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What is wrong here?

Posted: Oct 27, 2011

I was watching the news last night and there was a story on there on how in Washington State they are having a problem finding workers to pick apples.  Now, they usually use illegals but with all the crackdown on illegals they are thousands of people short on getting these apples picked before the frost kills them.  They were talking about coming up with some temporary work visa so they can come in and pick these apples.  The news guy said that they apparently can't get American workers to do it because it is considered cheap labor.  The guy says he has signs up and advertising everywhere trying to get help.  Here's the part I don't understand.  The guys says he pays $150 a day for a 9-hour day.  What is wrong with the people in this country.  They said people don't want to give up their unemployment to do it.  Okay, but where are all the people who aren't getting unemployment and crying about not being able to feed their families.  Where are all the young people who would like to earn some money.  Heck, if I lived there I would be out there picking apples. 

The mindset of the people in this country amazes me. 



That comes out to about $16.66 an hour... which is - 3 times what I make as an MT. (nm)

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Go pick apples then - If that's all you makes

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Or at least McDonalds. Sick of hearing people cry. If that's all you make, you need to get out of this field.

Hate to say it, but you're right. - me

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If he/she's only making 5-something an hour, it's time to hang it up. There are a lot of other jobs you can do at home where you'll make more money. My sister does customer service at home and averages about 10 an hour.
Absolutely. - It makes perfect sense
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We should all just roll over and accept our fate. After all, 10 an hour is a lofty aspiration in this day and age of 30 years worth of flat-line salary and wage increases for middle class employees and blue-collar workers whose labor continues to lift corporate profit margins to all-time highs while ever increasing numbers of us find our jobs outsourced, offshored and rendered obsolete by technology. We should continue to turn a blind eye to their political empowerment and zip our lips while employee benefits become distant fond memories of days gone by, along with SS and Medicare, and sit idly by and watch our kids graduate from college, then grapple for crumbs at Mickey D's and WalMart, march in lockstep, chanting in unison, "TRIC-KLE DOWN, TRIC-KLE DOWN!" Beyond "YES, MASTER, YES MASTER," we should censor democratic process and sell off our First Amendment rights to the highest bidders, make way for the dawn of a brand new chapter of US plutocracy, stop trying to reverse escalating economic dependence on China, India and other foreign powers and never give a second thought to the resentment and hatred our hubris and arrogance generates and nurtures in Third World terrorist camps and underground cells scattered across Europe and the "Homeland.". By all means, whatever it takes to stop those miserable leftist/pinko/commie Marxists from taking over, no matter what the cost.

Insert Pledge of Allegience and the National Anthem here, and don't forget to say your prayers.
What company does your sister do customer - service for? SM
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Daughter looking for job like that if possible. She has physical disabilities that preclude working in an office.

Whatta beotchey answer - nm

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Maybe, but it was practical. - Why not get a better job if this one sucks so much
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They get paid by volume. To make $150 they must fill 8 bins - 800 pounds per bin....

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3+ tons every day, climbing up and down ladders. The work shortage is for "skilled" immigrant pickers who can sustain that rate. Most newcomers do less than half that much, 3-4 bins per day in 9 hours, so the radio ad for pickers that claims to pay $150 per day is a bit deceptive. Some employers have to supplement wages just to get them up to minimum wage. The work is labor intensive, 7 days a week, and can pose safety and health hazards. There is no workers comp to cover work-related injuries or medical care for those who get sick from exposure to changing weather conditions, pesticides, fertilizers, etc. Housing and food is not provided, so workers live in makeshift camps and must provide their own transportation to and from markets to feed themselves, often from remote locations far away from restaurants and grocery stores.

The shortage of skilled seasonal migrant farm workers is directly attributable to recent changes in immigration laws and enforcement. The articles I read said they have had a good response from inexperienced jobless locals and college students, but the problem is finding skilled replacements for the immigrants who have been scared off. There is a real possibility that large portions of the crops will not be cleared in time to survive the first freeze, and some farmers in the region are facing pending bankruptcy.

If anyone should be lining up - JS

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to pick apples, it should be all those squeaky wheels who squawked and squeaked until they got their way as far as immigration crackdowns. It's a classic case of I told you so.

Some folks tried to reason with them. First by suggesting that even though they're ILLEGAL ALIENS (oooh scary), they're human beings... mostly very good Christian human beings... and deserve to be treated as such. We're well aware that the reason for their presence in this country is out of desperation to provide for their families... not greed... due mostly to US POLICY which rendered most of them unable to sustain themselves by farming any longer. It's actually very sad, but that reason wasn't good enough. Neither was the reason for potential discrimination against Hispanic Americans who are here legally... they're Americans! Oh well, a little police harassment is no big deal. They should just take one for the team. Then, we tried to reason in terms of $$, stating that the service provided by "illegals" and the profit gained from it far outweighs what they "suck out of the system." We saw this coming... loss of profit across the board from the farmers who grow the product to local businesses who cater to migrant workers to the folks who would have to pay out the nose at the supermarket. Still not good enough (and you wonder why people think that the immigration crackdown issue is based on bigotry since all common sense arguments are just blown off). So, as a result of the ranting and raving, you'll have more good ol' red-blood Americans now bankrupt and sucking the system. Way to go.

