party lines, so you can scrap that indictment right there.
Simple observation tells me that the man in uniform was less aware of a camera in the room than Mrs. Clinton.
Perhaps he was engaged in intelligent communication, doing his job. Perhaps he was looking at the screen the instant before or after the image was captured.
Pause for a second and ask yourself why you find it so incredible that a "girl" should be entitled to be present in the room!
Remember, we've come a long way, baby. Then again, maybe we haven't.
Let's review....that's a good one. Let's. - sm
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Okay, blind liberality. Blind following of Obama. Blind bias. Pick one.
First - this is the takedown of Osama bin Laden. Pretty big deal, doncha think? Don't you figure the only military person in the room might be interested in watching that happen? What is more important than that?
Intelligent communication on a laptop? The CIA was running the show; he would not be in command of it. They have said numerous times the CIA was running it, even directing the seal team. I cannot imagine ANYBODY's attention not being GLUED to the screen where that was happening.
This thing was cloaked in secrecy to hear them tell it. They didn't even tell Pakistan they were going in until after it was done. TOP TOP TOP secret stuff supposedly. So yeah, I am interested in the girl/woman/lady whatever you want to call her, and wondering why she was allowed to be present when the incident was actually happening.
The fact that you just accept all this at face value is what is amusing. Not interesting, because it comes from a total bias. If this was a picture of Bush and crew watching Hussein being taken down...would your observations be the same?
You want me to believe that this was a top secret gathering with only the highest clearances allowed in? Then I would like to know who the lady in the back is.
..but then again, maybe they had already - watched it and this was
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just the photo op taken afterwards...and perhaps some of the folks' "acting" skills are just better than others. And also would explain why the lady is in the back...because the show's actually over.
I would also like to know who she is. Maybe she brought the Starbuck's. lol.
lady in the back - ...
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see my post below
the lady in the back - is...
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Audrey Tomason, Director for Counterterrorism.
Imagine that? Some "girl/ woman/lady whatever you want to call her" holding such a position AND being allowed to be present?
Why in the world would you assume that because a female is present, the photo must be faked? What's up with that?
Talk about blind bias!
Stop crowing, you'll choke yourself. - There is no bias; it was
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a simple question. Who would have known they would have put the Director for Counter Terrorism, a woman and the shortest person (other than Hillary who had a front-row seat) behind all the men where she couldn't see? If there is any blind female bias it was in that room, not on this board. And by the way...I never heard of her. I have done an internet search and the only place I can find anything referring to her is this picture. Where did she come from? What are her credentials? When did he appoint her? And since when is the White House chief of Staff a member of the National security Team? Since his name was Daly?
Ah. Nevermind. Got this on Ms. Tomason.
Audrey Tomason worked as Americorps*VISTA and Associate at ACCION International after Tufts. She is attending the Kennedy School's master's in public policy program and is scheduled to graduate in 2003. And between 2003 when she graduated and now she has done something that qualifies her to be Director of Counterterrorism? You are so good at ferreting out information, please go find some more on her. Like what has she been doing since 2003. Like when was she appointed?
This is all I can find on her. Maybe I should google Obama and Americorps...I just don't have time. I can't find anything...a press release or anything when he appointed her.
SO glad you pointed her out. Nice to know who our director of counterterrorism is...well kind of. More examples of his transparent administration?
Has Obama got the biggest security team ever, or is the situation room really that small?
Thank you so much for shining the light on Ms. Tomason. I will hunt more when I have time.
what is this about anyway? - not choking, thanks...
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You bombastically assert that the girl did not belong in the room. You wanted to know who she was; I provided an answer.
Now you want to make something out of the fact that she was short and standing in the back of the room??
I do not even get you.
As for credential, qualifications, etc., Secretary of Defense Donald Rumself was formerly the CEO of Searle pharmaceuticals. Make something of that.
Sorry, wrong. It was OP who suggested - she did not belong in
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in the room. I merely asked who she was and got bombastically lamblasted for suggesting that a "girl" did not belong in the room. Just stating who she was would have been fine. Crowing is all the peripheral stuff you through in for effect. Just did not want you to choke on it.
Funny, I have no trouble at all getting you.
This is what I found out about her so far:
While she was at Tufts Global Leadership, she apparenty was a speaker here, with Noam Chomsky:
You can check out Tufts by going to their website.
For those who do not know about Noam Chomsky:
Oh, and I think you left out a little of Rumsefeld's credentials:
Rumsfeld was White House Chief of Staff during part of the Ford Administration and also served in various positions in the Nixon Administration. He was elected to four terms in the United States House of Representatives, and served as the United States Permanent Representative to NATO. He was president of G. D. Searle & Company from 1977–1985, CEO of General Instrument from 1990–1993, and chairman of Gilead Sciences from 1997-2001.
