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How education affected the election.
Posted: Nov 24, 2012

Yep... lots of well-educated people with no common - sense whatsover... not surprised.nm
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Yes, we all know knowledge rots the brain, - especially women's. nm
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According to who? Liberals? - Uh, no thanks
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If it wasn't so pitifully stupid it would be funny.
Thing about facts are, you don't have to like them - grits
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but that doesn't make them less ... factual
Yes, this does require some immediate denial. Ever wonder, tho, - what educated conservatives believe?
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Not the typical rock thrower who never made it past high school, but those attorneys, business executives conservative political scientists, accountants, doctors, etc., who are conservatives?
Or even those wealthy conservatives who "deserve" to dip into our pockets for more and more because of all they presumably do for us? Not all of them are intelligent or well educated, of course, but almost all went through college because that's what people like them do.
What's educated conservatism sound like?
Statistics for chart came from - Foxbusiness.com
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It is right at the bottom of the chart in the small print.
I notice that no one in this discussion pointed that out but you and - backwards typist
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no one stated it's a lie or don't believe it because it came from "Faux News" which is the same company except it's all business news.
Guess it's all in what they consider their viewpoint and not what's true or lies.
Here's an interesting piece of information about this - little poll
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Upon doing research of who put this together. First I went to Happy Place.com, but that is a site for jokes and stuff, so I kept researching to find out if this is a joke.
What I did find was, that all the states listed as the so called "best educated" states I found that those states listed in blue are some of the wealthiest. The red list states are poorer and therefore people can't afford to send their kids to fancy schools because it cost too much. It doesn't mean the people in the states are smarter, it just means they have more money, which in turn means the richer people (those 2%ers) voted for Obama. The other states are too busy having to work.
Also education means nothing. Some of the smartest people never went to college. Ever heard of Henry Ford, John Rockefeller, Steven Spielberg, etc.
Also, just because someone mommy and daddy could afford to send their kids to a college does not mean that person has common sense,
right, and that certainly gives the lie to the idea... - sm
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...that the blue states go around supporting Santa.
Exactly..no "common sense". Many "well-educated" people - think Obamacare means free healthcare.. ignorance.
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Rubbish. No sensible person thinks it's free. That's a lie fed - to the ignorant by reform opposition,
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makes them feel superior to imagine themselves so much "smarter," I guess.
BUT, there's that ol' fund of knowledge thing again. When the bag's mostly empty, that's almost the definition of a fool because it leaves a person totally vulnerable to manipulation. There's nothing to check all the lies against. After a while you don't even dare look for the truth because everything you believe would be at stake.
And there you have them. Lincoln's people who can be fooled all the time.
I can't quite buy your argument. I live in - Maryland and am by no SM
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means a 2 percenter LOL. I have a 2-year college education (AA degree). My family and many others in Maryland are by no means "rich". I think it has more to do with social culture than money. I was encouraged to learn and expand my thinking as I grew up. I wasn't boxed in. I was taught evolution. I was taught about birth control, not abstinence. My life did not revolve around religious teachings. Don't take this the wrong way, which I am sure some will, but I think anyone can become educated in many things if they so choose, especially now. If you are discouraged to do so or around a culture that does not do so, then you are easily swayed by those who take advantage of your uneducated self. Thus, you believe absolute fairy tales.
agnostic rhetoric garbage... - anon
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belief in fairytales comes from one who believes in nothing. education. if you choose to be educated, you also choose to be educated only in certain things...only the things that support YOUR beliefs and debunk learning anything that may not support your beliefs. true education comes from the acceptance of ALL ideas and beliefs...not just what you CHOOSE to believe. gah!
True education leads to an open mind and the ability to differentiate between - fact and fiction. nm
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"true education comes from the acceptance of ALL ideas and beliefs...not just what you CHOOSE t - grits
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That's tolerance you're talking about, and anybody can be tolerant; it's not the exclusive domain of the educated.
The shame is that so many choose not to be.
Education means NOTHING, huh? Knowledge and understanding - are the fuel for wisdom and common sense
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No fund of knowledge, no common sense. That's why we don't let even the most brilliant babies play with wall sockets. Or 10-year-olds vote. The larger the fund of knowledge, the greater the ability to make wise choices.
Here's what's interesting about that. - grits
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...and by "interesting," I mean "hilarious."
My husband is changing careers, finally becoming a teacher as he always wanted. Therefore, education is very important to him. Before the election, he did independent research to see where the red and blue states stood on education, and his results were nearly identical to this. After the election, he did it again (independently) and came up with the same results.
If you don't believe the poll, research it yourself. Let us know what you find.
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