And, there's no way that the blame can be shifted to lazy unemployed Americans. This isn't necessarily an "unskilled" job. It isn't rocket science; however, it is very physically challenging and hazardous (which is why I posted here because your post cited these reasons very well... this rant isn't necessarily directed at you... sorry!). Most migrant workers come from generations of farmers, and the fruit/veg picking is actually a demotion. They have been farming all their lives and have the capacity to keep up... kinda like an MT who has been around the block for years being able to keep up on production with an MTSO. Expecting lazy Americans to come off unemployment and being able to make more money apple picking is a stretch.

Anyway, the squeaky wheels got their grease, and maybe one day they'll achieve that dream of never having to press 1 for English. In the meantime, they should get their ladders and get out there and start picking apples in order to do their part to correct the situation they've caused.

How do you like them apples? (again... not directed at you)

*End of rant*
What an excellent post, so full of logic and reason - which probably explains why
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TP responses have resorted to their usual, easily predictable, unimaginative, not so clever name calling, put downs and pontificating, on account of not being able to face these very real issues. Anyway, your post more than adequately answers the OP's original question of what's wrong with this picture and I very much appreciate what you added to my original line of thinking.
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I just got done watching an excellent show on this subject on Current TV (it was an episode of Vanguard). It wasn't necessarily about apple picking, rather a doc. about "illegals" in this country. They will be rerunning it later today at 1:00 (EST) and 4:00 in case you're interested. Hopefully this channel is available to you.

Have a good one.
I am interested, do get Current TV and will check it out. - Thanks for the heads up. nm
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They probably can't afford to - sm

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Take the bus, get a hotel, for a short seasonal job.

Great opportunity for the OccupySeattle Fleabaggers - nm

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How many jobless con kid deadbeats are lining up - t the orchard gates?

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Got any numbers on that?
You asked the question, you answer it - Please, how many
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And since the Seattle fleabaggers are closer in proximity to these "orchard gates" and employment is available, this would be a great opportunity for them to earn some money to pay for their I-Phones, I-Pods, computers, food, clothing, sleeping bags and tents. You know, to HELP THEIR CAUSE.
you forgot to mention these items - most important
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pot, drugs and alcohol.

Soap would be helpful too.
Wow. Steal your thunder, did they? - TP lost their spotlight.
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Too bad. So sad.
So I take it you dont have any numbers, huh? - Jobless Seattle con kids dont do apples.
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Your concern for the OWS cause is heartwarming.
Nope - How Many
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BTW, thanks most of my concerns are heartwarming.

So what are the numbers?

As far as the TEA Party, we will be around for a long time. Keep deflecting though, you lose. I am sure you will use the Koch Bros, etc., corporations. What a bunch a bull.

The spotlight is on the Occupiers, and it is pretty embarrassing. What is truly sad is how a lot of them are being used by people like you. They are nothing more than pawns and useful tools of the leftists/socialists/commies all the way up to obama, the money machine.
Why is it "leftist/socialist/commie" to want - corporate money out of SM
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government? Are you okay with with our representatives, who are supposed to work for us, making decisions based on what the corporate money can do for them? I just wish all of the 99s would vote all of them out of office. Won't happen though, one reason being it takes quite a bit of money to even run for office now, and where does that money come from? It seems as though you have to sell your soul to even think about running for office.
That is why I won't sign a petition - sm
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Where there are hate-filled rants about leftist, socialists, commies, Marxists, all while trying to soak taxpayers with their greed. Just saying.
Doing fine without your sig. - They don't need your help.
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Just another load of sour grapes from sore losers - who are notorious for
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counting their chickens before they hatch and thinking of themselves as legends in their own time. TP has already overplayed their hand bigtime and how long they stick around isn't up to you to decide. They have exposed themselves for the charlatans they are and have yet to come up with a single plan that can effectively address the economy, unless you believe that just say no is gonna fly next November. Hating the president is not a quality most folks look for when it comes time to select a candidate for office.

Repeat. OWS has stolen your thunder, now that you are not the only (so-called) grass roots movement on the block and you just can't stand the idea that their numbers are growing by leaps and bounds as we speak. Nothing embarrassing about that...quite the contrary. Koch brother sock puppets blinded by their own brainwash are not qualified to sit in judgment over which political movement is or is not genuine or valid. Toodles.
Whats with the sour grapes? - sm
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First off, because I do not agree with Obama’s policies, does not mean I hate him that is a word that you libs live by, not me or any Conservative I know so drop it.

TEA Party folks have a focused and coherent message that is deeply American at its core: Cut spending, restructure the tax system, balance the budget, reduce the size of government and limit its power as was intended by the Founders.

OWS on the other hand has no coherent or unifying message. Their messages of STOP CORPORATE GREED and EAT THE RICH are not messages, just slogans for bumper stickers. A lot of them are anti-American to the core. Look at who is co-opting them, the Communist Party, Socialist Party, Nazi Party, Big Unions, celebuturds, democrats, and Obama.

For those young naïve individuals following them, I hope they wake up before it is too late. You and your ilk are responsible for whatever happens, you OWN it.

As the old saying goes, when an adversary insists on making a fool of himself it is best to get out of the way and let him.

Have a Nice Weekend Comrade Toodles

P.S. The TEA Party is doing just fine. :)

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