Continued part-time public serviceDuring his business career, Rumsfeld continued public service in various posts, including:
Member of the President's General Advisory Committee on Arms Control—Reagan Administration (1982–1986);
President Reagan's Special Envoy on the Law of the Sea Treaty (1982–1983);
Senior Advisor to President Reagan's Panel on Strategic Systems (1983–1984);
Member of the U.S. Joint Advisory Commission on U.S./Japan Relations—Reagan Administration (1983–1984);
President Reagan's Special Envoy to the Middle East (1983–1984);
Member of the National Commission on the Public Service (1987–1990);
Member of the National Economic Commission (1988–1989);
Member of the Board of Visitors of the National Defense University (1988–1992);
Chairman Emeritus, Defense Contractor, Carlyle Group (1989–2005);
Member of the Commission on U.S./Japan Relations (1989–1991);
Member of the Board of Directors for ABB Ltd. (1990–2001);
FCC's High Definition Television Advisory Committee (1992–1993);
Chairman, Commission on the Ballistic Missile Threat to the United States (1998–1999);
Member of the U.S. Trade Deficit Review Commission (1999–2000);
Member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR);
Chairman of the U.S. Commission to Assess National Security Space Management and Organization (2000);
Honorary Vice-Chancellor of Yale University (2001), honoring Rumsfeld's U.S. foreign policy work.
Rumsfeld served as United Way Inter-governmental Affairs Director in Washington, D.C. from 1986 to 1989. He was asked to serve the U.S. State Department as a "foreign policy consultant," a role he held from 1990 to 1993. He served as Chairman of Gilead Sciences, Inc. and the RAND Corporation.
Come on...don't you think the director of counterterrorism should have at least some experience in the field of counterterrorism and not just in "global" leadership, global "financing" and socialism 101?
On the contrary - ...
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You didn't "merely" ask anything.
You cried "blind partisanship" - a bit of bombast, I think. If it's not bombast, it's certainly hot air.
I'd like you to stop with the choking remarks. I'm really uncomfortable with it.
Go to the top of the thread and - read the whole thing.
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I was asking who the girl in the back was and what were her credentials that allowed her to be in a top secret meeting. That's it. Then the attacks started. Yes, I said blind partisanship (or blindly liberal, or blindly following Obama, pick one), because to look at that picture and have no questions requires you to check independent thought at the door. You would have seen a completely different picture if it had been Bush.
You have your agenda, which is to support his agenda. I get it.
And yes, I merely asked. And when attacked for asking, responded.
Would you like to talk about the deficit now, and maybe now that he has terminated Osama he could pay a little attention to that? That is, if he doesn't have another TV appearance scheduled tomorrow.
I never knew anything about Valerie Plame - until Cheney outed her
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Btw, you are the one making a big deal out of everthing. A picture was posted. There was NO crowing going on.
Valerie Plame was not a director in the - administration of the US
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government...nor was she a covert operative (she had been once, was no longer, worked at a visible desk at the CIA). And she wasn't outed by Cheney, she was outed by Richard Armitage. At least get it right.
I don't care if YOU don't care who holds positions of power in government, particularly one as important as counterterrorism, I happen to care.
To each his own.
What girl? - mbmt
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I do not know who she is, but that is clearly a woman in the picture, not a girl.
The girl (or woman if you prefer) has been - ID'ed as Audrey Tomason
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who apparently is the Director of Counterterrorism. Oddly enough, I can't find any information on her whatsoever other than that picture. Then OP posted something they found that she was associated with VISTA AmericCorps....and graduated from Kennedy School of Public Policy...or was scheduled to in 2003. Can't find anything else...like when she was appointed, what her credentials are to be director of counterterrorism. Still looking. Please join the fray. And as OP suggested, I googled Obama and AmeriCorps. Oh my; wealth of information there.
So she is clearly a woman by your estimation, but to quote the President, "let me be clear.." Who she is and what her credentials are are extremely UNclear right now.
Had you heard of her before now?
Are you for real? A girl is a woman. So is a lady, female, Miss, Mrs, Ms, dame or damian, - la senora or la senorita, she, her
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Take your pick. It's all the same thing. Just like men are called guys, boys, gentleman, Mr. Got it?
Using the word "girl" - mbmt
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Using the word "girl" suggests that there was a child in the room in this case. Would anyone have asked who the boy was in the room if they were referring to a male? Got it?
