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Daughter's school and parental involvement

Posted: Nov 19, 2015

Since my daughter started kindergarten, I feel like the school expects parents to constantly be able to spend time at the school.  Do they not understand that in this economy both parents have to work.  I just feel like every week, there is something going on where they want parents to come to the school and help.  And then I feel guilty because I tell my daughter that I need to work and cannot come.  For example, tomorrow they are having a Thanksgiving Feast and sent home a letter assigning a certain dish to each parent to bring.  It just irritates me that they send this home and tell you what to bring like you are just home every day and have nothing else to do.  Why can't they send home a letter and ask if you are available and if you are then you can bring in something.  And then I email the teacher and tell her I can't bring in a dish because I have to work and can't come and if there is something I can just send in with my daughter such as paper plates or something and the teacher doesn't even email me back. 

Should I feel guilty because I need to work?  


School events - Momtoo

[ In Reply To ..]
As a mom who missed a lot of school events because of transcription work, let me tell you - you will regret that you didn't go to these events when they are older. I have one in college and one in high school and I never get to do anything with them. Go while you can :)

Talk to your child's teacher - anon

[ In Reply To ..]
I used to be a teacher and really preferred it when parents talked to me directly about anything they were concerned about. Give him/her a call and discuss it. Maybe they could give you an idea of what events are coming up and you could pick one or two to participate in so that you don't have to feel guilty and you can explain to your daughter that you have to work during some of her events, but you or her dad will take off work or adjust your schedule to be there for _____ (fill in blank with what activity or event you will be able to do). She may not say so, but it's important to her.

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