Hey....my grandma refers to me as a - "girl" and I am no child.
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The girl/woman/lady looks very young in the picture...good for her. I have seen posters on the internet calling her an "intern" so obviously she looks young to others. She sticks out like a sore thumb in that group because they are all older than dirt...lol.
No disrespect was meant by referring to her as a girl. I bet Hillary would be thrilled if someone referred to her as a "girl" again.
Please. Isn't this taking it just a little bit TOO far???
Hahaha - mbmt
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I was thinking that Hillary would love to be referred to as a girl, but you beat me to it...lol.
the woman standing next to the boy in the blue shirt? - would you say that?
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I don't think anyone would refer to an adult male that way, do you?
I agree with you - mbmt
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Exactly, they would ask who the man is in the picture.
No, but I might say the girl next to the guy... - don't you think you are
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taking this a teenie weenie bit too far? I really don't think any disrespect was meant.
Fact remains, I would like to know a little more about this WOMAN, standing next to the MAN. I've heard of the rest of them...never heard of her. Or seen a picture of her. Perhaps then we would have recognized her.
...um...why has no one asked who the "guy" is - and his right to be there? nm
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Well for one, I recognized most of them. - DIdn't you?
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Did not know the military guy, but his uniform kinda gave him away. Her, never saw her before. Now that I now who she is, still never heard of her.
But I'm lookin.
Yes, they are taking it a bit too far because they have nothing - else to go on
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Anyone who said it was disrespectful is giving a line of you know what.
I know when I refer to my mother in law, and others I call them girls. When I refer to my friends (who are much older than the girl in the photo) I refer to them as girls. "Who's that girl over there" or "who's that guy over there". is a common phrase I hear a lot.
The people who want us to actually think they are offended because we said who's the girl in the back of the room is pulling your leg. They really need some new material. Surprised they didn't call us racist.
Actually I was expecting sexist...but I think - it was IMPLIED. lol...
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but you are right...that's all they got. Now that I know who she is...I can't find a thing on her. If you google the rest of the people named in the photo, lots of information out there about them. I see a post at the top about her now. Goin there.
Here's something also.... - sm
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There are several big clues.
1. The military guy is not watching and not interested.
2. The girl in the back is not part of the security team, hence would not have clearance to be in the room.
3. Nobody has any proof of what they were watching.
4. At this late hour they called in a photographer just to take a picture of them watching something (what it is of course nobody knows). The photographer they called in to just take a picture of them does not have a clearance, hence rule #2 applies.
6. They all have the same look on their faces. "Get ready everyone, at the count of 3 everyone have the same look on your face". Nobody is shocked, nobody is surprised.
7. When you are watching a classified video (live or recorded), photographers are not allowed in the room to take your picture.
I'm with the poster on blind partisanship and it's really showing here.
"girl in the back" - sm
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To quote you: "2. The girl in the back is not part of the security team, hence would not have clearance to be in the room."
That's a pretty bold statement. And you "know" this on what basis?
She just happens to be the Director for Counterterrorism.
Well whoopdie do - Bout time
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Bout time someone released who she is. I still would like to know what Ray Romano was doing there LOL
Thats because W and his Veep had that hunkered down bunker mentality - where
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they considered themselves to be so above the fray and the hoi polloi that sharing such a moment with the little people would have never occurred to them. Besides, the cloak of secrecy served them well over the years as they were able to carry out their dirty work in the dark and away from the glare of voter scrutiny. Otherwise, your post reveals a pronounced sense of desperation to discredit, but is otherwise void of substance.
Yeah...the only guy in a uniform in the - room is not watching...
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ROFL C'mon, Obama admin...this is getting ridiculous. The Joint Chiefs would be there if they are actually watching bin Laden being taken down...
...and I hear they are "debating" release of the footage...whaddya wanna bet they leave everybody hanging for a couple of weeks, or at least until next week?
Last week the BC, this week Osama, next week the footage...it's like a soap opera. Tune in for the next installment....
Wonder if they filmed the burial at sea? More Hollywood than Hollywood. lol.
Beginning to wonder if his isn't - "wagging the dog." lol.
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hmmm...wagging the dog... - sm
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This phrase was popularised a few years ago by the Robert De Niro film by the same name - "Wag the dog", in which Whitehouse media men created a false press release showing some war-like scenario unfolding in order to take the pressure off of the president, and create a favourable reaction in the populous for the president to take "appropriate" response.
And how did Ray Romano get in back there? - wimt
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Maybe that's his wife back there with him?
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